Employment Situation(General) Across USA – April 2024

After a brief hiatus, the national unemployment rate was down by 0.1 percentage points to stand at 5.4% assuring of promising times ahead. During the month of April, a little over 223,000 jobs were added across sectors(non farm payroll employment). Industries such as Healthcare,Construction, Professional and Business services continued to moved upward in terms of job creation whereas Mining saw significant job losses during this month. Let us briefly unravel … Read more

Filing For Unemployment Insurance While On Other Welfare Benefits

This topic is one that haunts many unemployed people. Filing for social welfare benefits while receiving unemployment benefits or vice versa is a matter that requires serious attention. Generally, the State and Federal law does not allow you to receive multiple benefits together, however, in some cases, you can file for Unemployment Insurance (UI) and also claim other benefits. On this page we will guide you through filing for Unemployment … Read more

How to Tackle Long Term Unemployment- A Collective Approach to Bounce Back

Long term unemployment is a perennial policy concern for several reasons. First, it tends to have detrimental effects on the individuals involved. Workers’ human capital (whether actual or perceived by employers) may deteriorate during a spell of unemployment, and the time devoted to job search typically declines. Both factors imply that the chances of getting employed may increase thereby reducing the time period used up for job search. More generally, … Read more

Disaster Unemployment Assistance: What You Need To Know

Disaster Unemployment Assistance benefits image

Hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and the like are not strange sights in our country. It is also common for these disasters to cause irrevocable havoc on infrastructures, personal properties, and directly or indirectly on our source of income. Given that most US states are extremely vulnerable to one or more disasters, the Disaster Unemployment Assistance or DUA program offers helpful respite to many.  What is Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)? The Disaster … Read more

Paying Taxes On Income From Unemployment Insurance

As most of you reading this would be aware, voluntarily unemployed citizens in the U.S are eligible for a weekly monetary compensation for up to 26 weeks from the system that is jointly run by the state-federal setup, commonly known as Unemployment Compensation or Unemployment Insurance. Ascertained on your income in the preceding 5 calendar quarters, the weekly compensation is largely a part of your highest earnings in a particular … Read more

The Unemployment Situation – April 2024

The month of April sees the total nonfarm payroll employment in the United States increased by 164,000. But the biggest update in the month of April is the unemployment rate edging down to 3.9 percent. This update comes after six months of being static at 4.1%. In terms of employment, jobs gains had occurred in the professional and business services, manufacturing, healthcare, and mining industries. In April, the unemployment rate … Read more

How to Find and Edit Resume Templates

How To Find and Edit Resume Templates

Writing a resume from scratch? If you are unemployed and looking for a new job or want to change your career, having the perfect resume is crucial. The first step in creating an eye-catching resume is to choose the ideal layout. The following tips will help you pick the right format for your resume so you can land your dream job. 6 Tips for Finding the Perfect Resume Template Focus … Read more

Withdrawal Of $300 Weekly Unemployment Benefits: What Should You Know

Weekly unemployment benefits withdrawal

The American Rescue Plan, signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021, provides $300 weekly unemployment benefits to qualified unemployed Americans. Though the Rescue Plan boosted $300 benefits through September 2021, recently, the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce is calling for Washington to stop paying the additional benefits to the citizens.  Why Is The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Calling For Washington To Stop The Payments? According to the … Read more

The Employment Situation – October 2019

The Employment Situation-October 2019

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there was a slight change in the October unemployment rate which currently stands at 3.6 percent. October saw a pick up in monthly earnings which rose to 0.1% and saw a yearly gain of 3%. Major Ups and Downs in October  Nonfarm payroll for the month of October stands at 128,000. In comparison to the month of September, the October nonfarm payroll … Read more

Paycheck Protection Program: All About Financial Assistance For Small Businesses

The Coronavirus pandemic outbreak has affected the Americans like never before. Many businesses have shut down, and millions of people have lost their employment. To provide Americans with economic assistance, the U.S. Congress has passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) act. This act offers unemployment benefits to the unemployed in addition to supporting business operations through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).  What Is a Paycheck Protection Program? … Read more