Things You Should Do If You’re Unemployed

10 Things You Should Do If You’re Unemployed

Times can be tough, even more so when you are unemployed. There are uneven economies around the world that have made it difficult for people to find work. Unemployment could be a challenge irrespective of age, qualification and how unemployment affects the larger population in recent years. Though you might not be able to control being unemployed, you should know how to react to it. This could be despite several … Read more

Job Hunting Advice for ‘Stressed Out’ Millennials

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According to a recent survey conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) millennials are officially the most stressed-out generation in the United States. Also known as Generation Y, millennials are those of us who reached adulthood around the beginning of this century. Now recognized by no less than the White House as the largest and most diverse generation within the American population, this significant group has certainly had a lot … Read more

What are the Most In-Demand Jobs in 2020?

What are the Most In Demand Jobs in 2020-01

2020 will see a rise in jobs in the technological sphere. As we are very well aware, the world is changing rapidly, and as a result, most of the in-demand jobs in 2020 will have a technological aspect to it. A lot of jobs today will continue to be a part of the future but will undergo a massive change.  One of the most in-demand jobs in 2020 will be … Read more

Five Seasonal Jobs For Christmas Worth Applying For

Five Seasonal Jobs For Christmas Worth Applying For

The holiday season is finally here! It’s a great opportunity for celebration and spending time with family and loved ones. If you’re on the lookout to make an extra buck this holiday season here are five seasonal jobs for Christmas you should consider, now is the perfect time to begin your search. According to research conducted by Snagajob in the holiday season, temporary workers earned an average of $15.40 per … Read more

How Are US Cities Coping With Unemployment At The End of 2020?

How are US cities coping with unemloyment

The end of 2020 is coming with mixed news. Americans can look forward to continued unemployment benefits and improved job availability as Congress is putting together a new aid package and the economy recovers slowly. But, are these changes reflecting evenly over all the metropolitan areas across the country?  Almost all the US cities are doing much better than they were at the beginning of the shutdowns. Take a look … Read more

What Do The Jobs of The Future Look Like?

What do the Jobs of the Future Look Like

Jobs of the future, have already surfaced in the United States of America. A lot of activities that the workforce carries out today are going to become automated in the times to come. Several new advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence are the way forward for the workforce of the future.  Automation-enabled technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence will increase productivity among the workforce. This, in turn, will … Read more

Read Before You Apply for Next Job

Being jobless is a phase of life that is not so welcoming since it primarily cuts off the monetary supply. It can also have a bearing on personal relationships and physical & mental well being. But then, it all boils down to our perception and reaction to this situation which would have occurred in almost everyone one’s life, at least once during the lifetime. Unemployment is usually uncalled for break … Read more

Why Has College Graduates’ Unemployment Rate Increased?

college graduate unemployment

Educational attainment and unemployment rate are closely correlated, as the unemployment rate by education shows softer curves and lower values, the higher the qualification. And yet, the past decade has thrown up a curious aberration as college graduates’ unemployment rate increase showed a sharper uptrend than any other group. The unemployment rate of people without high school diplomas fell from 5.4% in 2018 to 4% in 2019, while the unemployment … Read more

Resume Writing Tips for Freshers

One of the most crucial aspects of scouting for a job as a fresher is your resume, a strong medium that helps you market yourself to the prospective employer. It has it all in a page or two. Your primary and ancillary skills, academic milestones, personal dossier etc. As a fresher, having a strong resume is as important as your interview since you do not have the professional experience to … Read more

Ghosted: Why You’re Not Hearing Back From the Companies?

Why You’re Not Hearing Back From the Companies

Are you on the job hunt and not hearing back from the companies you applied to? Well, they could be numerous reasons as to why you do not hearing back from jobs you applied for. Not knowing where you stand in your job search can be pretty stressful for you. The uncertainty on whether you should keep applying for more jobs or wait for a response from previous interviews and … Read more