Employment Situation Across USA – February 2025

The overall employment situation in the country continued to improve supported by upward trend in key indicators with an unemployment rate of 5.5%. The jobless rate significantly came down(over the year) in February 2015. In the same month last year, the national average was 6.7%. The unemployment rate was down by 0.2 percentage points from January which seems to be freely falling owing to massive job creations since the end … Read more

Coronavirus Careers: Jobs Still Hiring

coronavirus careers

Job losses, layoffs, unemployment, furloughs- these are all the words we have been seeing in the past few weeks. As the US economy seems geared to head into a recession, people are naturally anxious about the future of their employment. In this scenario, are there any careers available despite coronavirus? Is anyone hiring? The good news is that yes, there are several new jobs coming up even now, some in … Read more

Which States Have To Improve The Unemployment Insurance Benefits?

states with worst unemployment insurance benefits

If you have lost your job, don’t lose hope yet. You may be eligible for unemployment benefits, so ensure that you file a UI claim right away. The US government has expanded Unemployment Insurance eligibility criteria to deal with the coronavirus-induced joblessness. But what if you live in one of the states with the worst unemployment insurance benefits? We will look into the states having the worst unemployment insurance system, … Read more

Unemployment Insurance – Calculating Weekly Benefit Rate

You might have landed here because you want to find out how much money you will receive from your Unemployment Insurance program or simply out of curiosity. If you belong to the former category we are extremely sorry to hear that you are currently unemployed. But don’t worry, you’ll land a job soon and everything will be alright again! Let’s begin with a quick recap about the UI aka the … Read more

What Is the Ticket to Work Program?

If you have a long-term disability that impacts your ability to work, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). These programs are intended to provide financial assistance to those who are unable to earn a livable wage. However, they also offer work incentives to encourage those who can work. One such incentive is the Ticket to Work program, which has over 300,000 … Read more

What Is a VA Service Connection?

For a veteran to qualify for VA disability benefits, there needs to be a connection between their current illness or injury and their military service. This connection is called a service connection and it is the reason why veterans are eligible for disability benefits through the VA. 5 Ways to Prove a VA Service Connection Direct Service Connection Presumptive Service Connection Secondary Service Connection Aggravated Service Connection Disabled or Injured … Read more

Do You Need a Disability Advocate?

Applicants for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits may benefit from working with a qualified representative who can act as their advocate during the disability claims process. A disability advocate can provide essential insight and advice, navigate the claims process, and manage some of the details, deadlines, and documentation requirements that can cause stress for disability claimants. Disability advocates have the knowledge to understand the disability claim process, and their assistance … Read more

What Are the Easiest VA Disability Claims?

If you’ve heard about the difficulties that can come with winning a disability claim through the U.S. Veterans Administration, you may be wondering which VA disability claims are the easiest to win. The answer is always the claim with the strongest medical evidence. To improve your chances of approval, it’s also useful to understand the types of disability claims that the VA most commonly approves. By comparing your current medical … Read more

VA Disability Rating for Tinnitus

Did you know that tinnitus is the primary disability claimed by veterans? If you are a veteran who suffers from tinnitus, you might qualify for disability benefits or compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs. 5 Common Causes of Tinnitus Loud Noises Head Trauma Change in Pressure Medications Old Age About one in 10 adults in the United States experience some form of tinnitus, with veterans having even higher rates … Read more

VA Disability Benefits for Military Toxic Exposure

Many American veterans were exposed to hazardous pollutants in the air, soil, and water while serving in the military. As research reveals more about the enduring consequences of exposure to different toxic environments, the VA has been increasing disability benefits for toxic exposure. One instance is the PACT Act, which substantially broadened the VA’s ability to grant disability benefits to veterans experiencing health problems related to toxic exposure. Given the … Read more