Can I collect unemployment if I have been fired for not meeting my quota?

Failed To Meet Quota

Question from Nicole Can I collect unemployment if I have been fired for not meeting my quota? I have been employed with a for-profit University for the last year as an admissions advisor. Every admissions advisor is expected to have a certain number of student enrollments per start of each new school session. I did quite well for many months meeting my quota but for the last few months, I … Read more

The Fourth Stimulus Check Status Update

fourth stimulus check

The Coronavirus pandemic had taken the United States by storm. Millions of Americans lost their jobs due to the pandemic-induced economic crisis. To help the unemployed people make it through the tough time, the federal government introduced Coronavirus stimulus checks.  Fortunately, with close to half the population getting fully vaccinated and the virus’ spread declining, the situation is slowly starting to return to normal. The economy, especially, seems to be … Read more

What to Write in a Job Offer letter?

job offer letter

When the interviews are done and the candidate is selected, you need to write out a job letter. But, what do you include in a job offer letter? In a job offer letter, you have to write a formal written document which is an agreement between the hiring manager and the candidate. Before you go ahead with preparing a job offer letter, you should ensure that you inform the candidate that … Read more

How To Become a Teacher

Many people who experience unemployment decide to try a new career. Have you ever considered becoming a teacher? Some of those people find that sharing their skills and knowledge with other people is the most fulfilling thing of all. But how exactly do you go about becoming a teacher? Steps To Become a Teacher Assess Your Teaching Interests Choose a School Secure Financial Aid for Tuition Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree … Read more

Federally-funded Unemployment Benefits Reduced in Michigan

The state of Michigan’s federally funded unemployment benefits have decreased due to the decreased unemployment rate. It is truly a great development for the state economy . As per the report of Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget Employment rate has widely increased over 9.3 percent since December 2011, which is almost 2 percent drop down, while compared to January 2011. As the statistical report states that the story as 2011 … Read more

Why Is It Best to File and Maintain UI Benefits Online?

Why Is It Best to File and Maintain Claims Online

As you may know, unemployment benefits (UI) will help make up for lost wages when you are between jobs. When you are submitting unemployment claims, you should opt to file for UI benefits online as it is faster and more convenient. There are many benefits in filing for UI benefits online. Read on to know how to go about filing claims online. All you will need is a simple internet … Read more

Part Time Jobs And Unemployment Insurance

If you move from a full-time job to a part-time job, will you still be eligible to receive UI (Unemployment Insurance)? If you only ever held a part-time job, which you just lost, would you still qualify for the benefits? Are these the questions that are worrying you? Fret not! We’ll answer them all! First Things First – Are you eligible? Rules and eligibility criteria for unemployment insurance vary from … Read more

How To Repay Overpaid Unemployment Benefits In Texas?

The Coronavirus pandemic has taken the United States by storm. It has shuttered the economy leading to a drastic increase in the unemployment rate. In Texas alone, the unemployment rate was 13% in May, and about 2.7 million people have filed for Unemployment Insurance (UI) since mid-March.  The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has paid over $800 billion federal and state funding unemployment benefits and is expected to pay more in … Read more

The Employment Situation – June 2024

The Employment Situation June 2019

The employment situation in June has shown promise in creating opportunities and increasing wage growth. The performance by the US economy has exceeded the expectations as it added nearly 224,000 jobs, thus providing more opportunities against the market expectations of 162,000 jobs. The employment situation in June, therefore, has created more optimism among the policy-makers and job seekers after a brief period of slow growth. The rate of unemployment has seen … Read more

Employer Is Saying I Quit and I Didn’t

Employer Says I Quit

Question from Crystal Employer is saying I quit and I didn’t. I was fired from my last job because I requested that my schedule be changed because I was having transportation issues. I requested a transfer or for my schedule to be temporarily revised until I could get my transportation issues together. My boss said no and fired the first time I had to call in. I tried everything to … Read more