Veteran Unemployment Benefits In USA


Unemployment is one problem that doesn’t necessarily need a shout-out. In spite of all the banter on the march towards progression, the unemployment rate of 4.9% is not really hailed as the greatest feat. However, the stagnation isn’t forever. Know more of the unemployment benefits to cross over all the obstacles in your way to hold you through the tough and testing time that unemployment brings. What seems to be … Read more

What Is the Whistleblower Protection Act?

Whistleblower Protection Act

A whistleblower reports wrongdoings committed by a boss or coworker at the workplace. Although the term “whistleblower” can have negative connotations, a whistleblower is often someone who desires to help people by bringing significant issues to the attention of others. Unfortunately, whistleblowers can receive backlash for doing so. The Whistleblower Protection Act protects whistleblowers from unintended consequences, such as losing a job or harassment by other employees or management. 5 … Read more

How To Get A Job If You Have A Disability

Searching and interviewing for a new job typically comes with a certain level of angst – but if you’re searching for a job and feel unsure about how an existing disability may affect the process, the pressure rises dramatically. The good news is that many American employers actively promote jobs for people with disabilities – not only because disability inclusion is inherently fair, but also because employers see the value … Read more

Types of Unemployment

Types of Unemployment

Unemployment is an important issue in American politics no matter what side of the aisle you’re on. Whether the current numbers are high or low, lawmakers and everyday citizens have good reason to care. The unemployment rate at any given time is a key indicator of the health of the economy. Even though the term “unemployment” is spoken frequently, there’s more to it than most people think. Knowing the various … Read more

Jobless Claims Below 300,000 for Record Longest Streak

April marks the lowest number of jobless claims and this means that those claiming new unemployment has never been this low. With the initial jobless claims decreasing by 9,000 against a proxy of layoffs in the US that was adjusted to 233,000 in the week. What this means is that claims have now gone below the 300,000 mark for 162 weeks in a row and this is the longest streak … Read more

Top 5 States in US with Lowest Unemployment Rate


The unemployment rate reached a record low in the month of April and has persisted with the same rate in May. Presently standing at 3.6 percent, the unemployment rate is at its lowest in the last 50 years. There are various reasons that are responsible for the reduction in the unemployment rate. Among others, the performance of some states in increasing the employment opportunities must be given due credit. Below … Read more

New York’s Increasing Unemployment Rate Poses Challenge for Cuomo

Though the nation’s jobless rate has been falling over the last year, New York State’s has been growing abruptly, giving a challenge to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo as he attempts to build an image as a economic centrist who can change the state’s business climate. Over the last 12 months, New York has been the only state with a statistically significant increase in its jobless rate, as per the Bureau … Read more

Employment Situation across USA – September 2014

The Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S department of Labor, released its monthly report on employment situation across the country. This data sheet was in form of a news release that was published on Friday, October 3rd 2014 –“The Employment Situation — September 2014” Our efforts are to keep readers & patrons updated on the latest news on employment situation in the country. We have decoded this extravagant fact sheet and we present the data … Read more

Upskilling with California Job Training Benefits

Better Jobs with California Training Benefits

  If you need to claim unemployment benefits in California, you have the added advantage of availing California Training Benefits (CTB). You can use these programs to educate yourself further and acquire high-demand skills. You can also explore new career avenues all while being able to draw Unemployment Insurance benefits. The programs opted for must be approved by the California Employment Development Department (EDD). You can even get an exemption … Read more

Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Drops to an 18-year-low

Iowa’s unemployment rate drops to 18 year low

Iowa’s unemployment has dropped to 2.5 percent and this makes it the second lowest in the country after Hawaii. But 50 percent of Iowa graduates still prefer to move out of the state once they are done with college. Iowa’s unemployment rate has fallen to the lowest percentage since 2000. There is a low unemployment rate for Iowa as compared to the rest of the United States. Also, the job … Read more