US Government Shutdowns For a Second Time in 3 Weeks

For a second time, Congress pushed hard to reach a deal for government funding past midnight but failed. This has lead the federal government to a shutdown in just three weeks since the previous one. Senate had originally reached a deal the previous day, it focused on lifting spending caps and raising military spending and the bill was stalled in the upper chamber for hours. Kentucky Republican Rand Paul held … Read more

Affirmed: My unemployment appeal is “affirmed.” What does that mean?


Affirmed Posted by Heather (Nevada) My unemployment appeal decision stated I am “affirmed.” What does that mean? Hi Heather, The hearing officer has agreed with the initial determination. So, if you appealed, it means you lost. But if your employer appealed, it means you won. “Affirmed” means that the initial determination is affirmed by the hearing decision.   Comments for Affirmed Texas unemployment by: Anonymous If I got approved for … Read more

Fall In US Unemployment Rate, But Does It Indicate Growth?

The latest data released by the Bureau of Labor statistics suggests that the jobless rate has gone down by 0.2 percent in the month of July. In June the jobless rate was 7.6 and has fallen to 7.4 in July, the lowest rate since December 2008. The private sector added 161,000 jobs in July. This sector was expected to add at least 195,000 jobs after a prior estimate of 202,000. … Read more

Handling Job Interview after Long Unemployment Period

Many American who became jobless in the early days of recession remain unemployed and the practical and emotional toll is immense. The recent jobs report had mixed news. Overall unemployment levels have resolved at a relatively lower 8.5% percent but almost 5.6 million Americans have been out of work for more than 6 months and nearly 3.9 million for more than a year. Presently, employers are spoiled for choices. Many … Read more

Industry Unrest in US – Fast Food Employees Uprising

Slow & steady, from New York to several Midwestern cities, thousands of fast-food personnel have been holding one-day strikes during peak meal times, quickly drawing national attention to their demands for higher wages. Their chief demand is for a hike in hourly wage to $15 in times of surge in cost of living. Contemporary median hourly wage in the fast food industry is $9.05 which seems to be out of … Read more

How Are Americans Coping With $600 Week Unemployment Benefit Expiration?

How Are Americans Coping With The Expiry Of The 600 Weekly Unemployment Benefit This July

The emergency coronavirus benefits provided to many Americans will come to a halt at the end of July. One of the relief measures came to an end on July 25 or 26 is the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), commonly known as the $600 weekly unemployment benefit announced under the CARES Act, depending on each state’s rules and regulations. Traditionally, regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits provided by the state aim … Read more

Five Ideal Jobs For Veterans

Veteran Unemployment Benefits In US

The most suitable jobs for veterans are those which require the skills they sharpened while serving the nation. It is that discipline, commitment to work, and never-say-die attitude that makes veterans employable.  Over the years, America’s veterans have had a considerable advantage over their civilian counterparts. The transition from a military job to a regular job depends on each person. Some people may find it extremely easy, whereas some people … Read more

How Can Low Unemployment Gradually Increase Inflation

The trade-off between inflation and unemployment The trade-off between inflation and unemployment was first reported by A. W. Phillips in 1958—and so has been christened the Phillips curve. The simple intuition behind this trade-off is that as unemployment falls, workers are empowered to push for higher wages. Firms try to pass these higher wage costs to consumers, resulting in higher prices and an inflationary build up in the economy. The … Read more

Fired for accidentally cashing fraudulent checks (I’m a bank teller)

Fired Bank Teller

Posted by Sandra (Michigan) I cashed a fraudulent check in January. The computer highlighted the check as bad and I unknowingly over rode the computer and cashed it. The only explanation I can give is that I have been under extreme stress (not job related) that caused the error. I was brought into the office and told I was on probation and that if I cashed a fraudulent check in … Read more

Can you be fired and collect unemployment because someone smelled alcohol on your breath?


Posted by Anonymous (Portland) I went out for a drink the night before work and the next day a girl smelled alcohol on my breath though I was able to function in my job perfectly fine with witnesses. If they fire me for that, can I get Unemployment? Smelling of Alcohol Isn’t Proof Positive Alone There is Work Misconduct Hi, Assuming you’re located in Portland, Oregon First, you need to read … Read more