Unemployment Benefits Eligibility

Eligibility for unemployment insurance is determined by state law. More than half of jobless workers do not claim unemployment benefits because either they do not qualify or feel the filing process to be very complex. Contrary to this, numerous people meet the criteria for benefits and state unemployment offices have also reduced the amount of necessary paperwork over a period of time. This article will make eligibility criteria clear for … Read more

A Detailed Look At Unemployment Insurance For Educational Employees

The federal government provides Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits to the unemployed to temporarily meet their financial needs. The benefits will be provided to only those who lost their job through no fault of their own. The benefits can be collected by people belonging to any industry, including (but not limited to) retail, manufacturing, construction, etc. But can people from educational institutions also collect UI benefits?  Unemployment Insurance For Educational Employees … Read more

How Good is the Trump Economy?

To spell it out in his own words, President Trump tweeted, “In many ways, this is the greatest economy in the HISTORY of America.” This poses a question of whether the economy is doing exceptionally well post the Obama administration. This is based on the big difference between the level of economic performance and the direction of change in the economy based on the pace of development. How much economic … Read more

Employment Situation Across USA – November 2015(Household & Establishment)

The month of November was a feather in the cap of stable employment scenario in the country witnessed over the last couple of months. During this month, various sectors contributed 211,000 jobs with an unemployment rate that remained the same as last month at 5.0 percent. Year on year, the jobless rate was down by 0.8 percentage and unemployed persons by a whopping 1.1 million. Let’s unveil the monthly news … Read more

Base Period for Filing Unemployment Benefits

Estimate Your Base Period Using this Tool: Select your filing month and year:[unemp_base_period] Your Base Period is: The base period in a broader sense is the period of employment prior to losing the job. It is also referred to as base year. The base period is generally the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters prior to the effective date of the claim/unemployment. So what is a calendar … Read more

The Employment Situation – May 2025

The employment situation for the month of May has steadfastly maintained the growth achieved in the month of April. The unemployment rate has remained at 3.6 percent, which still remains to be the lowest rate in the last 50 years. The month of May will be the record 15th month to witness the rate of unemployment grow under 4 percent. Establishment Survey Data The professional and business services and healthcare … Read more

Stigma Attached to Unemployment and its Solutions

Walk into a dinner party with strangers and the conversation starts with what you do for a living, children from kindergarten to near adults in high school are constantly faced with the question of what their parents are and what they do; by and by our identities are inseparable from our field of work, position and employment status. Looking at the flip side, each of these casually made remarks holds … Read more

California Sees The Lowest Unemployment Rate In Last Four Years

California, one of the largest economies in the world. A state which represents one-tenth of nation and the place where the rest of the country looks for emerging trends. A visible growth in the employment rate can be seen from the recent data released by Bureau of Labour Statistics in April 2013. California’s unemployment rate of  9 percent is a drop from 9.4 percent in March. It surely is a … Read more

Oil Boom Still Insulating North Dakota from High Unemployment rate

A right mix of natural resources, industries and skilled workers is the secret to a prospering economy and low unemployment rate. North Dakota is blessed with all of the above making it the state with lowest unemployment rate in the entire nation. According to the data released by Bureau of Labour Statistics for the month of April, North Dakota has 3.3 percent of unemployment rate, up by 0.1 percent from … Read more

The Employment Situation – November 2019

The Employment Situation November 2019

The November employment report states that the total nonfarm payroll increased by 266,000. In comparison to October, the nonfarm pay has seen a significant increase. There is a slight change in the unemployment rate, which currently stands at 3.5%, according to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics. Major Ups and Downs in November Significant job gains took place in the health care industry, professional, and technical services industry. The manufacturing … Read more