Got Laid Off? Useful Resources to Survive a Job Loss

Laid off affects your finance, future and career. It is a distressing experience to deal with. Seeking a new job and getting back into labor force becomes extremely puzzling and annoying. Whether you have just graduated, been without a job or desire to make a change, the job hunt has gotten a slight harder these days. Jobs are just not easy to get hold of as they used to be. That’s why it’s vital to use few of the effective ways to get back in gear and stay floating in economic tempest.

At some point of life, everybody has to deal with losing a job. The below mentioned are essential resources for those who need assistance with dealing with unemployment, as well as getting ready for the search for the next employer.

1. Find Community Resources for Unemployment

Where to Learn New Skills and Help Others

First steps that should be taken when you have been without a job include informing family and partner, outlining a simple plan for getting back on your feet and seeking resources that can aid you with all of the above.

Here is a solid first step in order to regain your confidence and control: place all your community resources –those right in your backyard, a lot of which you pay for with your tax dollars-that can give you a benefit or provide support when you are laid off.

2. Community Colleges and Technical Colleges

You can position community and technical/vocational colleges in your local phone book or online. When you have become jobless you might think going back to school for additional career in your job specialty or branching out into an associated field of study or pursuing a completely new profession.

  • IT technicians and professionals certification courses and “boot camps”
  • Health-care related certificates, such as certified nurse assistant, surgical tech, phlebotomy specialist, health-care informatics, medical coding and more, may influence a well paying job in the health-care field. These career fields are quite secluded from economic turmoil.

3. Local Unemployment Support Groups

In recent days, support groups for laid off or under-employed people have become popular all over the country. Try searching for one close to you. These groups not only give emotional support, but you will hit upon opportunities to set up connections with prolific adults, share ideas on job searching, resume building and just have an opportunity to mingle with people in your area who share common objectives.

4. Community Education Classes

Community education classes may motivate you to visualize basket-weaving or knitting. That was “then”. But today’s community education programs provide an amazing array of very low-cost classes ranging from $10-$100 that can educate you marketable abilities.

Some of them include:

  • How to sell real estate and study for your real estate license
  • How to write grants, business proposals, business reports, and business letters
  • New computer skills and various software applications
  • Money management and mastery of basic investment strategies
  • How to draft a professional resume and cover letter that gets you an interview
  • Digital photography
  • Welding
  • Web and graphic design skills

5. Volunteer Organizations

Volunteering with local organization when you are in an unemployment holding pattern will let you to use your career experience and skills to help others, as well as to set-up, meet people and even learn new skills. It will get you out of the house and aid you systematize your life along more routine lines. Your will feel more productive and worthwhile, guaranteed.

Unemployment can be terrifying and distressing experience. But with the help of these resources, you can find guidelines on survival from those who have been who have been there to get yourself across it with a least amount of fuss and time.