Best Practices While Job Hunting You Need to Know About

Are you looking out for a new job? Maybe something new would come up and you could improve your skillset with your new job. With your experience coming into play, you could be ready to take on a managerial position or you could be up for a raise. There are times that your company may be paying you below the market standard or you could be looking out for a completely different role. Whatever it may be, you should ensure that you do not make your job search obvious to your co-workers and let them know that you are looking for something new in the market. This will allow you to work with confidence and not alarm your colleagues and superiors that do not know that you are looking out for a change of job. This will ensure that no issues are brought up and that you can continue to perform your tasks without any unforeseen challenges.

Best Practices while Job hunting you need to know about

Ensure that when you are looking out for a job, you should connect with people, get in touch with job boards, send out emails and constantly ask people about job openings. This will help you position yourself better and enable you to find new avenues for jobs. It could be difficult to find your dream job but by asking your friends and contacts, you would be in a better position to get an interview for a job that might interest you. This means that you should connect with more than just one person and send out emails to people that you feel would be able to help you find work. Also, you can connect online with portals that give you a heads up about open posts that might interest you and help you understand your position in the job market.

Job Hunting Best Practices

Make sure you connect and review jobs on offer in order to help you find your dream job. When you are job hunting, you should keep this information discreet and let only those that are certain to help you, know that you are looking for a change. The following are some of the best practices that you should follow while job hunting:

1. Create your own resume

There are times that people feel discouraged to show that they do not have relevant experience. Job hunters have a duty to explain their story. A study in 2011 showed that communicating achievements to prospective employers provided the highest positive impact on careers. This is even more so for those that are proactive, ask for promotions and complete high profile assignments. The main thing is to value your own experience as no one else will.

2. Make yourself available

Some people feel embarrassed to tell people that they are looking for a job. At times this is because they think that people will only talk negatively. Even highly successful businessmen act like everything is going on well without admitting it. Most people make assumptions about what people would think about them needing a job or being unhappy at work. Do not let your ego get to you and cloud your view. Make sure that every conversation talks about your standpoint of asking the person to help you look for a job. Let them know that you are looking out for a job and help would definitely come your way.

3. Connect with your contacts

There are times that you may feel that you may have fallen out of touch with your colleagues from your previous companies. It’s alright, talk to them. Otherwise, you could connect with your children’s parents, parishioners at the church or people that conduct volunteer activities. You should not feel that one person will be able to help you land your dream job. Meet at coffees, lunches, seminars and send out emails to let them know that you are looking out for a new job. If you are on a person’s radar consistently then this will take out the awkwardness in the networking scenario especially when you ask for something in return.

4. Leave a good impression at every chance

There are times where people will give you a reference to jobs that are out of your reach and at other times positions that would insult you. When you are provided with a job that you feel is beneath you, you should have an open mind and set your rules aside. This would mean that you would keep your pay requirements, job title and scheduled restrictions on the back burner. Once you communicate with the interviewer, hiring manager and others then you can explain your intentions. This will help you make new connections. There are times that they will help refer you to positions within or outside their companies. This will help you realize that the job you interview for may not be the only job that is available to you.

5. Connect with people that helped you

Networking is usually a two sided exchange. When you are a job hunter, you probably do not have anything to offer. You should not look like someone that is only looking for favors and handouts. Try to figure out a common ground and see how you can be helpful and this will ensure that your networking conversations seem less forced.

Make Your Search Considerate and Discreet

Make Your Search Considerate and Discreet

When you are looking out for a job, you should ensure that you do it silently and without letting your immediate colleagues know that you are looking out for a change. This means that your search should be tactful and discreet. In order to do this, you should follow these steps:

1. Have a positive attitude

It is normal for your enthusiasm towards your current job to slip when you are looking to bolt. Similarly, you should not wear your attitude on your sleeve. You should make it a point to excel at your work and complete all your tasks on time. At this time, you can also take on additional assignments which includes mentoring and staying fully committed to your work. This will ensure that there is no visible sign of you leaving even when you may be not completely focused on your job.

2. Do not job search at work

Look for jobs when you are at home or at a coffee shop. It is not safe when an employer finds out that you are using the company email, phone or materials for your job search. Additionally, companies can easily track and trace its internet usage. You probably would not be able to search well enough when you are in a state of paranoia. When you are looking for a job, your search requires focus and if you’re worried about someone coming, pausing, picking up a call or completing a task then you will not be able to give the search, update your resume and make call with the attention that you require.

3. Remain silent on social media

Even though you might not interact with your bosses and colleagues on social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter, this does not mean that they are not viewing your profile. They can check your activity if you do not check your privacy settings or if you share mutual acquaintances with people that find you through a search on post. So make sure that you do not post anything that mentions that you are looking for a job.

4.Do not add present employers as a reference

When you are connecting with the company that you are interviewing with then you should let them know that they should not contact your present employer. You should fill your resume with references of previous employers. If you are determined to show that you are a success at your current job then ask hiring managers to write a recommendation or endorse you on Linkedin that you have received from your manager or colleague.

5. Stay in line with the company dress code

If you are wearing a suit to your office which is usually dressed in casual attire then you could bring in a sense of suspicion. You should not dress up differently from what you normally would. This should not be the case if you are leaving work before the interview or heading to the office after work. If you can grab a few minutes, then you should return home and change before you enter the office.

6. Schedule interviews when you are not working

Get interviews scheduled at times that do not interfere with your work. If you are facing a dilemma of not getting a time outside working hours then you should take a personal day or a holiday to be in the clear.

7. Admit wrongdoing if caught

If your boss or colleague finds out about you searching for a job then you should tell them the truth. When you lie, you only destroy your credibility and future chances of your boss serving as a reference.

8. Search and exit with class

You would have taken years to earn the reputation of an excellent employee. Do not destroy that title by doing a shady job search at the end of your tenure. Ensure that you keep your reputation intact and remember that the people you work with will be part of your network for your entire career.

9. Be active on Linkedin

Apart from the regular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram, Linkedin is the best platform for job seekers. Using this platform, you can showcase your skills, education and work to a potential employer. It is also possibly one of the best social media profiles that employers would check on first. Make sure your profile shows you in the most attractive light possible.

10. Reach out

You probably want to work for a specific company but find it hard to apply for a suitable position. This is no reason why you should not connect with someone that works in the company and ask them to introduce you and provide them with reasons as to why you like that company. There are chances that they will send your application anyway and when a job opens up, your application would be at the top of the list.