What does FRD in box 8 of form bc-3c (r-10-99) stand for?

FRD Box 8k

by Betty On my benefit determination form, box 8 has FRD and a date listed within it. What does the FRD stand for? And what is that date for?   Hi Betty, Not a clue, tried to find a copy online of bc-3c(r-10-99), but all I know for sure is it is the benefit determination. Is this your first determination, or for an extension or renewed claim? Comments for what … Read more

Disaster Unemployment Assistance during California Wildfires

How to claim DUA for the California Wildfires

  California has been ravaged by wildfires for a few days now. Firefighters and emergency services have been striving to contain the blazes as new fires keep breaking out. In Sonoma County, where the Kincade fire has made an enormous hit, life is slowly returning to track, as people look at what comes next. The risk of fires worsening is up since fast blowing winds can spread the embers. Pacific … Read more

How To File For Partial Unemployment Benefits

Partial unemployment insurance programs are meant for full time employees who fail to work the stipulated full-time due to lack of work. Such claims are filed by the employers for employees who do not work full-time during the pay period owing to lack of work or by the employees themselves. This is usually done when employers want to retain employees even though there isn’t sufficient work. Eligibility You still have … Read more

File for Unemployment – The Ultimate Guide

You have lost that precious job that provided all the financial support. Now what? Obviously, this is not the time to panic or being depressed. Take a step back, and relax – there is always another job waiting to be hunted for. You can use job search links on this site to look for new job, but the first thing you want to do is to file for unemployment insurance benefits … Read more

Transferring Unemployment Benefits from One State to Another

Monetary compensation in the United States for unemployment is guided by laws and frameworks prescribed by the Department of Labor and operated independently by each state. The Unemployment Payments network is perhaps a perfect example of an all-inclusive social security system in a federal setup. You have every right to apply for benefits from a new state. However, the unemployment laws of the former state would still govern how your … Read more