Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees

Employees working with various federal agencies/departments constitute a significant number of workforces in the US. We must understand that federal employees are susceptible to being unemployed like any other person. There may be massive layoffs across government organisations/agencies as well.

In such situations, a civilian federal employee who is separated from his job will be eligible to apply and receive unemployment compensation on nearly the same terms as a person who was employed with a private company. The Unemployment compensation for federal employees (U.C.F.E) is a program administered by the states which act as agents of the federal government. The law of the state in which you last served as a federal employee determines the eligibility for UI benefits.

american flag
Federal Employment


The law of the State (under which the claim is filed) determines benefit amounts, number of week’s benefits that can be paid, and other eligibility conditions. All other terms and conditions more or less remain the same as applicable for a non-federal employee.

Unemployment compensation is taxable. If you receive unemployment compensation, you will be sent Form 1099-G from the state where you filed your claim showing the amount you were paid and any federal income tax you elected to have withheld.

Furloughed federal employees are also eligible to apply. Use the benefits calculator to determine how much you may receive.

How to Apply?

You can apply like anyone else. States may take claims over the Internet, telephone, or in-person. Follow instructions provided on the state’s Web site. We strongly recommend that you read our benefits by state section before applying. This will help you apply confidently without any aggravations.

You are also required to know your department or agency’s correct name and payroll address, and, if available, the agency’s Federal Identification Code. Documents that have this information and will help you to correctly file your UCFE claim include:

  •         Standard Form 8 (SF-8)
  •         Standard Form 50 (SF-50)
  •         Earnings and Leave Statement
  •         W-2 Form

Post Application – Weekly Claims

Once your UCFE initial claim has been filed, you will have to file eligibility certifications weekly or bi-weekly depending on the state laws. The certifications can be over telephone or on the department’s website. If you’re a furloughed worker, you are not required to report work searches as it’s just a temporary layoff. Workers whose claim is approved generally receive their first benefit payment within 14-21 days from the date that the claim is filed.

By following the protocol prescribed by the state laws, your UI benefit claims can be a smooth one.