Six Steps to Claim Unemployment Benefits

We have created an awesome Infographic that tells you how Unemployment Program works and how to claim your Benefits. We have explained the claim process in 6 easy steps. How to get your unemployment benefits Step 1 Ensure that you qualify for the benefits. The standard criteria for making you eligible are as follows. You should have lost your job due through no fault of yours. You must have worked … Read more

4 Reasons That Leads to Disqualification From UI Benefits

4 Reasons That Leads to Disqualification From UI Benefits

The Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits program is designed to provide financial assistance to those who have lost jobs for no fault of their own. To qualify for the benefits, applicants must have earned sufficient wages in their previous employment. Along with wages, the reason for separating from previous organization plays a crucial role in deciding if an application makes the cut for the UI Benefits. If applicants don’t fulfil these … Read more

How To Collect Unemployment Benefits If Coronavirus Has Cost You Your Job

Collect Coronavirus unemployment benefits

Those facing the heat of the Coronavirus outbreak with respect to job losses can now breathe easier since several states across the US are expanding unemployment insurance eligibility to deal with the fallout. We will tell you all about how you can collect unemployment benefits if Coronavirus-induced slowdown has gotten you laid off. Remember that you must file claims for UI benefits immediately upon being separated from work. Claiming Unemployment … Read more

Round Up of Regional & State Unemployment – 2025

The year 2014 has been a game changer for the unemployment situation across the country. The end of this auspicious year saw overall unemployment rates dwindling  from 7.4(Dec 2013) to 6.2%(Dec 2014), a massive fall of 1.2 percentage points, bringing cheers to the labor class, government agencies and other key stakeholders across the nation.The national employment – population stood at  59.0%, an increase of 0.4 percentage points. State Wise Data … Read more

The Employment Situation August 2018

FUN Unemployment AUG 18

The Unemployment rate in the United States remains unchanged at 3.9% while the total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 201,000 in the month of August. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics in their monthly report state that job gains occurred in professional and business services, wholesale trade, health care, transportation and warehousing and mining industries. As stated above, the unemployment rate remained at 3.9% in August and the number of … Read more

Suicidal Behavior During Unemployment

Unemployment is one of the most testing phase in our lives. Whether you were fired or lost the job due to underperformance, the vacuum caused by job loss is irreparable. Specially if have a family depending on your earnings and you do not have the required financial backing to sustain the turmoil. Falling unemployment rates over the last few months are indicators of strengthening job markets in USA. However thousands … Read more

How much unemployment will I get if I make $700 a week?

How much unemployment will I get if I make $700 a week?

How much unemployment will I get if I make $700 a week? If you make $700 a week, your particular state’s unemployment office will consider several factors to determine your weekly benefit amount. First, they’ll look at your work history and verify that your employer has paid into your state’s unemployment insurance program. They will also examine how much money you were earning before you lost your job, along with … Read more

How much unemployment will I get if I make $350 a week?

How much unemployment will I get if I make $3.50 a week

How much unemployment will I get if I make $350 a week?  Unemployed workers who earned $350 per week often wonder how much unemployment they will receive. Unemployment benefits are typically paid each week to eligible recipients. However, the amount of money you can receive depends on the state where you live. For example, if you make $350 a week in Hawaii, you will receive more money than if you … Read more

How much unemployment will I get if I make $500 a week?

How much unemployment will I get if I make $500 a week?

How much unemployment will I get if I make $500 a week?  For workers earning $500 per week, unemployment benefit amounts will depend on several criteria, as defined by individual states. Your state will consider income and recent work history in order to set an appropriate amount for your weekly benefit payment.    Here are some quick examples of what you might expect, depending on your state: How much is … Read more

What Does an Employer Pay Off for Unemployment?

The amount that an employer shells out for unemployment will depend on the sum of his payroll, his track record in keeping employees and the rates that are specific to his state. Besides, all employers should pay a federal unemployment tax that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) funnels back to the states to help pay administrative costs for unemployment programs. How much is a Claim going to Cost Employers? Most … Read more