Unemployment in Health Care Services During Coronavirus Pandemic

Unemployment in Health Care Services

Yes, you read that right. We are all well aware of the importance of healthcare professionals at this crucial time. We read about the admirable efforts of frontline doctors, nurses, administrative staff, etc in handling the burden of patients. They are out there risking their health for our benefit. And yet, The Employment Situation tells us that 43,000 jobs disappeared. How did the Coronavirus pandemic cause unemployment in Health Care … Read more

Top States With Lowest Unemployment Rate In The US

With 8 years of president ship behind him, Barack Obama successfully reduced the unemployment rate to below 5%, a monumental success given that he took office when the country was facing its greatest economic downward spiral. But is that all? There are indeed many states, who have really pushed their limits. After exploring the most friendliest States for starting a new business, here’s our take on the top cities with … Read more

Sectoral Unemployment: Transportation and Warehousing

Unemployment Transportation and Warehousing

Transportation and Warehousing are one of the most important employers in the US. After the worldwide air travel restrictions imposed in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, this sub-sector made headlines with job losses and furloughs. Let’s look broadly at unemployment in transportation and warehousing and the likely trends for the future. Profile Of Transportation And Warehousing Sector According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this sector employed about 7 … Read more

Fired for Sleeping on the Job

Fired for Sleeping

Can I collect unemployment if I have been fired for sleeping on the job? Posted by HARD WORKIN MAN (Las Vegas, NV) First off, I would like to start with how long I have been employed at this company, 10 years. I was on Family Medical Leave (FMLA) at the time I was terminated. I was in a company brake room with one other team member when three of my … Read more

How Retirement and Pension Can Affect Unemployment Benefits

Does pension affect unemployment benefits

With rising productivity at an advanced age, common concerns for older people facing job losses revolve around their pension and unemployment benefits. Senior citizens can avail UI benefits as there is no age limit to claiming them. This is as long as you have not withdrawn from the labor market, and you meet the other eligibility criteria. Unemployment Insurance is a government initiative that is funded by collections from employers … Read more

The Employment Situation – March 2025

The Employment Situation March 2020

Due to the devastating effects of COVID-19, the nonfarm payroll fell by 701,000 in March and, the unemployment rate spiked up to 4.4%. It is the first decline in payroll since September 2010.  March saw the unemployment percentage increase by 0.9%, which is the highest over the month increase since January 1975. March also saw the number of unemployed people rise from 1.4 million to 7.1 million.   The unemployment rate, … Read more

Best Places to Find a Job in 2025

It’s a great time to be in the job market. America has the lowest unemployment rate at 4.1 percent which is the lowest its been in 17 years. There is a 4 percent increase in hires since the previous graduating class. For job seekers, there is a good chance of feeling optimistic. Job creation was a whole 6 percent lower in 2017 than the previous year. There is a likelihood … Read more

Are You A Striking Union Worker In The USA?

The unemployment ratio in the USA has been showing a deteriorating nature but at a very slow pace. Despite sinking oil prices and a rally on the wall street, the unemployment rate in the USA has sunk below 5% for the first time in the past eight years. “The United States Of America right now has the strongest, most durable economy in the world”, says Obama, the president. With the … Read more

Sectoral Unemployment: Accommodation And Food Services

unemployment accommodation food services

The latest report from the Department of Labor for the week from March 21-28 is just in. The unemployment claim numbers are at an all-time high for the second week running at 6,648,000 seasonally adjusted initial claims. The labor department reports that most states attribute these numbers to layoffs led by the accommodation and food services sector. In this post, we take a sectoral overview of accommodation and food services … Read more

Things Workers Expect The Most From Their Employers

Just like how employers have expectations from their employees, in the same way, workers have expectations from their organization. As the younger generations reach the working age and start working in companies, there are certain expectations that they feel are important for a healthy work life. The younger generations are not willing to spend their youth working in an environment that they do not like or spend years working in … Read more