A Guide To Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation

To help the unemployed meet their financial needs, the U.S. Congress has passed a $2 trillion stimulus package, known as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The CARES Act includes several unemployment benefits programs, and one among them is the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program. What Is The Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program? Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation is a temporary program that offers an additional $600 … Read more

How to Deal with a Negative Supervisor?

Sometimes your supervisor would find it difficult to be in sync with their surroundings and find it hard to stay relevant. This makes them usually come across as negative, self-centered, driven by numbers and treat their employees as resources and not as human beings. As subordinates, we usually excuse them for their lack of knowledge or rude behavior because they are your immediate manager or because they are known as … Read more

Disaster Unemployment Assistance during California Wildfires

How to claim DUA for the California Wildfires

  California has been ravaged by wildfires for a few days now. Firefighters and emergency services have been striving to contain the blazes as new fires keep breaking out. In Sonoma County, where the Kincade fire has made an enormous hit, life is slowly returning to track, as people look at what comes next. The risk of fires worsening is up since fast blowing winds can spread the embers. Pacific … Read more

How to Collect Unemployment Benefit after Temporary Job Ends in New York

If you have given up your part time job for any of the reasons, then your Unemployment Insurance benefit might stop. The one factor that all states have in common is that, in order to receive benefits you will have to be continuously looking for work, and able to accept work if you find a one that is suitable. However, you may also be eligible for unemployment payments, depending on … Read more

Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation: Benefits & Eligibility

To help Americans who lost their jobs due to the Coronavirus, the federal government has announced financial relief measures. This includes Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC). While PUA provides unemployment benefits to the self-employed, gig workers, etc., FPUC provides an additional $600 to those eligible for regular unemployment insurance benefits.  What Is Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation? The Pandemic Emergency Unemployment … Read more

Economy And Jobs: The Key Parameters For U.S. President 2020

With the U.S presidential elections nearing a close, one thing on every citizen’s mind is Jobs, employment, and the economy. Whoever comes into power has a massive challenge against him to get the economy and job market back on track so that the people of the country don’t face any more turmoil in these uncertain times. Initially, when the pandemic began, the month of April saw the unemployment rate at … Read more

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance: All That You Need To Know

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs. To help the unemployed meet their financial needs, the federal government has announced the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program. This financial relief measure is for those individuals who are otherwise not eligible for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits.  Pandemic Unemployment Assistance is a part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) act signed into law in March … Read more

Ways To Tackle Youth Unemployment In 2025

An unemployed youth is one who does not have a job, but actively seeks for one based on their educational qualifications. The United Nations categorizes a person as unemployed on the basis of one who is qualified, willing and able to work, but does not find any job based on their specialization. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rates among persons between 16-24 years stood … Read more

A Detailed Guide To The $375 Stimulus Payments In Colorado

Colorado’s Governor Jared Polis recently signed an executive order to stimulate the state’s economy and extend support to the Coloradans’ worst hit by the current economic crisis. The executive order aims to provide $375 stimulus payments to the qualifying Coloradans. The stimulus package is said to cost the state about $168 million. The order will provide financial aid to more than 400,000 Coloradans whose earnings are affected by the COVID-19 … Read more

Are Businesses Struggling to Find Workers?

Companies are finding it exceedingly difficult to source talent. Currently, 79% of hiring managers find it difficult to get the right talent to meet the requirements of open positions. 41% of hiring managers also express that turnover rate has increased since last year. This is due to employees being lured away by competitors offering more money. Similarly, 61% of the Chief Information Officers have reported that it is a challenge … Read more