How Does Basic Income Disincentivize Work?

How Does Basic Income Disincentivize Work

When it comes to Universal Basic Income, it’s not a new idea that has been floated by the government. It’s a concept that has brought about a lot of discussions and gained traction in the media and Congress. How it works is that a basic income or basic living stipend is provided to citizens as a cash payment using taxpayer money. This is unconditional and this means that there is … Read more

Tips That Help You to Be on Top at Workplace

Workplaces are getting extremely competitive day by day owing to an assortment of the talent pool from all age groups coupled with performance oriented policies from organizations. The bottom line is that everybody wants to be on top. After all, superior performance is always appreciated and rewarded. Some of our personal and collective strategies towards achieving success at the workplace may or may not work. The key to unlocking success … Read more

Tips to Get Hired After a Career Break

Tips to Get Hired After a Career Break

Have you taken a career break to start a family of your own or due to temporary retirement? Otherwise, have you taken a break to enjoy yourself and travel the world? Based on this, women outweigh men that took a break due to family and personal reasons. But whatever was the motive behind you taking a career break, there is always a time when you would decide to jump back … Read more

Best Practices While Job Hunting You Need to Know About

Are you looking out for a new job? Maybe something new would come up and you could improve your skillset with your new job. With your experience coming into play, you could be ready to take on a managerial position or you could be up for a raise. There are times that your company may be paying you below the market standard or you could be looking out for a … Read more

Quitting Your Job or Getting Laid Off – What’s the Better Option?

There’s a lot of upheavals taking place in the organization and a round of layoffs have been happening. Decide if you need to quit your job or if you should leave your job. Your workload is shrinking and other people’s positions are being slashed. You feel you’re being excluded from meetings and that you might just be the next in line to get the pink slip. You’re faced with a … Read more

How To Get A Job If You Have A Disability

Searching and interviewing for a new job typically comes with a certain level of angst – but if you’re searching for a job and feel unsure about how an existing disability may affect the process, the pressure rises dramatically. The good news is that many American employers actively promote jobs for people with disabilities – not only because disability inclusion is inherently fair, but also because employers see the value … Read more

Types of Unemployment

Types of Unemployment

Unemployment is an important issue in American politics no matter what side of the aisle you’re on. Whether the current numbers are high or low, lawmakers and everyday citizens have good reason to care. The unemployment rate at any given time is a key indicator of the health of the economy. Even though the term “unemployment” is spoken frequently, there’s more to it than most people think. Knowing the various … Read more

Drug Testing Regulation Checks Unemployment Insurance Benefits

Since the 1960s, the federal laws have banned states from drug testing jobless people that apply for benefits. But after the recent legislation, Republicans now want all states to institute tests for benefits. Currently, $1.6 million has been spent on drug testing jobless people that apply for unemployment benefits. Also, over $2 million was spent in the last two years alone. This money could have been spent to expand welfare … Read more

How to ask your boss for a raise

How to ask your boss for a raise

If you’re considering asking for a pay raise, it’s understandable to feel nervous about how to go about it. However, asking for a higher salary is an important part of career development. Here are some tips for asking your boss for a pay raise. How to ask for a raise A pay raise or salary increase is an acknowledgment of your contribution to the company, and it shows that your … Read more

The World’s Biggest Work-From-Home Experiment

World’s Biggest Work From Home Experiment

For those lucky enough to still be employed, the Coronavirus pandemic launched the world’s biggest work-from-home experiment (WFH) as employers everywhere were forced to shutter offices and plants by government orders. Working from home has allowed many companies to remain operational during his difficult time which is causing massive layoffs across sectors such as entertainment & recreation, food services, even healthcare, etc. People have various reactions to this new normal. … Read more