Tips For Setting Career Goals

The best way to understand yourself personally and professionally is if you review your work and contemplate your job or determine if you need a career change. This is a time to reflect on your past experience and to think about what direction and goals you should work on and determine where you would want to grow in the future. There are several jobs in the market and plenty of … Read more

What The Unemployment Rate Does Not Tell You

unemployment rate does not tell you

Among the many crises precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic collapse and the resultant massive unemployment are uppermost among the public’s minds. The unemployment rate soared to 14.7% in May 2020 from below 3% in December 2019. As jobs have been a much-discussed issue even before the pandemic struck, everyone is wondering what the unemployment rate does not tell you. Many experts had argued that the low unemployment rates … Read more

Job Prospects for Recent College Graduates Continues to Rise

The national average unemployment rate has witnessed a free fall over the last couple of months. Jobless rate last reported for February 2015 was just 5.5%, down by 1.2 percent over the year. Stakeholders across various social and economic groups have been closely tracking progress in their respective segments to monitor the impact of massive job creations in the last two calendar quarters. A recent study by Georgetown University’s Center … Read more

Sectoral Unemployment: Transportation and Warehousing

Unemployment Transportation and Warehousing

Transportation and Warehousing are one of the most important employers in the US. After the worldwide air travel restrictions imposed in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, this sub-sector made headlines with job losses and furloughs. Let’s look broadly at unemployment in transportation and warehousing and the likely trends for the future. Profile Of Transportation And Warehousing Sector According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this sector employed about 7 … Read more

Best Places to Find a Job in 2024

It’s a great time to be in the job market. America has the lowest unemployment rate at 4.1 percent which is the lowest its been in 17 years. There is a 4 percent increase in hires since the previous graduating class. For job seekers, there is a good chance of feeling optimistic. Job creation was a whole 6 percent lower in 2017 than the previous year. There is a likelihood … Read more

New Year With Fresh Possibilities in 2024

Just like that two months have flown by and you should start 2018 as a year full of untold possibilities. You need to make this year exciting enough to make tough decisions that could have a positive effect on your job. Does this make you part of the 40 percent of Americans that want to really make their resolution count? Well, you could be among the 8 percent that does … Read more

Part Time Employment Situation In USA

Generally, when we table a topic of discussion on employment, an important aspect that takes back seat is part time employment. There are millions in the country who have embraced part time jobs as a matter of choice & there are people, who are compelled to work part time, owing to job conditions. Therefore, it is important for us to treat part time employment on par with its full time … Read more

Long-Term Unemployment: What to speak about in a Job Interview

Many American who became jobless in the early days of recession remain unemployed and the practical and emotional toll is immense. The recent jobs report had mixed news. Overall unemployment levels have resolved at a relatively lower 8.5% percent but almost 5.6 million Americans have been out of work for more than 6 months and nearly 3.9 million for more than a year. Presently, employers are spoiled for choices. Many … Read more

A Glimpse At The U.S. Weekly Employment Situation

A Glimpse At The US. Weekly Employment Situation

Ever since the economy has reopened, states have witnessed a dip in the unemployment rate and claims. According to the Labor Department’s reports, the seasonally adjusted initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims were 860,000 in the week ending September 12, a decrease of 33,000 claims from the previous week. The 4-week moving average for the week ending September 12 was 912,000, a decrease of 61,000 from the previous week’s revised average.  … Read more

The Employment Situation August 2018

FUN Unemployment AUG 18

The Unemployment rate in the United States remains unchanged at 3.9% while the total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 201,000 in the month of August. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics in their monthly report state that job gains occurred in professional and business services, wholesale trade, health care, transportation and warehousing and mining industries. As stated above, the unemployment rate remained at 3.9% in August and the number of … Read more