Unemployment Insurance Tax to Fall by More than Half in Maryland

Many Maryland businesses will get their jobless insurance rates fall by more than half next year, as the state’s trust fund for the payments has a much stronger balance related to last year, state officials declared on October 15th. According to Gov. Martin O’Malley the tax rate will fall by no less than $100 annually per employee for many businesses from around $187 for each employee this year. At a … Read more

What is an Unemployment Unresolved Issue?

Unresolved Issues

Mandi asks, It has been 5 weeks I filed this week and there was a message saying it was accepted and to please remember that this is a waiting week? does this mean I have been approved? and why does previous weeks say not paid due to unresolved issue? I am so confused, please help! Thank you Hi Mandi, You really have given me very little to go on to … Read more

My employer didn’t show up for the unemployment appeal hearing. Do I win?


Question from Ava Hi there, I just had my appeal hearing today and my employer didn’t show up. But they wrote a letter. Do I automatically win because the judge still asked me questions? Also, I didn’t ask any questions I just answered the judge’s questions with honest answers is that good? Hi Ava, I always advise being honest. But I also explain why we need to temper the desirable … Read more

Fired for coming up short on the cash register

Cash Register

Emily asks: I am a 17-year-old and was hired for a part-time summer job at a BBQ restaurant in Santa Clara, CA–my first “real” job. Everything has been going great for over two months–I loved working there. I loved my bosses and the people I worked with. They loved me and told me that when I came home from college on vacations or whatever, that I was welcome to come … Read more

Fired for attendance due to babysitter issues

Babysitting Problems

Ashley says: I lost my job recently due to attendance issues. I worked for the company for almost 4 years. I started out on third shift, then had to transfer to first because of my children. I had a very good attendance up until 3 months before I got fired. Our company has a “No fault” attendance policy; so it doesn’t matter why you are out, and in order to … Read more

Can You Get Fired Because of a Facebook Post?

Fired Because of a Facebook Post

Wondering if you can get fired for posting something on Facebook and other social media? The majority of people believe that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which prohibits the government from abridging freedom of speech, protects their right to say anything they want, online or off. This is true when it comes to the government. Within limits, the government may not tell us what we can say … Read more

4 Ways To Format a Resume

Resume Format

The most experienced, suitable applicant in the world has little chance of getting their dream job with a lousy resume. According to CV research, hiring managers look at a resume for just six seconds before moving on to the next applicant. For this reason, it is important to use the best resume format possible. But figuring out how to format a resume isn’t always easy. Thankfully, we have outlined 4 … Read more

Is Student Loan Forgiveness Fair?

Student Loan Forgiveness

Student loan forgiveness is a popular topic of conversation and media coverage – especially with student loan payments put on hold during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The moratorium is scheduled to expire on Aug. 31, 2022, and student loan payments will resume. What Is Student Loan Forgiveness? When it comes to currently outstanding federal student loans, loan forgiveness is exactly what it sounds like: it’s the federal government … Read more

Employment Situation Across USA – June 2024

The Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLR), U.S Department of Labor on July 21, 2015 unveiled its monthly News Release titled REGIONAL AND STATE EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT — June 2015 which provides in depth statistics on regional and state wise unemployment data, decoding the performance of various geographies within the US. We, at www.unemploymentcalculator.org have been bringing exclusive snippets of this release every month in a presentable manner. Let us take a sneak … Read more