Max Weekly Benefit Amount
Max Weeks of Benefits
Current Jobless Rate

Indiana Unemployment Benefits

Indiana Unemployment Benefits

The Indiana Department of Workforce Development provides unemployment insurance benefits to those who lost their job through no fault of their own. Learn about eligibility requirements, how to apply, how calculate your UI benefits, and much more.

Indiana UI Benefits Calculator

The Indiana Unemployment Benefits Calculator helps you estimate your UI weekly benefits amount.

UI Benefits Calculator
Calculate Your Indiana Unemployment Benefits

Use the Indiana unemployment calculator to estimate your UI benefit payments.

Indiana Unemployment Calculator

Eligibility To Apply For UI Benefits In Indiana

You must meet the monetary and job separation requirements to be eligible for the unemployment insurance program in Indiana.

Monetary Eligibility

You must meet the following criteria to be monetarily eligible for Indiana unemployment benefits:

  • Your total wages during the base period must be at least 1.5 times the wages in the highest quarter of your base period
  • Your base period wages must total at least $4,200 of which at least $2,500 must be earned in the 6 months of your base period

In Indiana, the regular base period is the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters before the week you file a new claim.

Learn more about Indiana eligibility requirements

Job Separation

To qualify for Indiana unemployment benefits, you must have lost your job through no fault of your own. If you voluntarily quit your job, you may not qualify for benefits unless the reason for quitting is any of the following:

  • Your employer made significant changes to the terms or conditions of your work without your consent
  • You are working in an unsafe working environment
  • You are facing domestic or family violence
  • You are moving out with your spouse

Eligibility Calculator

Maintaining Eligibility

You must maintain your eligibility to continue to receive benefits each week. You can maintain your eligibility in the following ways:

  • You must be physically able to work
  • You must be able to readily available to take up work
  • You must document your work search activities
  • You must register for work on
  • You must actively look for work

In addition, you must also accept a job offer that pays at least 90% of your previous wage during weeks 5-8 of receiving UI benefits. After 8 weeks of collecting unemployment benefits, you must accept a job offer that pays at least 80% of your previous wage.

Learn about Indiana job search requirements

How To Apply For UI Benefits In Indiana?

You must submit the following documents to apply for UI benefits in Indiana:

You can file for Indiana unemployment insurance benefits through any of the following methods:


In Indiana, the application for unemployment benefits is submitted online. If you don’t have access to a computer and the internet, you can visit your local WorkOne Center for free access to the resource room.

Learn more about applying for UI benefits

How To File Weekly Claims

You must submit your weekly voucher the week following your initial unemployment claim and each week thereafter. You can file weekly certification through the online system—Uplink. Note that the week runs from Sunday, 12:00 a.m. through Saturday, 8:59 p.m., Eastern time.

Learn how to submit weekly claim vouchers

Things To Know After Filing An Application

After you submit your application, you should pay attention to the following:


You may sometimes receive unemployment overpayment due to:

  • Administrative errors
  • Reversal of previous unemployment decision
  • Failure to report wages and other necessary information
  • Willful misinterpretation or false statements

If you receive an unemployment overpayment, the Department of Workforce Development will send you a notice that includes instructions on repaying the overpaid amount. Note that you must repay the overpayment fully. If you fail to do so, the Department will deduct the amount from your future benefits or withhold federal or state income tax return to recover the overpaid amount

Indiana Workforce Development
Attn: UI Cashiering
10 North Senate Avenue, SE 001
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2277

Overpayment Through Fraud

If you intentionally provide incorrect information about your wages or eligibility to secure more benefits, the Department will consider it to be unemployment fraud. If found guilty, you will have to pay a penalty of 25% of the overpayment for the first claim, 50% of the overpayment for the second, and 100% of the overpayment for the third claim. You will also be disqualified from receiving benefits and may face criminal charges.

Benefits Extension

The Indiana Workforce Development provides regular unemployment benefits for up to 26 weeks. But if the state’s unemployment rate is too high, it may provide extended benefits. One federal benefit is Disaster Unemployment Assistance, which can activate in certain regions when the United States president declares a disaster. Federal unemployment benefits related to the COVID pandemic have all expired, such as Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Pandemic Unemployment Emergency Compensation.  

Job Training Assistance

Indiana WorkOne Centers offers a wide variety of services to assist job seekers like you with the job search process. Some of the services include:

  • Individual Career Counseling
  • Individual Employment Plans (IEP)
  • Short-term Pre-vocational Services
  • Indiana Career Connect
  • Financial Aid Information
  • Comprehensive Assessments
  • Information on Available Training Providers/Programs
  • Adult Education
  • Employment Statistics Information (Local Labor Market Trends)

Find job training opportunities in IN

Indiana unemployment contact information

If you need help or have questions about filing for unemployment, you will need to call the claimant assistance line.

If you would like information about job training programs or counseling to find a new job, call your local Job Center.

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