
Louisiana Unemployment Benefit Questions

How should I file if I worked in another state or more than one state?

No matter in which state you may have worked, or in which state you may now live, you can file your UI claim in the Job Center closest to your current place of residence. Personnel in that office will assist you in determining against which state you should file. There is a Job Center or a State Employment Office in nearly every large town in the United States. Click here to find an office near you.

When will I receive my first payment?

It may be 3 or 4 days after you file your weekly claim before the benefits are available through the debit card. You may inquire about the balance on the card, without charge, by contacting the customer service center listed on the card. If you have problems with the debit card, contact Chase Bank at 1-866-795-5926.

What happens after the appeal is filed?

When an appeal is filed, you will be mailed a letter acknowledging receipt of your appeal. If you do not receive an acknowledgement letter within 10 days of the date you filed the appeal, contact the U.I. Call Center at 1-866-783-5567 for assistance. When the acknowledgement letter is generated, the appeal is sent to the Appeals Section where an Administrative Law Judge reviews it and then schedules it for a hearing.

How can I get records for proof of the amounts of unemployment benefits that I received or am entitled to receive?

You should send a written request for this information to the Unemployment Insurance Custodian of Records. You must include your social security number, your name and return address.

This request should be mailed to:
Louisiana Workforce Commission
UI Custodian of Records
Room 390
P. O. Box 44094
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9094

For additional information, call (225) 342-3018.

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