Max Weekly Benefit Amount
Max Weeks of Benefits
Current Jobless Rate

Iowa Unemployment Benefits

Iowa Unemployment Benefits

The unemployed people in Iowa can receive Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits, provided they have lost their job through no fault of their own. The UI program is handled by Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) and is funded by employers through payroll taxes.

Eligibility To Apply For UI Benefits In Iowa

An applicant must meet several eligibility criteria to be eligible for unemployment benefits in Iowa. They include:

Monetary Eligibility

To monetarily qualify for unemployment benefits in Iowa, an applicant must:

  • Have been paid wages by covered employers in at least two-quarters of his or her base period
  • Have wages of at least $1,700 in one quarter and at least $850 in another quarter
  • Have total base period wages of at least 1.25 times the wages earned in the highest quarter of his or her base period

Find out more about eligibility requirements

Job Separation

The applicant must have lost his or her job through no fault of his or her. The applicant will be disqualified from receiving benefits if he or she lost the job due to any of the following reasons:

  • The applicant was fired from the job for misconduct
  • The applicant was fired from the job for failing a drug test
  • The applicant voluntarily quit a job for reasons that are not considered as good-cause
  • The applicant was fired for violating organizational policies
  • The applicant was fired for having criminal charges against him or her

Eligibility requirements – overview

Maintaining Eligibility

The applicant should maintain his or her eligibility as long as he or she wants to receive the Iowa unemployment benefits. The eligibility can be maintained by following the below-listed points:

  • The applicant must be able and available for work
  • The applicant must accept a suitable job offer
  • The applicant must document work search activities
  • The applicant must verify his or her identity online
  • The applicant must actively seek employment (work search may be waived if certain criteria are met)
  • The applicant must be registered for work online or at IowaWORKS center unless he or she has registered for work with and have created an Employer Searchable resume

Find out on job search requirements

How To Apply For UI Benefits In Iowa?

To receive UI benefits in Iowa, the applicant must submit the following documents:


It is the fastest and safest method to apply for benefits. Applicants can file for Iowa Unemployment Insurance online by visiting the Workforce Development website.

Visit Local Center

Alternatively, the applicant can visit the local IowaWORKS Center and apply for benefits.

How To File Weekly Claims

After filing the initial claim, the applicant must file a weekly claim to receive benefits. The weekly claim can be filed online at 8:00 a.m. Sunday through 5:30 p.m. The applicant can call UI Customer Service at 1-866-239-0843 Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. if he or she needs assistance with the weekly certification.

Learn how to claim weekly benefits

UI Benefits Amount

The Maximum Benefit Amount (MBA) in Iowa is either 26 times the Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA) or one-third of the applicant’s total base period wages, whichever is less. The WBA is determined by the wages earned in the highest base period quarter and the number of dependents. The WBA is calculated by dividing the wages in the highest quarter by:

  • 19 for four dependents (maximum of $605)
  • 20 for three dependents (maximum of $559)
  • 21 for two dependents (maximum of $531)
  • 22 for one dependent (maximum of $512)
  • 23 for zero dependents (maximum of $493)

Benefits Calculator

The benefits calculator can be used to determine the estimated weekly unemployment benefit amount.

Disclaimer: The estimates are good in faith and accuracy is not guaranteed. We are not liable for any loss and damages caused by using the tools on our website. This calculator is here to assist you in evaluating what you might obtain if you are entitled to receive benefits. We make no promises that the sum you receive will be equal to what the calculator illustrates.

Know more about the Benefits Calculator

Things To Know After Filing An Application

A claimant must know a few aspects after filing for Unemployment Insurance in Iowa.


At times, a claimant may receive an overpayment of Unemployment Insurance benefits. In Iowa, the overpayment may occur due to various reasons, including:

  • The claimant failed to notify IWD that he or she does not meet the eligibility criteria
  • IWD reversed the previous UI benefits decision
  • The claimant’s weekly benefit amount changed because the wage information was incorrect when he or she filed a claim initially
  • The claimant failed to report earnings and hours accurately worked
  • The claimant failed to disclose the wages, vacation pay, severance pay received

Claimants are responsible for repaying overpaid benefits, regardless of fault. The amount can be repaid online or via check, money order, cashier check to the following address:
Iowa Workforce Development
UI Collections
1000 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50319

Overpayment Through Fraud

If a claimant deliberately provides false statements to receive a benefit amount more than he or she is entitled to, IWD will consider it as an overpayment through fraudulent practice. If found guilty, the claimant will have to pay a 15% penalty and will be disqualified from receiving benefits.

Benefits Extension

Normally, IWD offers benefits for a maximum of 26 weeks. But if the state’s unemployment is too high, it may provide benefits for additional weeks. Visit IWD to know more about the extended benefits.

Job Training Assistance

The Iowa workforce development system is multifaceted and includes private and public training providers that work with individuals regardless of their ages and abilities. The programs help job seekers to enter or re-enter the labor market. Some of the programs offered by the Iowa Workforce Development are:

  • Ticket to Work
  • Promise Jobs
  • IowaWORKS
  • Ticket to Work
  • Home Base Iowa
  • Ex-Offender Initiative
  • Federal Bond Program
  • Employment and Disability
  • Trade Act Assistance
  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit
  • Services for Youth and Young Adults
  • Veterans Employment Services
  • Adult and Dislocated Workers
  • Registered Apprenticeship
  • Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker

Know more job training opportunities in IA

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