New Year With Fresh Possibilities in 2025

Just like that two months have flown by and you should start 2018 as a year full of untold possibilities. You need to make this year exciting enough to make tough decisions that could have a positive effect on your job. Does this make you part of the 40 percent of Americans that want to really make their resolution count? Well, you could be among the 8 percent that does … Read more

6 Elements of a Modern Resume Templates

Modern Resume Template

Your resume is a prospective employer’s first impression of who you are and what you have to offer. In a competitive job market, a fresh, modern resume template is essential for capturing an employer’s attention and enticing them to take a closer look. As you search for the perfect modern resume template, there are certain elements to keep in mind. 6 Elements of a Modern Resume Template Eye-Catching and Professional … Read more

5 Interview Mistakes You Could Be Making

common interview mistakes people make

Have you attended an interview which you thought you owned but then didn’t get a call offering you the job? You probably prepared tirelessly for that interview and knew everything that you needed to know about the company and possessed all the skills for the role. You would have also known the answers to every question asked and were confident throughout. Here are 5 blunders that could cost a perfectly … Read more

Unemployment Due to Health Reasons

Resigning from your place of work for unavoidable reasons takes a toll on your life in all ways monetary, besides the emotional and career-related setbacks. One of the leading concerns that act as a cause for voluntary resignation from your place of work is health issues, either your own or of a close family member. Long-term or chronic illnesses can surpass your sick days, forcing you to call it quits … Read more

How to Deal With Unwanted Advice During Unemployment

The art of handling unsolicited and unwanted advice is one that every individual should practice and learn. This skill is even more important when you are unemployed. From relatives to friends, professionals to even future employers, the individuals around you will always have an opinion on what you should be doing next – and going on the defense or offense is never the answer. This point in your life is … Read more

How to Deal with Unemployment and Underemployment?

The marginal decrease in the unemployment rate does not necessarily translate into what the ground reality is, where unemployment rates do not account for individuals who have stopped attempting to look for jobs altogether or the large numbers of individuals who have settled for work which is below their paygrade. Looking at the bigger picture in the USA, statistics are strongly leaning towards a reality that is grim, indicating that … Read more

Quitting a Job Voluntarily to Move Out With Your Spouse

Your spouse shifting states or countries for work can be a strain not only on your relationship but on your monetary condition as well. Though many individuals now take the bold move of quitting their own job and moving with their better halves, the shift can affect your career and make a marked difference in the family’s bank balance. Unemployment Benefits aim at making sure that such shifts are easier, … Read more

Part Time Employment Situation In USA

Generally, when we table a topic of discussion on employment, an important aspect that takes back seat is part time employment. There are millions in the country who have embraced part time jobs as a matter of choice & there are people, who are compelled to work part time, owing to job conditions. Therefore, it is important for us to treat part time employment on par with its full time … Read more

Unemployment Insurance Common Questions – Part 2

Claims, & Benefits – Common Questions Series What all information can I get through Unemployment Insurance Telephone Service? What are the responsibilities of a claimant? When should I apply for insurance benefits? What is the source of unemployment benefits to pay the insurance amount? Can all the unemployed be eligible for unemployment insurance benefit? Will my employer be notified about the insurance claimed? What is the benefit year? What is … Read more

Can I collect unemployment after being fired for gossiping?

Fired for Gossiping

“Can I collect unemployment if I have been fired for gossiping in the workplace?” Posted by Missing My Job (Indiana) A few weeks ago, I was fired for supposedly “gossiping” in my office. I worked for an elderly assisted living home as a receptionist. Our senior marketing director all of a sudden was no longer with my company. Because I was the receptionist and fielded calls, it was important for … Read more