Max Weekly Benefit Amount
Max Weeks of Benefits
Current Jobless Rate

Arizona Unemployment Benefits

Arizona Unemployment Benefits

Arizona’s Unemployment Benefit Program is a state-run program designed to provide temporary financial assistance to eligible Arizona residents who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. The program aims to help these individuals meet their basic needs while they actively search for new employment opportunities.

Arizona UI Benefits Calculator

The Arizona Unemployment Benefits Calculator helps you estimate your UI weekly benefits amount.

UI Benefits Calculator
Calculate Your Arizona Unemployment Benefits

See our Arizona unemployment calculator to estimate your UI benefit payments.

Arizona Unemployment Calculator


Eligibility Requirements for UI Benefits in Arizona

To qualify for Arizona unemployment benefits, individuals must meet the eligibility requirements outlined by state law. This includes:

  • Living in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Earning enough wages during your base period
  • You’re unemployed through no fault of your own
  • Being able and available to work full time
  • Actively seeking new employment
  • Fulfilling the waiting week requirement
  • Registering for work with Arizona Job Connection

Monetary eligibility

When you file for Arizona unemployment benefits, the amount you receive depends on how much money you earned during your base period, which is the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters.

To be eligible for benefits, you must have worked for an employer who paid unemployment tax. You also need to have earned:

  • At least 390 times the Arizona minimum wage in your highest earning quarter, and half of that amount in one or more of the other three quarters OR
  • At least $7,000 in total wages in at least two quarters of the base period, with wages in one quarter being $5,987.50 or more.

After you file an unemployment claim, The Arizona Department of Economic Security will send you a document called a Wage Statement. This statement lists all the wages that your employer(s) reported for your Social Security number during the base period of your claim. The statement will also show the total and weekly benefit amounts you may be eligible to receive if you meet all the requirements. It is important to carefully check your Wage Statement when you receive it to make sure everything is correct.

Learn more about Arizona eligibility requirements

Job Separation

To get unemployment benefits in Arizona, you need to have lost your job for reasons that are not your fault. This means:

  • You didn’t leave your job on your own without a good reason.
  • You didn’t get fired or suspended because you did something wrong.
  • You are either completely out of work or working part-time.
  • If you are working part-time, you must be making less than the weekly benefit amount you receive from unemployment.

Arizona Eligibility Calculator

Maintaining Eligibility

In order to maintain eligibility for benefits, you must submit a continued weekly claim. This claim will ask you questions about your work search activities and earnings, including:

  • Were you able to work both physically and mentally on every workday?
  • Did you try to find a job during the week?
  • Did you say no to any job offers or work opportunities that were suggested to you?
  • Did you do any work or make any money during the week?

You must file a weekly claim to continue receiving benefits, even if you do not meet the eligibility requirements for that particular week. Failure to file a weekly claim will require you to file a claim to reopen your application, which may result in a delay of future benefits.

In addition to filing weekly claims, claimants must register with the Arizona Job Connection website. The Arizona Department of Economic Security will automatically register you after filing an initial application for benefits, however, you may receive a notice to complete registration if more action is required on your part.

Learn about Arizona job search requirements

How To Apply For UI Benefits in Arizona?

Be sure to have the following documents when applying for benefits:


To apply for Arizona unemployment benefits, you can file a claim online by visiting, calling the Arizona UI claims center, or by downloading form UB-105 and sending it to the Arizona Department of Economic Security by mail.

You will need to provide personal information such as:

  • Social Security number
  • Driver’s license number
  • Contact information
  • Details about previous employer(s), including names, addresses, and phone numbers
  • The day you last worked
  • Previous earnings
  • Reason for job separation

It’s important to make sure that all of the information you provide is accurate and up-to-date in order to ensure a smooth and successful application process.

Learn how to apply for Arizona unemployment

How to file weekly claims

Once you have applied for unemployment benefits in Arizona, you must file a weekly claim, even if you are still waiting for an eligibility determination.


You can file your claim online through the Arizona Department of Economic Security website or by calling the UI claims center and going through the automatic Telephone Information and Payments System.

In order to file, you will need the PIN you created during your initial application, as well as information about any wages you earned and the work search activity you performed for the week.

Learn how to claim weekly benefits


Things to know after applying for Arizona unemployment

Once you submit your request for benefits, it is crucial to remain on top of things to ensure your benefits continue. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Arizona unemployment fraud

Unemployment fraud is when you knowingly give false information or hide important facts in order to get unemployment insurance benefits that you don’t deserve.

Committing unemployment fraud could result in a denial of benefits for up to 52 weeks, and you may face legal action from the Arizona Department of Economic Security.


An unemployment overpayment occurs when someone receives more benefits than they were entitled to. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, such as providing incorrect information or not reporting income accurately.

Arizona law requires you to pay back any benefits you aren’t entitled to. Repayment may also include penalties and interest, depending on the reason the overpayment occurred.

Extended Benefit programs

Extended Benefit programs are designed to provide additional unemployment compensation to people who have exhausted their regular unemployment benefits. These programs are initiated during times of high unemployment rates and are intended to provide temporary financial assistance until the labor market improves.

There are currently no Extended Benefit programs in effect for Arizona. Each eligible unemployed worker in Arizona is currently entitled to 24 to 26 weeks of unemployment, depending on quarterly unemployment rates.

Job training assistance

Arizona offers a variety of job searching resources through its Arizona at Work network in an effort to help unemployed workers find new jobs and meet the unemployment program’s work search requirements. A few of these programs include:

  • Arizona Back to Work Program
  • AZ Job Connection
  • Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers
  • Veterans Program
  • Vocational Rehabilitation

Learn more job training opportunities in Arizona


Arizona unemployment contact information

If you have questions about your claim for Colorado unemployment benefits, or require assistance with filing, call the unemployment claims center.

If you are looking for help with finding a new job, including resume writing help and training programs, visit your local ARIZONA@WORK Job Center.

Common questions about Arizona unemployment

Can I file for unemployment benefits if I am traveling or sick?

No, you must be able and available to work, which you cannot do if you are sick or traveling.

What happens if I earn more than my weekly benefit amount?

You may earn up to $160 per week without it affecting your weekly benefit amount. Once you hit that threshold, the Arizona Department of Economic Security will deduct earnings from your weekly benefit amount. If your earnings are the same or more than your weekly benefit amount, you will not qualify for unemployment benefits for that week.

Do I need to keep filing claim certifications after I find a full-time job?

No, you do not need to keep filing weekly claims if you have returned to work or no longer need benefits. There is no need to notify the Arizona Department of Economic Security, either.

Should you lose your job and need benefits again, you can simply reactivate your claim, or file a new claim for benefits if your benefit year has lapsed.

What is the maximum benefit amount I can receive?

The current maximum weekly benefit amount in Arizona is $320.

Can I move to another state and still receive Arizona UI benefits?

Arizona pays unemployment benefits to workers who move or live out of state, so long as they worked for Arizona employers who paid unemployment taxes.

You cannot receive unemployment benefits from more than one state; however, you can file a combined wage claim to include wages from other states in order to increase your weekly benefit amount.

How soon can I apply for unemployment benefits after losing my job?

Unemployment benefits are not retroactive, meaning it’s best to apply for them right after you stop working. If you are currently employed, you will need to wait until your last day of work to submit your application for UI benefits.

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