An Employer’s Guide To Unemployment Insurance Benefits

The states provide Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits to those who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Though this financial relief measure is a federal-state program, the amount is collected from employers in the form of state unemployment insurance taxes.  Since the taxes collected from employers are used to pay benefits, it becomes necessary for employers to know more about Unemployment Insurance benefits.  Here, let’s look at UI … Read more

Return-To-Work Bonus : An Alternative To Unemployment Benefits

After shutting down for a long time, businesses across the United States have finally reopened. However, the firms are facing trouble in getting people to work for them due to two major reasons—(1) people are scared they would contract the virus while working, (2) the unemployment benefits received under the pandemic relief package is much more than they would earn if they worked.  To encourage people to return to work, … Read more

A Beginners Guide To Severance Package

Millions of Americans have lost their jobs due to the Coronavirus-induced economic shutdown. As tough it is to lose a job, people are now finding it difficult to collect their deserved severance package. While some workers are receiving severance pay for fewer weeks than expected, many others are getting the payment based on their base wage and not the total income.  Here, we will walk through what an employee can … Read more

Employment Situation Across USA – May 2025 (Household & Establishment)

After months of dormancy, there is finally some news to cheer about for Americans with respect to the unemployment situation in the country. The national Unemployment Rate fell by 0.3 percentage points in May 2016 to clock 4.7 percent with gains of 484,000 jobs during this month. The number of jobless persons in the country at the end of May was 7.4 million. Healthcare lead the bandwagon by creating the … Read more

Reopening Unemployment Claims

How to Reopen Unemployment Claims When you get a job, your state unemployment office closes your case. However, your unemployment benefits case will not be closed permanently. You can still reopen an unemployment claim to resume your weekly claim if you’re eligible for unemployment insurance. Knowing how to reopen an unemployment claim is helpful when you find a job but it ends up only being temporary or not working out. … Read more

Job Growth Slowing as Trade Deficit Hits 10-year High

The drop in soybean exports and the record high increase in imports of consumer goods has created a US trade deficit which is at a 10-year high. This would mean that the Trump administration’s tariff-related measures to reduce the trade gap have been ineffective. New data suggests that private employers hired fewer workers than expected in November and this points to the moderation in the pace of the job growth. … Read more

When Will The Extended Unemployment Benefits End In Vermont?

Vermonters who have exhausted their benefits received through the regular Unemployment and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program were eligible to collect Extended Benefits (EB). But recently, the U.S. Department Of Labor has notified the state’s Department Of Labor that it would end EB in Vermont. So, when will the extended unemployment benefits end in Vermont? In this post, we will tell you when exactly the Extended Benefits will end … Read more

What Do The Jobs of The Future Look Like?

What do the Jobs of the Future Look Like

Jobs of the future, have already surfaced in the United States of America. A lot of activities that the workforce carries out today are going to become automated in the times to come. Several new advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence are the way forward for the workforce of the future.  Automation-enabled technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence will increase productivity among the workforce. This, in turn, will … Read more

Read Before You Apply for Next Job

Being jobless is a phase of life that is not so welcoming since it primarily cuts off the monetary supply. It can also have a bearing on personal relationships and physical & mental well being. But then, it all boils down to our perception and reaction to this situation which would have occurred in almost everyone one’s life, at least once during the lifetime. Unemployment is usually uncalled for break … Read more

Emergency Unemployment Compensation Sequestration – June 2025

Of all the budget decisions made over the past years in the history of the United States “Sequestration” comes as the hardest blow. Sequestration is across the board budget cuts to many federal sponsored programs including the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) to reduce spendings of the government and channelize the funds towards other programs. These monetary reductions were made under the Budget Control Act of 2011. Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) … Read more