Employment Situation Across USA – April 2024 (Household & Establishment)

As the employment situation has remained over the last few months, the unemployment rate in April was 5.0 percent, the same as March. This percentage consists of a little over 7.9 million unemployed persons out of the employable populace. Among the various industries, professional and business services lead the job creation engine with highest number of recruits, followed by health care and financial activities. As our job has been every … Read more

Tips to Get Hired After a Career Break

Tips to Get Hired After a Career Break

Have you taken a career break to start a family of your own or due to temporary retirement? Otherwise, have you taken a break to enjoy yourself and travel the world? Based on this, women outweigh men that took a break due to family and personal reasons. But whatever was the motive behind you taking a career break, there is always a time when you would decide to jump back … Read more

Unemployment Rate of Wisconsin

The state of Wisconsin has been trying to rise out of recession as much as possible. The state labor officials say that about 16,000 jobs have been added, thus leading to the fall in the unemployment rate of the state in April. The number of jobs added recorded the largest jump per month in the last fourteen years. About 3,300 jobs have been added to the manufacturing sector. The state’s … Read more

Partial Unemployment Benefits During COVID-19

Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, many businesses have shut down, pushing millions of Americans into unemployment. As per reports, about 20 million people have lost their jobs in April alone. To help the unemployed meet their financial requirements, the U.S. Congress has passed a $2 trillion stimulus package. This package offers unemployment benefits to full-time employees and self-employed workers, freelancers, contractors, etc.  The package also provides partial … Read more

5 Ways to Build a Strong Economy

A nation’s economy is its backbone, having an immediate as well as a lasting impact on pretty much every single citizen. The need to want the country’s economy to grow and flourish – to want the currency to hold its position globally, to keep import and export healthy and financially viable, to strive for employment for all and to have a yearly budget that looks after the needs of all, … Read more

Falsely Claiming UI Benefits: Is It Unemployment Insurance Fraud?

Unemployment Insurance (UI) fraud is when someone collects UI benefits by providing false, unreported, or misreported information while filing a claim. Anyone who is filing a claim, reopening a claim, or certifying for UI benefits is legally responsible to make sure that they follow the requirements that are set by the law of the state that they reside in. Unemployment fraud can occur in more than one form, it could … Read more

Good News: US Unemployment Rate Drops To 6.9%

us unemployment rate drops to 6.9%

The release of the Employment Situation, October 2020, has good news for all Americans as the US unemployment rate dropped to 6.9%. There was a decrease in the unemployment rate across all worker groups and a fall in the number of people temporarily laid off, but the number of permanently laid-off workers has not dropped. Huge Drop From April Values These numbers are massive improvements from April 2020, when the … Read more

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) helps low-income Americans access the food they need. TEFAP connects with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to purchase nutritious food for individuals and families in need while simultaneously supporting the country’s farmers. TEFAP food is delivered to local agencies to distribute throughout their communities. The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), formerly known as the Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program, is a federal … Read more

Will You Lose Your Unemployment Insurance Benefits If You Refuse To Return To Work?

To contain the pandemic, the states had asked their citizens to stay at home. This measure forced many businesses to shut down temporarily and furlough their employees. To help the unemployed meet their financial requirements, the states had announced the CARES Act, which included various unemployment insurance benefits programs. As states plan to reopen the economy, businesses are beginning to reopen their doors. But with the Coronavirus continuing to spread, … Read more

CARES Act And Retirement Plan Provisions

On March 27, the U.S. Congress announced the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, And Security (CARES) Act. This act includes wide-ranging implications, including changes to unemployment insurance benefits, support to businesses, and self-employed. The CARES Act also consists of a retirement plan and Individual Retirement Account (IRA) provisions. In this article, we will walk you through the retirement plan provisions under the CARES Act.  The Coronavirus-Related Distributions The CARES Act allows plan … Read more