8 Jobs You Can Get This Valentine’s Day

If you are going through a rough patch, staring unemployment in the face, then Valentine’s day can seem like an annoying occasion. However, there is a silver lining. Some of these Valentine’s day jobs are not as available during the rest of the year. This gives an excellent chance to those looking to make a few extra bucks.

The 14th of February has become heavily commercialized over the years as corporates have seized the chance to get Americans to spend. On a positive note, the increased demand creates jobs in various sectors from the greeting card industry to hospitality. From a humanitarian perspective, you also get the chance to bring some joy into the lives of the young and the old.


The flower business is the perfect chance to make money during the season of love. Flower sales peak up during Valentine’s week. A good florist can help customers choose flowers as per their symbolic meaning. Flower arrangement is a valuable skill that an artistically inclined person can easily pick up. 

Baby Sitter

Being a baby sitter is a lucrative job this Valentine’s Day. Couples want to go out on romantic dates and don’t mind spending more bucks than usual on childcare. This Valentine’s day job is a golden chance for you to cash in.

Limousine Driver

A good number of Valentine’s day plans involve renting out limousines. Thus, there would be a situation of driver-shortage that you can take advantage of. Safely taking intoxicated couples through their dates and navigating the traffic of the night involves a good level of driving skill- making this a well-paying job.


This is an excellent opportunity for you to show off sweet-making skills if making chocolates is your passion. Chocolate sales spike up on Valentine’s Day as they are the most popular gifting option. Clients make a beeline for niche chocolatiers rather than big-name brands to add a personal touch.



Valentine’s day brings a plethora of opportunities for those with musical skills. Whether you are a soloist or a member of a struggling band, the sheer number of events looking to hire musicians guarantees gigs. Song Writers can find freelance opportunities as most people can’t write lyrics but want special songs tailored to their partners. 

Greeting Card Writer 

There are several freelance opportunities for content writers during Valentine’s week as the greeting card industry looks to hire. Powerful words can capture someone’s heart, and drive up sales. If you can write well, you will be paid well. All you need is a laptop and a working internet connection.

Park Keeper 

Valentine’s Day sees a surge in the number of proposals. The favored destination for proposing happens to be parks. Here’s where the role of a park keeper comes in. All you need to do is maintain the park and earn a steady buck. 


This is a pretty lucrative job throughout the year, not just Valentine’s Day. But there is no doubt that more people require help finding partners around Valentine’s season. With a multitude of dating apps and sites, there are more matchmaking jobs than ever. If you are a compassionate person with good people skills, consider looking for these jobs or you can even look to starting your own venture. 

Let’s Spread Love This Season!

Whether you are in between jobs or want to earn some extra money to treat your partner to something special, Valentine’s Day jobs are what you need. If all you can find are part-time positions, be sure to file your unemployment claims on time. Celebrate your relationship with your loved ones as you support each other through these tough phases.