A Beginners Guide To Finding A Job As A Fresher

Freshers guide to new job

Finding a job is a challenging process, especially as a fresher. The process includes multiple stages, including preparing an eye-catching résumé, online research, opting for the right job portal, etc., which, when done correctly, can help you land in a perfect job.  In this post, we will tell you how to prepare yourself to land in your dream job. First, let’s start with tips to prepare a résumé that acts … Read more

A Detailed Guide To the Family And Medical Leave Act

Have you ever undergone a health related emergency? Have you ever been in a situation where the needs of your family conflicted with your ability to show up fully actualized at work? Or even to show up at work at all? If you work at one of the many places required to adhere to the Family and Medical Leave Act, you have the right to put yourself and your family … Read more

Employment Situation Across USA – July 2015 (Household & Establishment)

The Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S Department of Labor on Friday, August 7, unveiled its monthly publication on employment situation in the country. Based on data from Household and Establishment survey, this release throws light on the overall footing of the employment/unemployment statistics during the month of July. We bring to you, a synopsis of this report(check the articles section to find updates from previous month). The Unemployment rate stood … Read more

What if my doctor is telling me to quit my job for health reasons?

Quitting for Health Reasons

Posted by Pam (Indiana) Since moving into my current position approximately two years ago, my health has not been so good. I am having a bone marrow biopsy this week in fact. My doctor says the stress I am under at work is making things worse. To top it off my current supervisor told me on June 17 that within six months I no longer have a viable position, nor … Read more

Being denied a day off and then calling in sick

Calling in Sick

Being denied a day off and then calling in sick Posted by Nicole I am a student who has worked for a company for 2.5 years. In this time I was never late, had never called in sick and only took time off that was previously requested. My ex-employer treated me (and everyone else on the job) really bad. For example, he would swear at me, embarrass me in front … Read more

The Employment Situation – January 2024

The Employment Situation - January 2019

In January, the total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 304,000 as compared to December which had an increase of 312,000 jobs. The unemployment rate has increased from 3.7 percent to 4 percent and this could be attributed to the Shutdown which lasted for 35 days from December 22, 2018, until January 25, 2019. Household Survey Data There has been a 0.3 percent increase in the unemployment rate and the number … Read more

How to File a Claim? (Infographics)

Here’s 5 quick steps to file your unemployment claim. Hope this Infographic helps you determine your UI Benefits and makes the process easier to file your claim.

How to File a Claim

8 Jobs You Can Get This Valentine’s Day

If you are going through a rough patch, staring unemployment in the face, then Valentine’s day can seem like an annoying occasion. However, there is a silver lining. Some of these Valentine’s day jobs are not as available during the rest of the year. This gives an excellent chance to those looking to make a few extra bucks. The 14th of February has become heavily commercialized over the years as … Read more

How To Get Hired With No Experience

Five Important Tips When You’re In Between Jobs

Whether you are a fresh graduate or someone with little experience, you may be feeling a sense of nervousness and excitement as you may be looking for your first job. Finding jobs with little or no experience is not an easy task as companies generally lookout for people with experience.  Getting that first job may be tough or even if you have a couple of months of experience It can … Read more

What You Should Know About The Heals Act Stimulus Bill

What You Should Know About The Heals Act Stimulus Bill

The Senate recently announced the HEALS (Health, Economic Assistance Liability Protection & Schools Act.) stimulus bill. The HEALS Act stimulus bill is a $1 trillion stimulus package as an aftereffect of the CARES Act.  The act offers to extend unemployment benefits and provides a second stimulus check. But this check will be lower than the benefits that one currently receives. For a person to be eligible for this package, the … Read more