Coping with job loss and unemployment stress

Our jobs are much more than just the way we make a living and its usual to feel helpless, hurt or angry after losing it. They give us purpose, meaning and influence how we see ourselves, as well as the way others see us. Beyond the loss of income, unemployment also comes with other major losses and is one of the most stressful things you can experience. These days every … Read more

The Employment Situation – December 2024

The Employment Situation December 2019

Nonfarm payroll for the month of December rose by 145,000. It is significantly less as compared to the previous month. The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics reported no change in the unemployment rate which currently stands at 3.5%.  Major Ups and Down in December Job gains took place in sectors like retail trade and health care. 2019 saw an increase in the payroll by 2.1 million. The retail trade sector … Read more

Budget Deal Could Drive Unemployment above 10%

Forecasters anticipate the Labor Department to account the financial system added 80,000 jobs in November – considerably less than the 171,000 added the previous month. As budgets talks are moving ahead unsatisfactory jobs reports could possibly persist into the New Year. Factors contributing to a delay in jobs creation take in temporary displacements caused by Hurricane Sandy and business tensions that President Obama and Congressional Republicans will not reach a … Read more

File for Unemployment – The Ultimate Guide

You have lost that precious job that provided all the financial support. Now what? Obviously, this is not the time to panic or being depressed. Take a step back, and relax – there is always another job waiting to be hunted for. You can use job search links on this site to look for new job, but the first thing you want to do is to file for unemployment insurance benefits … Read more

Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment benefits are monetary payments made by the state or other certified bodies to laid-off people. These benefits are provided depending on the status of the unemployed person, and to those who get themselves listed as unemployed, and who are seeking a job. The state offers unemployment benefits through insurance programs within rules set by Federal Law, to its nationals who apply for it. The state law also decides the … Read more

New law sets Unemployment benefits change in Wisconsin

With the start of the New Year, a new waiting period for unemployment benefits begins in Wisconsin. The change is a part of the 2011-2013 state budget. A new state budget provision has been implemented in which the Wisconsinites will receive unemployment benefits after a one week waiting period. The waiting period before jobless people can start collecting unemployment benefits is likely to save the state an estimated $45 million … Read more

The Employment Situation – November 2024

The Employment Situation November 2018

Total employment in the non-farm category increased by 155,000 for the month of November. The rate of employment has remained unchanged at 3.7%, as per the reports of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The report also states that sectors such as healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and warehousing have recorded job gains. Household Survey Data The rate of unemployment remained unchanged for the third month in a row at 3.7%, and … Read more

Transferring Unemployment Benefits from One State to Another

Monetary compensation in the United States for unemployment is guided by laws and frameworks prescribed by the Department of Labor and operated independently by each state. The Unemployment Payments network is perhaps a perfect example of an all-inclusive social security system in a federal setup. You have every right to apply for benefits from a new state. However, the unemployment laws of the former state would still govern how your … Read more

Unemployment rate takes a steep drop in Ohio

Fewer Ohioans spent time in the unemployment line in November as the jobless rate turned sharply down in November. According to data released by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS), the unemployment rate was 8.5 percent, down a half percent from October’s 9 percent figure for the first time since December 2008. For understanding the unemployment benefits available in Ohio, refer to Ohio unemployment claims guide In … Read more

Emergency Unemployment Compensation – A Scrapped Boon

For those of you proverbial with unemployment benefit programs funded and administered by the federal and state governments, you may be one of thousands of vexed citizens worried about the roadblocks in extension of the EUC (emergency unemployment compensation) which expired as of 28th December 2013. The end of festive season has brought despair to thousands actively looking for jobs. About Emergency Unemployment Compensation(E.U.C) EUC is a 100% federally funded … Read more