
Alaska Unemployment Job Search Requirements

Alaska Unemployment Job Search Requirements

If you’re collecting Alaska unemployment benefits, you must be actively looking for suitable full-time employment and be ready to accept a job offer. To remain eligible for Alaska UI benefits, you must perform and document work searches each week.

Alaska Unemployment Work Search Requirements

How many job searches are required each week?

  • 2 work searches per week: If you live within 55 miles of an Alaska job center
  • 1 work search per week: If you live more than 55 miles from the nearest job center in rural Alaska

To make a valid work search report and collect your weekly benefit, you must reach out to an employer who might reasonably have job openings that match your skills and training.

When you submit your weekly claim to request unemployment compensation, you will be asked a series of questions about your work search activities.

Your work search report must include the following information:

  • The name of the company or employer
  • The date you contacted the employer
  • The method you used to contact the employer
  • The employer’s phone number, email address, mailing address, and website

If you fail to report the required number of valid work search contacts, your unemployment insurance benefit may be denied. It’s also possible that your work search contact information will be audited.

The following examples are NOT considered a valid work search:

You can use this Alaska Work Search Log to document your weekly activities. Keep a careful record of your job search activities. The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development may ask you to share this information at any time. If you don’t provide valid documentation when they ask for it, your benefits may stop. The job contacts you list will be checked with the companies you said you checked for work with. If you lie about your job search contacts, you can get in trouble for unemployment fraud.

Work Registration Requirements

You must also register for work with AlaskaJobs and publish an online resume on within 7 days of filing your initial claim for unemployment insurance benefits. Your registration and resume will stay active as long as you keep up with your job searches and required activities through AlaskaJobs.

Workers in Alaska are categorized into different types of work registration, each with its own requirements and eligibility criteria.

Full Work Registration

Full Work Registration requires all workers to register, create, and maintain an online resume in Alaska’s Job Bank (AlaskaJobs) within 7 days of filing an initial claim for unemployment insurance benefits. Failure to meet these requirements by the scheduled due date can result in the denial of UI benefits.

Rural Alaskan Work Registration

Rural Alaskan Work Registration applies to workers residing more than 55 road miles from a local Alaskan Job Center. Rural Alaskans are given more leeway when it comes to registering and guidelines are more flexible.

Work Registration Exclusions

A worker may be deferred from registering for work if they are temporarily unemployed and will return to their job within 45 days. Union workers on strike can also collect Alaska unemployment insurance without the registration requirement.

How to log in to AlaskaJobs

AlaskaJobs was launched in June 2020, replacing an older system that was called ALEXsys. The new system includes upgraded features that improve the experience for claimants and employers.

To access AlaskaJobs, you must first create a myAlaska account. A myAlaska account lets you access all Alaska programs, including unemployment benefits and job search assistance.

Navigate to and click on the “Log In” button in the upper right corner. Be sure to log in as an “Individual.” You will be taken to the myAlaska login screen. If this is your first time logging in, follow the instructions for creating your account. Contact the Claim Center if you need any assistance.

You must keep a detailed record of your work search. Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development may require you to provide this information either in-person or via the Internet. Failure to provide this information when requested will result in your benefits being stopped. The contacts you list will be verified with the employers you show you checked with for available work. Falsifying work search contacts will result in a determination of fraud.

Alaska Job Training Programs and Services

One valuable unemployment insurance benefit available to Alaskans is job training. Job training programs help unemployed Alaskans acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to secure employment. These programs often offer hands-on training, job placement services, and access to job opportunities.

By participating in Alaska unemployment job training, workers can gain new skills, update outdated skills, and become more competitive in the job market.


The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a federal law aimed at supporting state workforce systems and programs. In Alaska, the Department of Labor and Workforce Development is responsible for implementing WIOA.

The goal of WIOA is to improve services for both job seekers and employers, align programs and services, and focus on using career pathways and industry partnerships to promote employment in high-demand industries and occupations.

The Adult program under WIOA helps Alaskans get the training and support they need to improve their job skills and find good, well-paying work with employment benefits. You can apply for the Adult program at a local Alaska job center. The priority is given to those who need help the most, like those on public assistance, low-income individuals, veterans, and those with special needs.

State Training and Employment Program (STEP)

The State Training and Employment Program (STEP) helps Alaskans get the job training and support needed to succeed in today’s workforce. Funded by the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, STEP is run by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development and the Alaska Workforce Investment Board.

Non-profits, for-profits, educators, industry trainers, employers, and other organizations can apply for a STEP grant to provide employees with the necessary skills to meet industry demands.

The program is geared towards adult workers who have worked in a job covered by unemployment insurance and are seeking to improve their current employment situation. The goal of STEP is to help individuals gain the skills they need to succeed in their careers, leading to increased earning potential. Employers also benefit from a more skilled workforce, as well as a reduced burden of supporting unemployment insurance.

If you’re an individual seeking job training, contact a local Alaska job center. A career counselor will meet with you to match your skills and abilities with the best training program for you. To get started, visit a job center near you.


The state of Alaska offers a variety of apprenticeship opportunities. As an apprentice, you’ll get paid from the start and enjoy benefits. You’ll also receive hands-on training from a seasoned worker and attend classes that relate directly to your job. Upon completion of the apprenticeship, you’ll earn a credential from the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship that’s recognized nationally.

Apprenticeships can last 1 to 6 years and combine education and work by awarding industry-recognized credentials and sometimes college credits. You’ll learn on the job under the guidance of a knowledgeable mentor.

Available industries include:

  • Automotive
  • Education
  • Aviation
  • Construction
  • Fishing
  • Healthcare
  • Mining
  • Maritime
  • Retail

Alaska Adult Education

The Alaska Adult Education programs help adult learners build the skills they need for their careers or postsecondary education. There are 13 Regional Programs, a special English and Civics program, and education opportunities for incarcerated adults as well.

Training providers offer a range of classes and training, including GED prep, reading, writing, math, science, social studies, workplace education, English language classes, and citizenship test preparation.

Incumbent Worker Training Program

The Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) is offered through the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Employment and Training Services (DETS), and funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). It helps businesses and their workers become more competitive by offering skills training. The employer promises to retain workers who complete the training.

Benefits for Employees

  • Opportunities for advancement
  • Increased job competitiveness
  • Industry-recognized credentials
  • Job retention
  • Transferable skills

Eligible incumbent workers cannot be collecting unemployment benefits – they must be currently employed. The employer can only be reimbursed for training expenses that fall within the approved budget, and the training is flexible to meet the employer’s workforce development needs.

Mature Alaskans Seeking Skills Training

The Mature Alaskans Seeking Skills Training (MASST) program helps mature Alaskans 55 and older who are unemployed and looking to gain new skills. You’ll have the opportunity to receive training in areas like receptionist, clerical, and customer service, working up to 20 hours per week at minimum wage. This program helps you gain experience and increases your chances of finding a good job.

Trade Adjustment Assistance

Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) helps workers who’ve lost their job or are at risk of losing their job because of international trade. The program is jointly run by the U.S. Department of Labor and the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development

Its goal is to get workers back to work as soon as possible. The TAA offers a range of benefits and services to eligible workers, including job training, financial support, help with job searches and relocations, and a variety of reemployment services.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Alaska’s Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services are designed to help individuals with disabilities find and keep a job. With VR, eligible individuals can plan their job search, choose the support they need to achieve their career goals, and pick the providers that offer those services. Every person’s VR plan is tailored to their unique needs, situation, and personal goals, accessible through their individual training account.

Job Programs for Military Veterans

The state of Alaska gives priority to eligible military veterans and their spouses looking for employment, apprenticeships, and training programs that pay you while you learn a career. To be eligible, veterans must have served in active military service (including National Guard) and must be honorably discharged according to the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.

Alaska Job Centers

    If you are interested in applying for job training, contact one of the Alaska job centers. 


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