What to Write in a Job Offer letter?

job offer letter

When the interviews are done and the candidate is selected, you need to write out a job letter. But, what do you include in a job offer letter? In a job offer letter, you have to write a formal written document which is an agreement between the hiring manager and the candidate. Before you go ahead with preparing a job offer letter, you should ensure that you inform the candidate that … Read more

Ways to Attract Talent in a Tight Market

The American unemployment rate dropped to 3.7% in October. This is the lowest level since 1969 and this translates to the lowest unemployment in half a century. Though this is great for job-seekers, it’s tough in a tight labor market for employers. This would mean that they would have to improve perks, policies, and pay to attract the best talent. This presents employers with a need to get creative. This … Read more

Ghosted: Why You’re Not Hearing Back From the Companies?

Why You’re Not Hearing Back From the Companies

Are you on the job hunt and not hearing back from the companies you applied to? Well, they could be numerous reasons as to why you do not hearing back from jobs you applied for. Not knowing where you stand in your job search can be pretty stressful for you. The uncertainty on whether you should keep applying for more jobs or wait for a response from previous interviews and … Read more

Are Businesses Struggling to Find Workers?

Companies are finding it exceedingly difficult to source talent. Currently, 79% of hiring managers find it difficult to get the right talent to meet the requirements of open positions. 41% of hiring managers also express that turnover rate has increased since last year. This is due to employees being lured away by competitors offering more money. Similarly, 61% of the Chief Information Officers have reported that it is a challenge … Read more

Things Workers Expect The Most From Their Employers

Just like how employers have expectations from their employees, in the same way, workers have expectations from their organization. As the younger generations reach the working age and start working in companies, there are certain expectations that they feel are important for a healthy work life. The younger generations are not willing to spend their youth working in an environment that they do not like or spend years working in … Read more

What Does an Employer Pay Off for Unemployment?

The amount that an employer shells out for unemployment will depend on the sum of his payroll, his track record in keeping employees and the rates that are specific to his state. Besides, all employers should pay a federal unemployment tax that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) funnels back to the states to help pay administrative costs for unemployment programs. How much is a Claim going to Cost Employers? Most … Read more

The Real Cost of Unemployment Claims to Companies

Employers are financially responsible for the unemployment benefits paid to the unemployed.  That is, each state taxes its employers for the unemployment benefits it gives out.  Not for profit entities often pay on a per claim basis:  they pay a tax which equals what claimants receives at the time they receive it. For profit, businesses pay through a payroll tax. Significantly, this tax varies from year to year, depending mostly … Read more

Key Measures Employers Should Use to Keep Young Talent

Since the past 8 years, employers have been struggling to retain young employees for a period longer than 2 years. A 2015 College Graduate Employment Study at Accenture Strategy found that 49% (nearly half) of the 2015 graduates consider themselves to be underemployed or working in a job that does not require a college degree. There has been a steady increase in this number, from 46% in 2014 and 41% … Read more