What You Should Know About Pre Employment Drug Testing

What You Should Know About Pre-Employment Drug Testing

A lot of companies now days are incorporating pre-employment drug testing. A pre-employment drug is that before a potential candidate joins a company, a test is conducted on him/her to see whether the candidate is a drug user. If the candidate tests positive for drugs, there is a good chance he/she will be rejected by the company.   A report by the Society for Human Resource Management declared that 84% of … Read more

American Unemployment Benefits Down to 44-Year Low

Since 1973, the number of unemployment benefits has dropped significantly. It has been reported that as of December 2017, 1.87 million Americans receive benefits. It can also be noted that the Department of Labor received its largest number of newer filings from those that survived the destructive hurricane season. This caused massive damages to businesses in southern states and Puerto Rico. Despite this, the number of new applicants was low. … Read more

The Employment Situation – December 2024

The Employment Situation December 2018

Total employment in the nonfarming sector has seen a considerable rise in the month of December. The nonfarm sector witnessed an addition of 312,000 jobs, which in comparison to November (added 155,000 jobs), is substantial growth. The rate of unemployment, however, increased in December from 3.7% in November to 3.9%, in spite of the job additions. The employment situation in December has also influenced by major government decisions such as … Read more

Employment Situation Across the USA – December 2024 (Household & Establishment)

Every month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases a news release called ‘The Employment Situation’. Detailing how employment is faring in all industries within the United States. The month of December saw no changes to the overall unemployment rate. However, most of the industries in the United States did create a steady increase of jobs in line with 2016. The national unemployment rate for December 2017, remains at 4.1 percent, … Read more

I Lost My Job! What Should I Do?

If you lost your job recently and are crestfallen and confused, here’s a list of things you should do immediately. We understand that it is a difficult situation and we have collected all the information you will need and summarized that into this article. You might be considering the option of signing up for the Unemployment Insurance, but there are a few things you must do before that. Step 1: … Read more

Comparison of Unemployment Rate to Inflation and GDP Since 1929

When it comes to the unemployment rate in America, it is based on the percentage of the total unemployed labor force throughout the country. This helps in reviewing the country’s economy through the years. With this, we understand that unemployment rises during recessions and falls on the rebound. You should know that unemployment declined during the 5 US wars and mainly during World War II. But quickly after the wars … Read more

7 Government Food Assistance Programs for the Unemployed

Food Assistance

Government food assistance programs cover a wide demographic. You may be automatically eligible for several programs depending upon your circumstances. The programs generously provide temporary assistance to help you get the nutritional support you need. Government Food Assistance Programs for the Unemployed TEFAP SNAP D-SNAP National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs WIC Nutrition Program FDPIR Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) These food assistance programs have holistic nutrition front and … Read more

Key Measures Employers Should Use to Keep Young Talent

Since the past 8 years, employers have been struggling to retain young employees for a period longer than 2 years. A 2015 College Graduate Employment Study at Accenture Strategy found that 49% (nearly half) of the 2015 graduates consider themselves to be underemployed or working in a job that does not require a college degree. There has been a steady increase in this number, from 46% in 2014 and 41% … Read more

What to Expect From the US Government Shutdown?

US Government Shutdown

The US government has been in partial shutdown since December 22, 2018, as President Trump continues to demand more than $5 billion for the border wall between US and Mexico. At this time, since the Democrats control the House, they continue to suggest that they won’t agree to any new money for the wall. Though Trump would not declare a state of national emergency, the White House has already started … Read more

How Does Part-Time Work Reduce Unemployment Compensation

An advantageous aspect of working for yourself is you almost never get fired. That’s one of the reasons why many people who have full-time jobs also have a side business on the side. But unexpectedly, if you have lost your 9-5 job, you might want to think taking a gap from your business in order to maximize your unemployment benefits. The main point is, if you don’t want to deceive … Read more