A Beginners Guide To Finding A Job As A Fresher

Finding a job is a challenging process, especially as a fresher. The process includes multiple stages, including preparing an eye-catching résumé, online research, opting for the right job portal, etc., which, when done correctly, can help you land in a perfect job. 

In this post, we will tell you how to prepare yourself to land in your dream job. First, let’s start with tips to prepare a résumé that acts as a gateway to your desired job role and team.

11 Résumé Writing Tips That Will Land You That Job

Your résumé is what gives a prospective employer the first impression. It can be your ticket into the company. If your résumé looks just like any other one that the recruiter comes across daily, it is likely to be ignored. Therefore, customize your resume to make it stand apart. 

Resume Writing Tips That Will Land You That Job


Below are the tips to prepare a résumé that not only stands out but also gives a lasting impression: 

1. Avoid Spelling And Grammatical Mistakes

Spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors may prevent the recruiter from paying attention to your skills and other vital aspects of your résumé. Not paying attention to your commas, periods, and spellings could send out a message that you lack attention to detail.

Besides grammar and spellings, you must pay attention to the usage of tenses, subject-verb agreement, apostrophes, and perfectly spelled homophones. Also, it is wiser to use digits and not words when it comes to numbers, as digits easily grab attention and consume less space. 

2. Do Not Exaggerate

Never exaggerate. If you have contributed a significant part to a particular project, don’t say that you lead the project. There have been instances where a candidate has been almost selected and then rejected due to exaggerating.

3. Customize Your Résumé

Always customize your résumé for each company that you are applying for. It might be easy and tempting to make a generic résumé and send it out to all the companies you’re applying to, but that’s not going to help. You need to customize the résumé to fit the different roles that you’re applying to. 

resume has the keywords

Ensure that your résumé has the keywords and key qualities mentioned in the particular job description. That’s because these days most résumés are first reviewed electronically. So if your résumé doesn’t have the keywords that match the job, it may not pass the electronic screening. 

You could also go a step further and give it an outstanding creative bend. If there’s too much information that’s important and can’t be eliminated, make it an infographic, so it’s easy on the eyes.

4. Dodge Stuffing Keywords And Cramming Information

While your résumé needs to have the keywords for the job, so it clears the electronic screening, remember that the one who’s going to call you and hire you is a human being. Therefore, don’t stuff your résumé with keywords, let it be easy to read and understand. 

5. Replace Objective With A Professional Summary

If your résumé still has an objective like “find an entry-level position in sales” at the top, scrap it right away. Some recruiters say that the biggest mistake that a candidate can make while applying for a job is to write an objective. Instead of telling the recruiter that you want a job, show them why you’d be apt for the role. 

Write a professional summary that resonates with who you are as a professional and the skill sets that you have to offer. The summary should catch the recruiter’s interest and entice the recruiter to read your whole résumé.

6. Use Right Font

Use a font that’s easy on the eye and a size that reduces eye strain. A résumé in a small font could irritate the HR and make them view your profile from a more critical angle or may even prevent them from going through your résumé.


7. Include Personal Accomplishments And Volunteer Work

If you have achieved something in your personal life that could imply that you have a certain technical or soft skill, include it on your résumé. For instance, winning a chess championship could imply that you are good at strategizing. If you like adventure sports and participate in them from time-to-time or participate in debates, you can add that as well. Certain personal accomplishments indicate rare qualities and skills that are sought after by hiring managers.

When it comes to experience like volunteering, you can include it in your résumé if it has taken up a significant amount of your time or has nurtured certain skills suitable for the job role. You can also include side projects, temp gigs, or pro bono work.

8. Add Social Media Links

Most people send out their résumé as a standalone document. Add your professional social media links to it. You could add your LinkedIn profile, blog, or personal website URL. The best part about adding the link to your LinkedIn profile is that the recruiter can check the skills you have listed and see who has endorsed which ones. Personal websites and blogs also give the hiring manager deeper insights into you. Adding social media links could also give an impression of being transparent.

9. Avoid Negative Words

Your choice of words matters when you are preparing a résumé. Use words that make you look competent and confident. Also, avoid using negative tones and words like “expert,” “go-to person,” “proactive,” etc., throughout your résumé. 

10. Highlight Skills

Do not forget to highlight the right information. Highlighting the different skills tells a lot about you or if you are comfortable with transitioning your role. You need to make your qualities and skills stand out without compromising on the appeal of your résumé.


11. Delete The Extras

Omit anything unnecessary. Extra words, irrelevant skills, and anything that doesn’t need to be put there. Excess of random information or redundant information dilutes the important points in the recruiter’s mind. Also, eliminate any such information that can hurt religious sentiments or create controversies. 

Once you finish preparing a résumé, the next step is to choose the right job channel to look for a suitable job. 

Today, there are a plethora of job channels, and choosing the best among them can be tedious. To help you with your search, we have listed job channels that are popular and reliable. 

4 Most Effective Channels for Job Seekers

Most-Effective Channels for Job Seekers

Some of the trusted job channels are:

1. Job Portal

Job portals one of the ultimate platforms where recruiters meet job seekers. Thousands of companies post their requirement, and millions of job seekers register to meet potential employers. Generally, you need not pay any fee for updating your résumé and be visible to potential employers. Some of the top sites in the U.S. are Monster, SimplyHired, and CareerBuilder.

Tips To Make The Best Use Of Job Portals 

  • Register on at least 2 of the top job portals with your complete details (including skills) and résumé
  • Search with “specific keywords” at regular intervals and make contacts
  • Update your resume regularly to stay on top and if need be, make use of additional services offered by job portals to enhance your résumé and thereby your profile

2. LinkedIn

It is the most popular social networking site for professionals. This is where you can build a network and exchange information. Organizations trust this site to fulfill their talent search requirements owing to transparency and exclusivity. LinkedIn is a great medium to look up jobs not only in your country but also opportunities abroad.


Tips To Make The Best Use Of The LinkedIn

  • Complete your profile and change the visibility settings to “public” to get more views
  • Update your skills, get them endorsed and accept testimonials to enhance your profile
  • Join like-minded groups, participate in discussions and forums 
  • Watch out for messages on the wall from recruiters and respond accordingly if the role interest you

3. Social Media 

Social media is not all about entertainment. Perhaps, this is one of the most direct channels to interact with companies and recruiters. Recently, Organizations are investing heavily in social recruitment platforms as they cut out middlemen and lengthy processes. 

Tips to Make the Best Use Of Social Media

Tips To Make The Best Use Of Social Media

  • “Like” the pages and check for updates regularly. Search for jobs matching your profile/educational background and apply immediately
  • “Comment” to share your feedback on various posts and campaigns to fall in the limelight
  • Share your experiences and participate in forums and online events
  • Follow Twitter a/c for job updates and follow the thread to apply. Do not hesitate to retweet if it helps someone with relevant #tags

Note- Social media can definitely help you find a suitable job. But you must know that offensive posts or poor language when used in social media can impact your job search. Therefore, avoid posting racist or any other insensitive comments.

4. Glassdoor

A fast-growing network that started as a community for company reviews and is currently redefining the way job searches happen. Glassdoor offers honest and moderated reviews from employees who volunteer to provide feedback about the organization that they are employed to guide prospective job seekers. 

Tips To Make The Best Use Of Glassdoor

  • Update your full profile and fill sections as requested. Subscribe for email alerts
  • Read reviews about companies, understand the nature of business and employee satisfaction ratings
  • Make regular contacts with employers you choose to apply with

In addition to the above job channels, you can also ask for a referral from your contacts. Who knows? Your friend might be your next colleague!

Preparing a résumé and choosing the right job channel is a job half done. To land up in a dream job, you must clear the interview with flying colors. Therefore, you must , you must prepare well for the interview. But many times, despite preparing well, you might commit several interview mistakes that prevent you from getting a suitable job.  

Below, we have listed useful tips on preparing for an interview.   

11 Helpful Interview Tips

Helpful Interview Tips


The following tips will help you get through your interview effortlessly:

1. Prepare To Ace The Basics

There are a few questions that are inevitably asked at every job interview. Make a note of these questions and prepare answers for each one of them. You can also write down your answers and then say it out loud to know how impressive it sounds.

Here are some of the most common questions asked in interviews:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Why do you want to join this company?
  • What are the skills that you possess that set you apart from the crowd?
  • Name a few of your strengths. Narrate past experiences to support them.
  • What do you consider to be your greatest weakness?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • Why does this role interest you?
  • What are your requirements in terms of salary?
  • Would you like to add anything that we didn’t cover?
  • Is there anything you would like to ask us?

Make sure that all your answers remain under one minute. Don’t ramble, keep your answers concise and articulate. This will give your interviewer the impression that your answer is well thought through.

2. Research About The Company

Regardless of how new or old the company is, it’s always good to know about the company before attending an interview. It not only shows the interviewer that you are interested in the job, but it also helps you understand the working environment.

Research About The Company

Run a search on the company and see what it’s known for, know its products, and the team on sites like Glassdoor.com, vault.com, and indeed.com. See if the company has been featured in the press, who its competitors are, what its SEC filings are (if it is a public company, you can check for these aspects on sec.com). You can also look up the company on LinkedIn and check to see if you have any mutual connections. Talk to them and find out what the work culture is like and anything that you should know before interviewing.

3. Schedule For The Right Window

According to Glassdoor, the best time to schedule an interview is at 10:30 AM on Tuesday. On Mondays, employees are usually gearing up for the week, while on Fridays, they are preparing to wind down for the weekend. 

The same principle applies to the first and last slots of the day. The interviewer has other responsibilities beyond hiring. Also, it’s best to avoid the slot just before noon as your interviewer could be too hungry to concentrate; or the slot immediately after lunch as they could be in a food coma.

4. Run A Social Media Check

Interviewers often scan their prospective employee’s social media profiles. Browse through your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or other social media handles to check what kind of posts you’ve made. If there are sexist, racist, or any other kind of memes or comments or embarrassing pictures that could put you in a negative light, take them off.

5. Checklist Of The Documents

Keep all the documents ready on the day of your interview. The required documents include:

  • Résumé
  • 5-6 copies of your passport size photos
  • Samples of your work like writings, design layouts, etc.

Checklist Of The Documents

6. Take Mock Interviews

Practice for your interview with your friends or family. If one of them has experience with interviewing employees, even better. These practice or mock interviews will boost your confidence and allow you to experiment with different answers and hear how you sound. Request the mock interviewer to give feedback on your answers and ask you a few offbeat questions so you know how well you can think on your feet.

7. Arrive At The Venue Early 

Reach the venue 5 to 10 minutes in advance. Download directions to the venue and anticipate traffic delays in advance. You don’t want to get to the interview late or sweating and panting. Turn off your phone before your interview begins.

8. Don’t Underdress Or Overdress

You’ve always heard, “There’s no such thing as overdressing for an interview.” Overdressing for an interview could give out the impression that you don’t understand the workplace culture. That’s why it’s important to research a little about the company. Before attending the interview, figure out the dress code, and go one notch more formal.

Dont Underdress Or Overdress

If the company dresses in casuals like jeans and T-shirts, wear a blazer with flats. And if it’s a flats-and-a-blazer kind of place, dress in business casuals. Just make sure to go one step more formal than the dress code.

9. Use The Products & Services

Interviewers like it when the candidate they’re interviewing is prepared. Use the product/service of the company. Get a feel of what the company’s into. Companies are always happy to receive constructive feedback.

10. Prepare For The Unexpected

When faced with the unexpected at an interview, remind yourself that this is an interview and not an actual situation. Keep yourself cool and take your time before you answer. Don’t feel pressured to answer quickly and say the first thing that pops up in your mind. Some interviewers ask questions that help them understand the personality of the candidate.

11. Keep It Conversational

While attending an interview, keep it conversational. Remember, it’s not a test but just one person trying to find a match for an open role. Don’t let your answers sound like speeches. 

Also, interact with your interviewer, don’t let it be the same old boring question-answer session. However, make sure to not go overboard or lead the conversation astray or come off as someone who’s overconfident. 

Note that apart from your verbal communication and the ability to comprehend and respond appropriately, body language plays a vital role during the interview process. 

Below, we have listed down some of the most important Do’s and Don’ts of body language during an interview. 

Body Language During Interview – Do’s and Don’ts

Body Language During Interview

Some of the do’s of body language include:

1) Greet And Settle Down Calmly

As soon as you enter the interview room, walk up straight to the interviewers, shake hands with a smile, and introduce yourself only by name. Let that handshake be firm and smile light. Sit down calmly when you’re asked to be seated.

2) Use Hand Gestures That Sync With Your Talk

Be audible and slow. Use appropriate hand gestures that sync with your emotion and nod your head as a sign of acceptance. Remember, bodily movements are a great way to showcase your ability to multi-task and signifies a positive attitude.

3) Pattern Of Eye Contact

Eye contact is one of the most crucial aspects of body language during an interview. Do not shy away from making eye contact with the interviewer or the panel. However, at the same time, do not engage an eye to eye contact for long durations.

Pattern Of Eye Contact 

4) Exit With The Same Enthusiasm You Came In With

Always remember, the interviewer takes time to analyze key phases of the interview, and the decision to select you is not concluded immediately. After calling it off, do not rush abruptly to exit. Thank the interviewer and make a polite exit.

Some of the don’ts of the body language are:

1) Twiddling & Making Facial Contacts With Hands

Scratching your head or face during the process is a strict “NO.” Doing so frequently can be considered a sign of nervousness where you’re trying to cover up gaps in speech and thoughts. Also, it can be considered unhygienic practice.

2) Crossing Hands And Locking Hands Back

Crossing hands or locking hands back ceases your ability to make gestures or move freely. Such gestures give room for the interview to perceive as resistance. Therefore, if you’re standing, keep your hands straight down with free movement and if seated, use them for gestures.

3) Nodding Fiercely To Express Disagreement  

Avoid disagreements as far as possible. If needed, make a gentle nod and speak up assertively, expressing your views. Nodding excessively and making lewd gestures to express displeasure can be offensive, which may have a huge impact on your selection.

When followed correctly, the above-listed aspects may help you to make it through the interview effortlessly. Once you clear the interview and get selected for the job role, the next step (the most important step) is to sign the offer letter.  

Receiving a job offer is often thrilling, that you might tend to accept and sign the job contract without much scrutiny, focussing merely on the monetary aspect. But you must understand the fact that it’s not only money that you work for. Other facets of a job, such as career growth, the company’s reputation, and so on, matter when you take up a job. 

Therefore, do not blindly sign the offer letter. Take some time, ask yourself questions on multiple fronts, weigh it to explore the various pros and cons, and sign if you are completely satisfied. 

To help you with the process, we’ve collated a list of the most intriguing questions you must ask yourself before starting a new job.

Factors You Should Consider Before Signing A Job Offer

Factors Yo Should Consider Before Signing A Job Offer

Some of the factors that you should consider include: 

1. Job Profile And Designation

Study the job profile and determine if it matches with your aspirations. You may have given the interview in haste due to various personal factors and not found the time to get into the nitty-gritty of the job opportunity. Be convinced about your job role, the place of work, shift timings, and the nature of the job perfectly match your preferences. 

2. In Proportionate With Personal Goals

Ask yourself a series of questions in this regard. Did you decide to take up the job for money or for the exposure it gives you? Does it match the educational qualification and skills? Will it help you in achieving the short term and long term career goals

Remember, a job is a long time commitment that may hamper your personal goals in the longer run. You may end up being trapped in a skill that you had only planned to stick onto for a brief period. 

3. Monetary Compensation

No matter how much you hate to disagree, we all work for money at the end of the day. Weigh the compensation offered against your financial commitments and goals. Ensure it covers the living expenses and also helps you save for the future. If you’re not happy with the compensation and perks, go ahead and negotiate with the company. Most of them do consider revising the salary to an extent these days. 

4. Work-Life Balance

Today, job roles are increasingly becoming dynamic and are often fuelled by long work hours, due diligence that tends to eat up personal space. To avoid heartburn in the future, underlining your job’s key facets to check if it will affect your personal and family life to a great extent.

If your job offer meets all the above-listed aspects, go ahead and take up the job. But remember, stepping into a professional field is not a cakewalk. The phase of transition is critical. From signing the offer letter to completing a year in your first job, your acts can make or break things for you. 

Out of all the major and minor aspects, we’ve listed 5 tips for fresh graduates like you to find success in your first job.

Tips For Fresh Graduates to Find Success in the First Job

Tips For Fresh Graduates to Find Success in the First Job

The following tips will hep you succeed in your first job:

1. Stay Open-Minded

This is the most crucial aspect. Be open-minded and embrace all the learning that comes your way. Whether it is a process, you will be learning or a skill you’ll acquire, learn them with passion and dedication. Also, always look up to your seniors and supervisors for mentorship.

2. Willing To Unlearn

You read that right. As much as you’re willing to learn, the focus should be balanced on unlearning as well. Some theories and rules may not be the most appropriate in all places. As a fresh graduate, you must acquire the ability to unlearn and replace it with suitable actions or develop your own.

3. Ready To Take Instructions

Salaried employment is all about hierarchies and following the instructions from the boss. There will never be an end to this pyramid. Be ready to take instructions and feedback from your superiors and supervisors. If you feel it is harsh, take it with a pinch of salt, and any disagreement should be communicated assertively. Also, do not put your skills and knowledge above your peers and flaunt them. You may end up damaging your relationship with the team, which may be irreparable for a long time.

4. Flexibility And Proactiveness

College might have been about fixed hours of attending classes and chilling out with friends in between. But professional life isn’t the same. It is sometimes grueling and lasting work that calls for flexibility, such as putting in those extra hours or working on a weekday. Be flexible and open to working long hours when required. If it is taking a toll on your health, feel free to let your supervisor know.

Being proactive also adds laurels to your career. Take initiatives, innovate, and present your ideas. Factors that improve performance, productivity, a process or add value to the way it is being done is welcome in the corporate world.

5. Follow The Framework

In this new age of rapidly changing technology, organizations are netting the policy framework like never before. As a knowledgeable employee, you understand the rules and regulations and ensure the work is carried out within the boundaries.

The above-listed points, when followed correctly, will help you in having a smooth sail. You can also ask your family or seniors to provide you with tips to help you survive in the corporate world and have a successful career. 


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