What does FRD in box 8 of form bc-3c (r-10-99) stand for?

by Betty

On my benefit determination form, box 8 has FRD and a date listed within it. What does the FRD stand for? And what is that date for?


Hi Betty,

Not a clue, tried to find a copy online of bc-3c(r-10-99), but all I know for sure is it is the benefit determination.

Is this your first determination, or for an extension or renewed claim?

Comments for what does FRD in box 8 of form bc-3c (r-10-99) stand for?




Jan 26, 2016 For Beth A.

by: Chris


I’m not so sure it isn’t called something else by now given the date and some changes to NJ UI law since 2009.

I know BC-3C (r–10-99) is nowhere to be found on the current NJ list of forms and publications related to unemployment insurance, for both parties.

I’m also not sure BC-3C would be the correct form for your purpose But if you want, please do elaborate as to what you mean by overpaid, or if you’re just trying to find a form so you can protest the overpayments, or appeal a charge statement, or, you could just email me the details.


Jan 26, 2016 BC-3E

by: Beth A.


I have looked everyplace to find a copy of this form. What exactly is it, I have three employees that were overpaid on a unemployment check.


May 28, 2014 HELP!!

by: Anonymous


Good Morning..as reported on my BC-3C form my date of claim was 5/11/2014 and my FRD in Box #8 was dated for 5/28/2014. My question is when can I expect to receive payments?….Thank You!

Congratulations, you’ve made it to your First Reporting Date. Just don’t confuse reporting you are still unemployed, able and available, looking for work and haven’t yet refused any suitable work, therefore claiming benefits for the prior couple of weeks .. as meaning your claim has gone through the non-monetary eligibility phase to make certain you are otherwise eligible to collect.

If it were any other state than NJ, I’d say you shouldn’t expect payment until the second determination, the one based on fault for the cause of separation is issued ..

The non-monetary phase usually takes four to six weeks to complete.

But, as a sidenote, I can’t even recall how many times I’ve spoken to someone in NJ who started collecting benefits prior to the non-monetary aka eligibility investigation phase .. only to have their benefits suspended.

I’m just speculating now as to a possible cause for this jumping of the gun. Maybe when an employer submits a response late, and it protest benefits, the state decides it’s time to finally investigate the cause .. and issue one of those dreaded overpayment determinations.


Nov 01, 2012 FDR and weekly and partial benefit rate.

by: Pedro



Whether you are working less than full-time or part-time, you must report your weekly gross wages (including tips) when you claim your benefits. Please note that even if pre-existing part-time employment is not used to calculate your monetary, you must declare all earnings for each week of benefits that you claim. Wages must be reported for the week in which they are earned, not when they are paid. The wages you report will be subtracted from your Partial Benefit Rate. The Partial Benefit Rate is 20% higher than your weekly benefit rate. You cannot be paid more than your weekly benefit rate.

For example, if your weekly benefit rate is $200, your Partial Benefit Rate is $240 (20% higher than $200). If you earn $50 during a week, you would receive $190 in unemployment benefits ($240 – $50 = $190).


Did you get any $ amount in boxes # 2 and # 3? Because if you did get $0.00 your claim is INVALID and you are INELIGIBLE to receive benefits because withing the Base Year Period shown in item 5a, you had, in employment covered by the Unemployment Compensation Law of NJ, fewer than 20 Base Weeks and you earned less than $7,300.00 Total Wages OR you did not meet “requalifying requirements” AS LISTED ON THE BACK OF BC-3C (R-10-99).

This is not my opinion, all the above information was taken from the NJ unemployment website and from the BC-3C (R-10-99) FORM…

You’re welcome…


Rosey asked the question a year ago, but I thank you for taking the time to respond for any future visitors to this question that began as ..

What does FRD in box 8 of form bc-3c (r-10-99) stand for?



Nov 08, 2011 What do I do now, that I reseved the BC-3C?

by: Rosey


Hello, anyone can help me, I have no glue of what to do, I filed for unemployment and reseved the BC-3C, now what??… and whats the partial benefits and why its more money?
please someone?
Thank You


If you want to send me an email .. that might be better. I do not accept new questions anymore via a comment, but even still, this might be easier to explain to you if you could fax your docs to me.

There’s a button low down on the left to email me.



Aug 18, 2011 same here

by: Anonymous


had the same question , answer was helpful


May 19, 2011 meaning for FRD

by: alex


This helped me answer the question i had an a looooong trip to the unemployment office thank you very much


Dec 29, 2010 FRD 8

by: Anonymous


This is very helpful, thanks! saved me a trip to the unemployment office.



Dec 09, 2010 No date on mine

by: Rose


I don’t have a date on this box? what does this mean? do I need to call the unemployment office?


Have you certified for the first time yet? After an initial filing for unemployment benefits .. you have to continue to file for benefits either weekly or bi-weekly.

I believe states are required to send out a handbook for claimants to all the file.

It should explain the process for certifying in that book.

If I’m not mistaken this post began with a question about New Jersey unemployment benefits.

If you’re located in a different state and you can’t find the instructions about filing weekly claims, let me know, I’ll find it for you.


Nov 20, 2010 FRD in Box 8 of Form BC-3C (R-10-99)

by: SPC Vega


“FRD” means “First Reporting Date”, which represents the first day (assigned on a Wednesday) that you are supposed to claim your unemployment benefits. This can be done online at www.njuifile.net or you can call the unemployment office closest to your location.

Thank you very much!! That, makes perfect sense to me.



May 21, 2010 A guess

by: Anon


i believe it means the date the rate was determined




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