Max Weekly Benefit Amount
Max Weeks of Benefits
Current Jobless Rate

Georgia Unemployment Benefits

Georgia Unemployment

The state of Georgia provides Unemployment Insurance (UI) to individuals who have lost employment due to know fault of their own.

Learn more about the requirements to claim for benefits, how to apply, how to calculate your benefits, and other important details to help you file for Unemployment Insurance in Georgia.

Georgia UI Benefits Calculator

The Georgia Unemployment Benefits Calculator helps you estimate your UI weekly benefits amount.

UI Benefits Calculator
Calculate Your Georgia Unemployment Benefits

See our Georgia unemployment calculator to estimate your UI benefit payments.

Georgia Unemployment Calculator

Eligibility for UI Benefits In Georgia

The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) has has several eligibility requirements for their unemployment insurance program. Requirements include monetary eligibility, job separation, and ongoing eligibility requirements that require weekly certification. 

Monetary Eligibility

The state law in Georgia requires the applicants to meet the set monetary requirements to gain eligibility for monetary benefits. The monetary requirements consist of receiving ‘insured wages’, and the total wages received during the base period. Insured wages are taxes wages paid by the employer to fund the Georgia unemployment insurance program.

In the state of Georgia, the base period is the first four of the last five calendar quarters completed at the time when you file the unemployment claim. An alternate base period can be used for those whose wages do not qualify for the regular base period. The alternative base period in Georgia is the last four calendar quarters completed at the time of filing an initial claim.

To meet the monetary requirements, you must possess the following qualifications:

You must have earned wages in at least two quarters of your base period, and your gross income must equal at least $1,134 in the two highest quarters in the base period. Total wages during the base period must equal at least one and one-half times the highest quarter of earnings.

The minimum weekly benefit amount is $55 and the maximum is $365.

Learn more about eligibility requirements

Job Separation

Job separation – the reason you became unemployed – is an important factor when determining eligibility for Georgia unemployment.  According to Georgia law, you must be unemployed through no fault of your own. If you were fired for misconduct or quit your job without good cause, you can be denied benefits.

GDOL will contact your previous employer to obtain information about your job separation and will verify the reasons you stated in your application. The GDOL may deem you ineligible if the reason given by you for job-separation is not the same as the reasons given by your previous employer.

Eligibility Calculator

Maintaining Eligibility

You must remain eligible for Georgia UI while you collect weekly benefit payments. Before you can receive your payment, you must file a weekly claim and certify your eligibility.

To remain eligible:

  • You must be able and available to work
  • You must provide proof that you are looking for work on a weekly basis
  • You must accept any suitable job offer you receive
  • When GDOL refers you for a job, you must apply for it
  • You must register with Employ Georgia and post your resume online
  • You must make at least 3 job contacts per week
  • Be physically able to perform work

Failing to carry out any of the above points would result in discontinuation of the payment of benefit amount.

    GDOL may randomly conduct an audit, in which if it’s found that you do not meet any particular criteria, your benefits will be stopped.

    Learn more about job search requirements

    How To Apply For UI Benefits In Georgia


    You can file claims through GDOL website or by visiting a local Georgia Career Center.

    Once your claim is accepted by GDOL, the department will issue a benefit determination letter. The letter will show the following information:

    • Your insured wages during the base period
    • Your weekly benefit amount
    • The maximum number of weeks you may receive the benefits
    • The periodically adjusted unemployment rate of the state of Georgia

    Read through the determination letter carefully. If you disagree with a determination, you can file an appeal.

    You must appeal within 15 days of receiving the determination letter in writing, in your career center.

    Learn how to apply for Georgia UI benefits

    How To File Weekly Claims?

    Weekly claims can be claimed by either using the website or by telephone. You must certify weekly to verify your ongoing eligibility. During the claims process, you will be asked to report any earned income, report any job offers your received, and report on 3 new job contacts each week.

    If you fail to claim benefits for more than two weeks in a row, your claim will be closed. You will have to reopen the unemployment claim account through the website or at a Career Center again.

    Learn how to claim weekly benefits

    Things To Know After Filing An Application

    After you apply for Georgia unemployment insurance, there are several things you should know that can help you avoid issues with your weekly UI benefits.

    Overpayment And Fraud

    It is very important to be honest when submitting your information. If it is found that you were paid benefits that you weren’t eligible to receive, this is known as an overpayment. If the event you receive an overpayment, you must immediately bring it to the notice of GDOL. You will be expected to pay back the excess amount received, along with any income taxes that were withheld.

    GDOL identifies two types of overpayments, they are:

    Examples of fraud include:

    • Making false statements to qualify for UI benefits
    • Intentionally withholding important information or facts

      Benefits Extension

      Georgia offers benefits extension when the state’s unemployment rate is too high, or when there is a disaster in the area. Learn more about the Georgia unemployment extensions.

      Job Training Assistance

      GDOL has several job training programs in place to help people find suitable employment opportunities. In addition to providing unemployment benefits in Georgia, the Career Centers also organize workshops and events with the intention of helping the job-seekers to improve their skills.

      Each Career Center provides the following services:

      • Resume writing and cover page writing assistance
      • Provides referrals and contacts of employers to job-seekers
      • Labor market information
      • Job search workshops
      • Career assessment and job-search assistance
      • Skill assessment of job-seekers, and referring them to the required training classes

      There are also scholarships and grants available if you want to go to school and continue your education

      Find job training opportunities in GA

      Georgia unemployment contact information

      If you have questions about your claim for Georgia unemployment benefits, or require assistance with filing, you can call the unemployment claims center.

      If you are looking for help with finding a new job, including resume writing help and training programs, visit your local American Jobs Center.

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