I quit because of my verbally abusive boss

Posted by Anonymous

I have been working for my boss for a couple years now and he has gotten way out of line in the way he talks to me. He calls me every name in the book while he is screaming. I have been in tears many times. Can’t sleep at night. I am also on antidepressants. I am afraid to quit my job because I need the income.

If I do quit, can I receive unemployment while looking for another job?


Comments for Can I Quit Because of My Verbally Abusive Boss

Hang in there

by: Nate C.

Is it possible you could record video when he is doing his tirade? It’s very easy to be holding a camera phone in an inconspicuous way so as to not be obvious that your videoing him. Maybe even if you could get an audio recording. If you every get any notes with this kind of harassment, make sure you keep copies of them as evidence.


Good Point Nate – Stick it out until,

by: Chris

Just wanted to point out that enduring harassment is not necessary.

I would probably file a sexual harassment complaint as my first step, because of the name calling, but then I’m also female and imagined this was a woman and knew what she meant by every name in the book.

But the recording suggestion might work too, if she/he happens to live in a state that allows covert recording, either audio, or video, or her boss gives his permission to be recorded, well…

In some states it is actually illegal, a felony, to record conversations when the other person doesn’t know it is happening.

A little googling can help anyone find out if their state is a one person, two party, or all party consent state, or if there are further things you should know to avoid your own troubles.

This is the reason why we here that recorded message when we call some customer service center “your call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes”.

One thing I forgot to ask this person,

Does your boss ever make you feel like you are in physical danger?

I know someone who dealt with the same type of boss, but when he threw his knife to make it stick in her desk, she had had enough.

She didn’t call the cops, but wrote a resignation letter clearly describing the incident.

She was initially denied benefits, but she appealed and won, with the help of a rep who just happened to be a former UI hearing officer.

Click here for tape recording laws by state

Or better still, go see an employment attorney when it can do you the most good, when you’re still employed and some still want to help.


Document, Document, Document

by: Anonymous

Recording your employer is an idea, also keeping a journal at home and consulting your Employee Handbook might be helpful (if there is an Employee Handbook).

Chris has spoken before about preserving your job and speaking to the employer personally (that also means HR, if there is an HR), then “recording” in your journal what took place shows you made best efforts to protect your job and yourself.

Mainly, be the adult in the room. It is unfortunate how often employers can forget to be an adult human, when in the position of power, which like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

Well, you have power, too. Be strong and seek therapy if necessary.


Document, Document, Document is Right, but

by: CK

Recording conversations, or bullying events of your employer means to me you have also first made yourself of aware of whether your state is a one person, two person, or all party consent state.

In many states, recording your boss while they are screaming at you can actually be a felony if you did not first get their permission to record.

So be careful with that advice.

It’s for journalist, but don’t forget, when you complain to an agency like the EEOC, you are actually reporting you think an employee right may be being violated and you sure don’t want to be found guilty of violating any laws yourself.


By the way I liked the advice to be,

by: Chris

To be the adult in the room,

Perfect for all sorts of employment problems!!


constructive discharge ?

by: Anonymous

Worked for employer for several years. No wrote ups never been in trouble. I had to report a supervisor to higher up due to ethical concerns. Once I reported I have been retaliated against since. 4 weeks of harassment, threats and other absolutely craziness. I actually had to record a conversation because no one believed me and I couldn’t prove what I had been reporting. I have emails, text and still nothing has been done. I decided because of all this maybe I should leave. Gave my notice. Things got worse. I have reported these instances, I have documented them. I even have witnesses. My hours have been cut back and I was told by office manager that these aren’t the result of any retaliation.


Constructive discharge, per Findlaw.com

Constructive dismissal, also known as constructive discharge or constructive termination, is a modified claim of wrongful termination. Wrongful constructive dismissal occurs when, instead of firing the employee, the employer wrongfully makes working conditions so intolerable that the employee is forced to resign.

Since you gave your notice already, it’s crazy for a boss (who acts on behalf of an employer as an agent of the employer) to ratchet up the retaliation to that end, especially if you’ve been documenting to counter a burden for a discharge, or the burden of quitting to prove fault as being attributable to the employer, by a similar reasonable person.



Branch manager

by: Meegan

My boss was a bully! Verbally abusive. I spoke to HR. They sent a man into my office who I believe, sexually abused me. Not physically, but mentally. I could no longer take the abuse, so for much to his happiness, I resigned. I was treated so unfairly that I could not stay there another minute. Do I have any rights?