NH unemployment declines in April for the second time

The state added 1,360 jobs in the month of April, thereby increasing the number of employed people to 696,980. But it is true that New Hampshire’s unemployment rate has become double of what it was when the recession began in 2007. For the second month in a row, New Hampshire’s jobless rate decreased in April. It stands at 6.7 percent currently. It was 7 percent in March. According to reports, … Read more

Texas gains more jobs in April

One would think that the addition of jobs has actually led to the slight fall in the unemployment rate of Texas.  The state gained almost 32,500 jobs but the rate of unemployment slightly inched to 8.2 percent. In spite of this, more and more Texans have been joining the employed community. There have been some new jobs from the infrastructure companies. According to reports, the waste management company requires 100 … Read more

Maryland unemployment falls for the first time since 2007

Since the recession hit the state, this was the first time that the Maryland unemployment rate declined. This happened mainly because of the addition of jobs. The unemployment rate dipped to 7.5 percent last month from 7.7 percent. The businesses and agencies created 8,200 jobs. Hence an estimate of 36,000 jobs were gained. Another positive sign has been the fall in the number of new claims for the unemployment benefits … Read more

What Is A Short-Term Disability Insurance And How It Works?

It is estimated that about 5% of American workers experience a short term disability due to various reasons, including pregnancy, illness, or injury. A disability may lead to a loss in income, thereby financial crisis. Fortunately, a Short-Term Disability insurance program can replace your lost income and provide you financial support while you take a break from your work to recover from illness or injury.   What Is A Short-Term Disability … Read more

Kansas Unemployment Rate Falls to 6.3 Percent in April

Kansas businesses, mainly construction, added 16,000 jobs in April. Out of eleven industries, eight of them have shown growth and that has been very encouraging for all the investors. The construction sector added 6,100 jobs after a long gap. Professional and business services added 4,200 jobs, with most of them coming from administrative and support services. As per the report from the  Kansas Department of labor, the Kansas unemployment rate … Read more

Ghosted: Why You’re Not Hearing Back From the Companies?

Why You’re Not Hearing Back From the Companies

Are you on the job hunt and not hearing back from the companies you applied to? Well, they could be numerous reasons as to why you do not hearing back from jobs you applied for. Not knowing where you stand in your job search can be pretty stressful for you. The uncertainty on whether you should keep applying for more jobs or wait for a response from previous interviews and … Read more

ATS Resumes: How to Optimize Your Resume for Applicant Tracking Systems

ATS Resume

For today’s job seekers, resumes are routinely analyzed and saved into a database by software known as an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This software helps businesses to gather, sort and contact job applicants in a very efficient manner. If you’re looking for a job, it’s important to know how to create a resume that will be accepted by ATS software. ATS Resumes: 7 Tips for Optimizing Your Resume for Applicant … Read more

Can You Receive Long-Term Disability And UI Benefits Simultaneously?

If you are unemployed and disabled, you might be wondering if you can receive Long-Term Disability (LTD) and Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits simultaneously. The answer? Rarely. You can collect them simultaneously only when the eligibility requirements of the Long-Term Disability and Unemployment Insurance program overlap.  In this article, we will guide you on collecting Long-Term Disability and UI benefits simultaneously. But before that, let’s have a detailed look at LTD … Read more

Colorado unemployment rate rises to 8%

The unemployment rate of Colorado increased to 8% in April. This happened in spite of the addition of 9,600 jobs in the same month. Don Mares, the executive director of state Department of Labor and Employment, said “ the state is now seeing thousands of formerly discouraged job seekers who had abandoned their job search renewing their efforts. That influx of workers caused Colorado unemployment rate to bump up in … Read more

Illinois Unemployment Rate Shows a Slight Dip

The unemployment rate of Illinois declined slightly to 11.2 percent in April. The Government contributed to the job growth by adding jobs for the temporary Census 2010 positions. “However, as jobs are created and people re-enter the workforce encouraged about their ability to find a job, the unemployment rate might fluctuate for several months before stabilizing,” Director Maureen O’Donnell of Illinois Department of Employment Security said in a news release … Read more