
Indiana Unemployment Weekly Claims

Indiana Unemployment Benefits

Before you can get paid benefits each week, you must file a weekly claim and certify your eligibility for benefits. In Indiana, this is known as a Claim Voucher.

Claim vouchers are due each week after you first apply for Indiana unemployment. Vouchers must be filed between Sunday and 8:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the following Saturday. If you miss the deadline, you won’t get benefits for that week.

How to submit a weekly claim voucher

Weekly claims must be submitted online. Submit your weekly voucher using the Uplink Claimant Self Service. If you don’t have access to the internet, you can visit your local WorkOne office where they have computers and internet available for free.

The website will walk you through how to fill out your voucher, so make sure to read each question and your answers carefully before you submit it. If you run into any trouble, you can call the Indiana Unemployment Unemployment Insurance Division for help.

Claim requirements

When you file a weekly claim voucher for Indiana unemployment benefits, you’re confirming that you’ve met several important requirements:

  • You’ve registered for work on Indiana Career Connect and met all job search requirements. The state of Indiana requires you to perform one approved work search activity each week.
  • You’ve told the state about any work, income, or self-employment you had during that week, whether or not you’ve been paid for it yet.
  • You’ve been upfront about any issues that stopped you from working full time this week.
  • All the personal information and answers you provided on your claim are true and accurate.
  • You acknowledge that lying or leaving out information on purpose to get benefits is Indiana unemployment fraud.

If you’re dishonest or miss key details, there are serious consequences. You could lose your unemployment compensation and even have to pay back the money you got, plus interest and penalties. You could also face legal trouble, both civil and criminal. So be thorough and honest when submitting your weekly claim.

Waiting Week

Every Indiana unemployment applicant must go through a waiting period after applying for UI benefits. The waiting period lasts for one week. Even though you don’t get paid, you still need to file a voucher for that week to stay eligible for benefits.

Delays or Appeals

If your payment is delayed for eligibility reasons, or you have filed an appeal due to a disagreement, be sure to keep submitting your weekly vouchers by the Saturday deadline.

Once the issue is resolved, you’ll get paid if you’re eligible and have been filing on time. Otherwise, you will lose benefits for the weeks you didn’t file.

How to avoid issues with your Indiana unemployment weekly claim

Be Honest

Giving false or incorrect information when you’re filing for UI benefits is illegal and considered fraud. Always make sure every piece of information you provide is correct.

Sign up on Indiana Career Connect

To get UI benefits, you need to register on Indiana Career Connect. The site can help you find a new job and explore careers.

Actively search for work

Each week you want benefits, you must complete a job search activity. Keep records of where you’ve looked for work. You may be asked to provide documented proof of your activities. If you are unable to, your benefits will be denied for that week.

Don’t say no to a suitable job offer

If you refuse a reasonable job, you risk losing or delaying your benefits. You must be able, available, and willing to work to qualify for weekly compensation.

Report all earnings

Report all your earnings for each week you claim benefits. This means any part-time or temporary work, pensions, or other income.

Read the instructions carefully

Get to know the rules for getting UI benefits in Indiana. Reading all the material sent to you can help you avoid errors that might cost you money later on.

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