Fired for accidentally cashing fraudulent checks (I’m a bank teller)

Posted by Sandra (Michigan)

I cashed a fraudulent check in January. The computer highlighted the check as bad and I unknowingly over rode the computer and cashed it. The only explanation I can give is that I have been under extreme stress (not job related) that caused the error. I was brought into the office and told I was on probation and that if I cashed a fraudulent check in the next 90 days, I would be fired.

It is company policy to fire an employee if they cash two fraudulent checks in a given amount of time.

A month later, I again cashed a fraudulent check. Again, the computer had highlighted the fact and I over rode the computer and unknowingly cashed the check. I was terminated immediately.

Again, I have been under extreme personal stress. I live in Michigan. Will I be able to collect unemployment?

Hi Sandra,

I am not the one that decides if you will collect unemployment. I can tell you what I think about your chances though. So let me tell you about a possible scenario that happens to people in your type of situation…a lot.

If and when you file, the state will of course notify the employer that you have done so. The employer may respond with just a statement saying you were terminated for a rule violation….no details.

Depending on what you tell the state, they may decide to allow benefits in the absence of those details from the employer (I’m referring to the documents such as warnings and rules and your acknowledgment of rules).

Employers and more to the point their unemployment service provider respond in just this manner because they know that all they have to do is appeal and get those documents in for the hearing.

In the meantime, you have been collecting unemployment. If the decision is made to reverse and disallow benefits is at the hearing (very likely in your situation if there is documentation) the state will then need to address the issue of whether you need to repay the benefits already received.

This is a real danger of collecting unemployment and is one more reason why I always stress that it is you the unemployed person who needs to be sure of your position…per the statutes.

It is very doubtful that personal stress in your life will be considered good cause for your rule violation because the rule violation definitely is harmful to the employer’s interest and they did warn you. The employer followed their own policy…per you.

The very word “overrode” implies a knowing act. And that’s what the employer will hammer on at a hearing.


Comments for Fired for cashing fraudulent checks (I am a bank teller).


How do I respond during a job interview?

by: Anonymous

How do I respond during a job interview when asked why I’m no longer employed

The same thing happened to me and now I’m trying to get a job at another bank, when I’m asked why I don’t work for the other company, should I be honest and say I cashed a fraudulent check?


I certainly would not willing reveal the precise
reason and slam the door shut on that job possibility.

I think you should first check your state’s labor laws to see if former employers are restricted from disclosing any information.

Federal law does not restrict them from what they can say, but the real concern for employers is communicating disparaging information is potential defamation cases of libel or slander in a civil venue.

So, they usually choose their words very carefully, but can still communicate with a cautionary intent to the prospective employer.

Now, if you appealed any denial of unemployment benefits, and won, I think they be extremely careful to only say that you were involuntarily terminated.

One way to find out what a former employer is telling potential employers, is to hire a company that specializes in checking employment references.

They pose as a potential employer and find out exactly what is being said.

This alone could help you figure out how far to go in response to direct questions.