
Kentucky Unemployment Calculator

Kentucky Unemployment Calculator

Calculate your projected benefit by filling quarterly wages earned below:

We created this calculator to help you estimate potential unemployment benefits. We make no promises that the benefits you receive will be equal to the calculation.

Kentucky Unemployment Benefits Calculator

Disclaimer: The estimates are good in faith and accuracy is not guaranteed. We are not liable for any loss and damages caused by using the tools on our website. This calculator is here to assist you in evaluating what you might obtain if you are entitled to receive benefits. We make no promises that the sum you receive will be equal to what the calculator illustrates.

Learn how to apply for Kentucky unemployment benefits.

The most recent figures for Kentucky show an unemployment rate of 4.1%.

<h3″>Eligibility Requirements

You can collect benefits if you meet a series of eligibility requirements. Here are just a few.

  • Have earned qualifying wages
  • Are unemployed through no fault of their own
  • Are able and obtainable to work full-time and
  • Are keenly looking for full-time work

Learn more about KY unemployment eligibility requirements.

    How To Use the Kentucky Unemployment Calculator

    Before you get started with the Kentucky unemployment calculator, it’s important to understand its purpose. This is a guide to help you with a general, quick and easy estimate for the benefit amount you may be eligible for. Please keep in mind that it is an approximation and not guaranteed to be accurate, depending on the nuances of your situation. But – if the benefit amount you receive is dramatically different from what the calculator shows, that can be an indication that you should check into whether the state is calculating your benefits correctly.

    Calculating your Kentucky unemployment is quick and simple. Simply enter your quarterly earnings in the fields provided, including at least two of the last four quarters. The calculator will then show you an estimated benefit amount, along with the number of weeks you can expect to receive benefits.

    To be eligible for Kentucky unemployment, your earnings must be high enough to reach the minimum threshold. If your earnings were too low during the base period, your results will show that you are ineligible because of insufficient earnings during the base period. You most likely will be directed to call the Kentucky unemployment office for additional details and direction on the next steps.

    How Kentucky Benefits Are Calculated

    Unemployment benefits in Kentucky are calculated by determining your earnings during your base period – the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters. Once this number is determined, the first calculation is to find 1.1923 percent of your earnings. This is your basic benefit amount.

    However, other considerations apply before your final benefit amount is set. For example, the state of Kentucky will verify that you earned at least $1,500 during one of the four quarters of your base period – otherwise, your claim will be denied. In addition, you must have earned a total income of at least $1,500 in quarters outside of your highest earning quarter throughout your base period. And finally, your total income for the full four quarters must be at least one and a half times the amount of your highest quarter.

    Here a few examples of what you can expect:

    • If you make $100 per week in Kentucky, your estimated weekly benefit is $62 for up to 24 weeks.
    • If you make $300 per week in Kentucky, your estimated weekly benefit is $187 for up to 24 weeks.
    • If you make $400 per week in Kentucky, your estimated weekly benefit is $249 for up to 24 weeks.
    • If you make $700 per week in Kentucky, your estimated weekly benefit is $436 for up to 24 weeks.
    • If you make $1000 per week in Kentucky, your estimated weekly benefit is $624 for up to 24 weeks.

    It’s also important to note that if wages earned during the third and fourth quarters are significantly lower than those earned during the first two quarters, your claim may be denied. Once your weekly benefit amount is determined, your total wages for the final two quarters of your base period must be at least eight times your calculated WBA.

    What Is a WBA?

    Your WBA, or your weekly benefit amount, is the maximum amount of financial assistance you can expect to receive per pay period. You should note that it’s considered the maximum because, in some cases, you may earn part-time or contract wages during a weekly pay period, which would be deducted from your benefit amount. As a good rule of thumb, your weekly benefit amount calculation should be roughly equal to 1.1923% of your base period earnings. Currently, the minimum WBA in Kentucky is $39 and the maximum, no matter how high your base period earnings are, would be $626 per week for up to 24 weeks.

    What Is a Base Period?

    The base period is key to determining the amount of Kentucky unemployment benefits you’ll receive. Here’s how it works: when you apply for Kentucky unemployment, the state of Kentucky will review your earnings for the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters.

    The income you earned during this period will determine the amount of unemployment benefits you’re awarded. In order for your wages to be eligible, they must have been earned through employment where your employer paid unemployment taxes.

    What If My Benefits Are Less Than Calculated?

    After using the Kentucky unemployment benefits calculator, if you find that the amount of your benefit check is different from what was calculated, there are some actions you can take. First, you can recheck your base period earnings and weekly benefit amount using the benefits calculator, making sure all your numbers are accurate and complete.

    If your calculations and the state’s calculations remain dramatically different, you may move forward with filing a Kentucky unemployment appeal. Doing so ensures that your benefits claim will get a second review by an official who was not involved in your first determination. The same is true if you are denied benefits completely, and your employer also has the option to appeal if they disagree with the decision regarding your claim.

    You must file your appeal within 30 days of the date of your official determination letter. You can mail, fax, or email your request for appeal, and you’ll be notified when your appeal hearing is set. In Kentucky, you’ll probably be asked to participate in an appeals hearing via teleconference, so you won’t have to travel.

    Issues That May Affect Your KY Unemployment Calculation

    Combining Wage Claims If You Work At Multiple States

    If you worked in another state during the base period, you must file a combined wage or interstate claim. If you need help, ask your local office for assistance if you are filing a combined wage claim or interstate claim.

    Federal Military And Civilian Employment

    If you served in the federal armed forces during your base period, wages earned during such service may be used in determining your eligibility for and to calculate your benefits. In addition to all regular eligibility and qualifying requirements, to be eligible to receive unemployment benefits based on military wages, you must have been discharged or released from military service under honorable conditions after completing your first full term of active service. You may be eligible for benefits if you were separated prior to completion of your first full term of service, but only if the reason for early separation is one approved by the U.S. Department of Defense.

    Federal Civilian Wages

    If you worked for the federal government in a non-military position, this service and all wages earned during your base period will be used to establish your benefit eligibility. Wages earned after your base period may be used in a subsequent claim if you are otherwise eligible. If you request a reconsideration, you must notify your local office within the time period for appeals noted on your determination explaining your benefit eligibility.