8 Jobs You Can Get This Valentine’s Day

If you are going through a rough patch, staring unemployment in the face, then Valentine’s day can seem like an annoying occasion. However, there is a silver lining. Some of these Valentine’s day jobs are not as available during the rest of the year. This gives an excellent chance to those looking to make a few extra bucks. The 14th of February has become heavily commercialized over the years as … Read more

How To Get Hired With No Experience

Five Important Tips When You’re In Between Jobs

Whether you are a fresh graduate or someone with little experience, you may be feeling a sense of nervousness and excitement as you may be looking for your first job. Finding jobs with little or no experience is not an easy task as companies generally lookout for people with experience.  Getting that first job may be tough or even if you have a couple of months of experience It can … Read more

Handling Job Interview after Long Unemployment Period

Many American who became jobless in the early days of recession remain unemployed and the practical and emotional toll is immense. The recent jobs report had mixed news. Overall unemployment levels have resolved at a relatively lower 8.5% percent but almost 5.6 million Americans have been out of work for more than 6 months and nearly 3.9 million for more than a year. Presently, employers are spoiled for choices. Many … Read more

Five Ideal Jobs For Veterans

Veteran Unemployment Benefits In US

The most suitable jobs for veterans are those which require the skills they sharpened while serving the nation. It is that discipline, commitment to work, and never-say-die attitude that makes veterans employable.  Over the years, America’s veterans have had a considerable advantage over their civilian counterparts. The transition from a military job to a regular job depends on each person. Some people may find it extremely easy, whereas some people … Read more

Best Jobs For A Stay-At-Home Parent

Being a stay-at-home-parent is not an easy task for anyone. You have to manage your kids, family life and finances. Here’s where stay at home jobs come in. The trick is to find the right job to balance your household duties and find time to enjoy your work.  A stay-at-home job will help you manage your finances better, plus give you the time to spend some quality time with your … Read more

Coping with job loss and unemployment stress

Our jobs are much more than just the way we make a living and its usual to feel helpless, hurt or angry after losing it. They give us purpose, meaning and influence how we see ourselves, as well as the way others see us. Beyond the loss of income, unemployment also comes with other major losses and is one of the most stressful things you can experience. These days every … Read more