
Kentucky Unemployment Weekly Claims

Kentucky Unemployment Weekly Claims

How To File a Weekly Claim in Kentucky

Unemployed Kentuckians who need financial assistance can apply for unemployment benefits. However, unemployment compensation benefits are not automatically deposited into the bank accounts of jobless claimants. Claimants must file a biweekly claim using the Unemployment Insurance Claimant Portal located on the Kentucky Career Center website.

Some claimants can file a weekly claim, but only if their employer filed for unemployment insurance on their behalf (referred to as an E-claim). Most unemployed Kentucky residents will file every two weeks. You must file your bi-weekly claim on time, otherwise, your UI benefits could be delayed or even denied.

Remember that unemployment benefits are there to provide economic security to individuals who lost their job through no fault of their own. This means that they weren’t fired for willful misconduct or negligence.

When To Request Payment – Kentucky Unemployment Benefits

Request your first benefit payment 13 days after filing your initial claim for Kentucky Unemployment. There is something called a Waiting Week in Kentucky, which means that a claimant does not get paid for the first week they meet Kentucky Unemployment eligibility.

This waiting week may be used by the Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance to review the information provided on your initial claim and verify it is true. Once you begin filing a biweekly request for benefits, you do not have to do so on a particular day, but may do so any day between Sunday through Friday for the previous two weeks. You cannot file a request on Saturday. The online system is also only available during certain hours: weekdays from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM and Sundays from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

Kentucky Unemployment – Maintaining Eligibility

The first requirement for collecting UI benefits is that you must be able and available to work. Able means you are physically and mentally fit to take a new job. Available means you cannot use excuses like lack of transportation or childcare to avoid taking a new job. However, you do not have to accept jobs outside a reasonable radius of commute, or if you need to attend to sick dependents, or if it compromises your morality.

Another aspect of maintaining eligibility is that you must conduct a job search. Kentucky unemployment work search requirements are actually easier than most places in the United States, in that jobless claimants are only required to make contact once a week with a potential employer. That contact can include applying for a job online, in person, attending an interview, or using the Kentucky Career Center as a resource (in person or online). You must document the nature and details of your work search activity and report them when you file your bi-weekly request for benefits.

You must also report any income you earn while collecting unemployment benefits, and if you don’t, it’s considered unemployment fraud. If you do make money, even part time, 80% of your gross wages will be deducted from your weekly benefit amount. For example, if you do some part time work and earn $50, and your weekly benefit amount is $300, you will have $40 deducted from that and collect $260.

If you feel that you are truly eligible for benefits but have been denied them, you can file an appeal. The process is set forth by the Kentucky Unemployment Insurance Commission, and appeal instructions are included with your monetary determination Letter.

How to File a Weekly Claim in Kentucky

Visit the Kentucky Unemployment Portal to log in using Kentucky has teamed up with to keep your personal information safe and prevent identity theft.

The claim filing process may take up to half an hour. You will be prompted to answer a series of questions about whether or not you looked for a new job, and whether or not you worked. Based on the answers you provide, you may be prompted to input further information like dollar amounts, or details regarding potential job contacts.

Requesting Payment by Phone

You might be able to file a weekly claim over the phone. However, this option is only available for a certain group of claimants, such as claimants who are exempt from work search requirements. Most people are required to file their claims online.

Claimants who are eligible to file over the phone have a definite recall date from their employer within 12 weeks of filing their initial claim (in other words, they were temporarily laid off with a promise to return to work). Or, they might be part of an approved training program or vocational rehabilitation. Alternatively, they might have had their employer file an unemployment claim for them, which is called an E-claim.

If you are qualified to file over the phone, you can call 1-877-3MY-KYUI or 1-877-369-5984 and enter your identification information and PIN code when prompted.

You will then be voice prompted to answer certain questions. Make sure to place this call in a quiet space so as not to disrupt the automatic process and cause frustration. Make sure your claim is submitted and you receive confirmation before hanging up. The days and hours for placing these calls are the same as filing online: Sundays from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM and Weekdays from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM (not on Saturdays).

Receiving Your Kentucky Unemployment Payment

You have two options when it comes to collecting your unemployment benefits. You may opt to have the weekly benefits payment sent as a direct deposit right into your checking or savings account.

Alternatively, you may opt to have it sent on to a U.S. Bank Reliacard. Note that if you opt for the debit card option, you will have to collect your first unemployment benefits payment in the form of a paper check, and then your debit card will arrive in the mail seven days later. Make sure you are getting the full amount of benefits you deserve by consulting the Kentucky unemployment calculator.

What Happens If I Lose My Debit Card?

You should not call the Kentucky Office of Unemployment Insurance or the Kentucky Career Center if your unemployment debit card is lost. They do not manage the cards, which are instead serviced by U.S. Bancorp. Instead, go to or contact U.S. Bancorp’s customer service number to get assistance speaking to a customer service representative who can guide you to the right department.

How To Stop Collecting Kentucky Unemployment Benefits

Once you find a new full-time job, it’s time to stop collecting benefits. All you need to do is stop filing your Kentucky unemployment weekly claim (or bi-weekly claim for most individuals). Since the unemployment insurance system requires a bi-weekly filing, you may indicate that for one week you do need unemployment insurance benefits, but that for the following week you have secured suitable work moving forward.

You may also be required to stop filing if your benefits are exhausted, even if you haven’t yet found a job. Kentucky provides 12 weeks of unemployment during normal economic times. Generally speaking, there is no unemployment extension in Kentucky. States may offer extended benefits during times of economic hardship (like during the pandemic).

Please note that the Kentucky Unemployment Office does not allow you to collect unemployment insurance if you have secured new employment but are just waiting for your first paycheck.

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