The Employment Situation – July 2019

The Unemployment Situation July 2019

The employment situation for the month of July has seen little changes from the previous month. The unemployment rate remains at 3.7 percent in July, indicating that the rate remains unchanged. The job growth, however, has not increased in comparison to the previous month. The important news to emerge from the ‘Employment Situation Report- July 2019’ is that the job growth numbers given for May and June have been revised. … Read more

I quit because of my verbally abusive boss

Abusive Boss

Posted by Anonymous I have been working for my boss for a couple years now and he has gotten way out of line in the way he talks to me. He calls me every name in the book while he is screaming. I have been in tears many times. Can’t sleep at night. I am also on antidepressants. I am afraid to quit my job because I need the income. … Read more

Receiving unemployment while in school

Unemployment While In School

Posted by Jessica (Georgia) If you live in the state of GA like I do and you lose your job either from being fired or laid off, and you do get unemployment, you can decide to go back to school, or get specific job training, or certifications in a state approved program, or your already enrolled. Your employer now has to pay unemployment until you find a new job for … Read more

How Social Media Impacts Your Job Hunt

When it comes to employment or more specifically finding a job, there are many aspects of your life that you’d need to polish up. This is to ensure that all your positive traits and skills are highlighted by your potential employer. You may have the perfect tie and suit for the interview, a perfectly presented resume, certificates and awards to boost your chances, but one aspect many forget to clean … Read more

Unemployment Appeal Letter Sample

Sample Appeal Letter For Unemployment Benefits Date: To Whom it May Concern, I, (insert your name), wish to appeal the claim determination (insert mail date of determination) denying unemployment benefits due to quitting without good cause, or for a discharge for misconduct (insert the actual issue as stated on the determination, to include also the section of law used for the denial). My reason for my appealing is because I … Read more

I worked for a Temp Agency and they are fighting my unemployment benefits

Temporary Jobs

Posted by Heidi (Chicago, IL) Hi, I was working through a temp agency for 2 months and on a Thursday they called me 10 minutes after I got off work and told the “assignment was ended”. The next day they called and left me a message and I called them back within 15 minutes and they said they had a position for me, but had already called someone else and … Read more

The Employment Situation – January 2024

The Employment Situation January 2020

January saw the total nonfarm payroll rise by 225,000, which is a notable increase as compared to last month. However, there was a very slight change in the unemployment rate, which currently stands at 3.6%. The unemployment rate for December was 3.5% respectively. Major Ups and Downs in January  The U.S Bureau of Labor and Statistics reported notable job gains in the fields of construction, healthcare, transportation, and Warehousing. Employment … Read more

Top 5 Eligibility Myths for Unemployment Benefits – Debunked

Unemployment insurance in the US provides temporary unemployment compensation to jobless citizens who are out of work, owing to layoffs. The weekly monetary benefit may not really compensate the job loss, but helps in managing basic household expenses while the claimant is looking for job opportunities. You can be eligible to receive up to 26 weeks of unemployment benefits which is a chunk of your previously earned income. There are … Read more

The Female Unemployment Issue In America

Despite more jobs being available today in the U.S., unemployment still plagues some sections of the society. While the unemployment rate is officially recorded at 5%, the surveys don’t always tell the complete story. In this article, let’s discuss the issues faced by adult American women in specific. Over the years, we’ve seen that the females have stepped up to play an active part in contributing to the economy. However, … Read more

Unemployment Benefits During Maternity Leave

Unemployment for Unpaid Maternity Leave

Can you collect unemployment benefits during your maternity leave? Well, you have landed on the right page for the answer! Here, we will tell you if you qualify for unemployment benefits during maternity leave and much more.  Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Maternity Leave You may have heard this term before, or it may be your first time. FMLA lays down rules and acts as the guiding principle for … Read more