
Arizona Unemployment Job Search Requirements

Arizona Unemployment Job Search Requirements

The Arizona unemployment insurance program requires you to make work search contacts on at least four different days of the week. This means you must carefully track each employer you reach out to.

Work search requirements for the Arizona unemployment insurance program

In order to maintain your eligibility for benefits, you need to make an effort to look for new employment each week.

The state of Arizona requires you to search for work on at least 4 separate days of the week, and document at least 4 contacts related to job searches.

Work search activity log

The Arizona Department of Employment Security will confirm your work search activities, so it’s important to keep a record of information the department might need, such as:

  • Business name, address, phone number, and email address
  • Names and job titles of the people you talked to
  • Proof that you used online tools for job searches
  • Evidence that you submitted your application to an online job board
  • Name, date, and location of any networking events you attended
  • Information about any job training activities you participated in
  • Proof that you participated in a reemployment service
  • Details of the actions you took and how you applied for each job
  • The type of work you searched for
  • Contact information for anybody you talked to

When you’re looking for work, it’s important to do a mix of activities, like contacting employers and interviewing for jobs. The more activities you do, the faster you’ll find a job.

To make things easier, you can download the Arizona Work Search log (UB-101-A) to keep track of all your work search activities.

The Arizona Department of Employment Security may review your job search submissions for up to two years after your claim was made, so it’s important to hold onto your work search logs, even after you’ve submitted the information in your weekly claim.

What is considered a work search activity?

While receiving Arizona unemployment compensation, you can count the following as valid work search activities:

  • Applying for a job with former employers
  • Applying for a job with employers who are likely to have openings suitable to you
  • Contacting or visiting employers that have or may have job openings
  • Responding to job ads that appear suitable for you
  • Going on interviews with employers, whether in-person or virtually
  • Checking with your union or a career placement facility
  • Registering with a professional organization’s career placement facility in your field
  • Registering with a job placement facility of a school, college, or university
  • Creating a reemployment plan
  • Drafting a resume
  • Uploading your resume to online job boards
  • Using online career tools and job matching systems
  • Visiting Arizona Job Connection or another online job matching system
  • Using reemployment services at an Arizona@Work location or online
  • Following up on job referrals or job development attempts
  • Applying for and/or participating in employment and training services provided at an Arizona@Work location.
  • Creating a personal user profile on a professional networking site, such as LinkedIn
  • Participating in work-related networking events such as job clubs, job fairs, industry association events, and networking groups.

Work registration

In order to receive UI benefits, you need to be registered with the Arizona Job Connection. The Arizona Department of Economic Security will try to register you using the information provided in your initial application for Arizona unemployment benefits, but if for any reason they are unable to complete your registration, they will send you a notice. The notice will explain what you need to do to fix and activate your registration. If you do not follow the notice, your benefits could be delayed or denied.

Do I have to accept any job?

If you turn down a job offer or suggestion for a suitable job, you won’t be able to receive benefits starting from the week of the refusal. You will only be eligible for benefits again once you find work and earn wages equal to eight times your weekly benefit amount.

Suitable work refers to a job that is considered reasonable based on the claimant’s skills, experience, and education. It also includes jobs that pay wages and benefits that are comparable to those of similar workers in the area.

Arizona unemployment job training programs

If you are a job seeker in Arizona, you can use the resources available through the ARIZONA@WORK network. These resources are designed to help you find a new job and meet the work search requirements of the unemployment program. Examples of these resources include:

Adult Education and GED Testing

The Arizona Adult Education program offers free classes to help individuals improve their basic skills in reading, writing, and math, as well as English language proficiency. The program also prepares students to take the General Educational Development (GED) exam, which is equivalent to a high school diploma. GED testing is available throughout the state. Passing the exam can lead to better job opportunities and higher education options.

Arizona Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships are a popular option for career-minded people who want to learn while earning money. The Arizona Apprenticeship Office offers registered apprenticeship opportunities for its residents, expanding beyond the traditional trades like construction and manufacturing to fields such as cyber and IT, healthcare, sales, and professional services.

Arizona Back to Work Program

The Back to Work Program was announced on May 13, 2021 by Governor Doug Ducey and the Arizona Department of Economic Services to help unemployed job seekers impacted by the Covid-19 Pandemic return to the workforce. This program includes bonuses, incentives for education, and assistance with child care.

Arizona Career Readiness Credential

The Arizona Career Readiness Credential (ACRC) is a free validation of seven career readiness skills available through ARIZONA@WORK and other providers. These skills include effective communication, teamwork, professionalism, critical thinking, and real-world math and reading skills that are essential for success in the workplace.

AZ Job Connection

Job seekers can use the AZ Job Connection portal to find job opportunities, post a resume, and get information about the labor market. Employers can also use the website to post job openings, search for potential candidates, and access labor market data.

Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers

Arizona’s Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers (MSFW) program offers a range of employment services to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers. The program focuses on identifying the needs of the MSFW population, and providing resources and assistance to help them secure year-round, stable employment. Services include job search assistance, skills training, education and vocational training, and more.

Veterans Program

The Arizona Department of Economic Security offers a Veterans’ Program to provide employment and training assistance to eligible veterans and their spouses. The program offers a wide range of services such as job search assistance, resume building, career counseling, and referrals to job training and education programs. Veterans and their spouses can receive priority service for all employment and training services provided by the program.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Arizona’s Vocational Rehabilitation program provides a range of services to individuals with disabilities to help them prepare for, enter, or maintain employment. These services may include vocational evaluation, career counseling, job training, and assistive technology. The goal of the Vocational Rehabilitation program is to support individuals with disabilities in achieving greater independence and economic self-sufficiency through employment.

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