Sectoral Unemployment: Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Hit By Coronavirus

coronavirus unemployment arts & entertainment

As a sector dominated by gig workers and contractors, unemployment in arts,  entertainment and recreation sector has been drastic, next only to the accommodation and food services sector in scale. Sub-sectors include performing arts, museums, theatres,  amusement parks, gambling arcades, stage shows, fitness centers, spectator sports, etc. The movie industry also comes under this sector. Many states have declared shutdowns affecting footfall to these venues while they have voluntarily closed … Read more

How To Settle The Overpayment Of Unemployment Benefits?

repay unemployment benefits overpayment

Unemployment Insurance turned out to be a blessing for millions across the nation last year. For some, the weekly benefits and the subsequent extensions were the only means to afford basic necessities. However, even with the economy improving and people getting back to work, a recent conundrum emerged in the form of UI overpayments, making things harder for some. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Overpayment The state governments of Florida, Ohio, Connecticut, … Read more

Where Are The States At On UI Benefits?

states with largest number of UI claims

Its been a while since unemployment benefits were extended to cover a wider range of unemployed people. So far some states have been quick to keep their labor websites updated with the progress while others are reportedly slow on keeping UI applicants informed. In this article, we shall survey the points of progress the five states with the largest numbers of UI claims are at. You will know when you … Read more

A Detailed Guide To SNAP Food Stamps And Eligibility

The United States is witnessing a surge in unemployment insurance (UI) benefits applicants in addition to SNAP food benefits. The UI benefits provide financial aid to the unemployed, but what are SNAP food benefits? Read through this article to know more about SNAP food benefits and eligibility criteria. What Are SNAP Food Benefits? The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as the food stamp program, provides food assistance to … Read more

Uber Trouble: New proposal from Dept. of Labor changes classification of gig workers

Gig Workers

Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash all suffered a major drop on Wall Street after the Department of Labor released a proposal that would significantly change the classification of gig workers. Under the new law, they would be considered full fledged employees entitled to full employee rights. The rule would provide guidance on classifying workers and seeks to combat employee misclassification. Misclassification is a serious issue that denies workers’ rights and protections … Read more

What Is a Labor Lawyer?

Labor Lawyer

Differences of opinion and philosophy are common in the workplace and often manifest between employers and their teams. When this happens, an entire class of legal experts exists to help both employees and the organizations successfully navigate the situation and attempt to come to a successful agreement without going to court. Whether you’re an employee in a difficult situation or a leader within an organization, it’s important to understand the … Read more

The Employment Situation – September 2018

The Employment Situation September 2018

The September unemployment rate declined to 3.7% in September and the total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 134,000. The main job gains were in the professional and business services which includes health care, transportation and warehousing. Hurricane Florence affected sections of the East Coast in the month of September and this would be the reference periods for establishment and household surveys. Response rates for the two surveys were within the … Read more

Unemployment Benefits and Social Security

A common question that haunts unemployed individuals, especially the retired ones is whether or not they can claim Unemployment Compensation along with Social Security Retirement benefits. As you may know, this program offers people with a weekly benefit amount to provide financial assistance while they don’t have a major or stable source of income. All applicants for UI are required to satisfy certain criteria, out of which one is that … Read more

Tips For Setting Career Goals

The best way to understand yourself personally and professionally is if you review your work and contemplate your job or determine if you need a career change. This is a time to reflect on your past experience and to think about what direction and goals you should work on and determine where you would want to grow in the future. There are several jobs in the market and plenty of … Read more

Employment Situation Across USA – March 2025 (Household & Establishment)

With the economic outlook remaining largely stable, the unemployment rate in March 2016 was 5.0 percent, adding a little over 215,000 jobs during this month. While industries such as construction, healthcare and retail created the highest number of jobs, mining and manufacturing had the highest number of job losses. The number of unemployment persons in the US at the end of March was 8.0 million. Let’s unveil the monthly publication … Read more