
Alaska Unemployment Appeal

Alaska Unemployment Appeal

If you are denied Alaska unemployment benefits, you have the right to file an appeal and have your claim reviewed.

To challenge a UI benefit decision, appeals should be submitted to the Appeal Tribunal or unemployment insurance claim center. By filing an Alaska unemployment appeal, you will be granted a hearing in front of an appeals officer, who will examine both oral and written evidence. You will then receive the appeals officer’s official decision via mail shortly after the hearing.

Alaska unemployment insurance – updated info

Please keep in mind that with the ending of extended benefits, appeals are no longer available for unemployed workers affected during the COVID-19 pandemic (such as Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA).

How to appeal a UI decision in Alaska

You have several options for filing an unemployment benefit appeal: By mail, email, fax, or phone.

You must file an unemployment denial appeal within 30 days of receiving your determination notice.

Send your request to:

Email: [email protected]

By mail:

Appeal Tribunal Office
Juneau: P.O. Box 115509
JUNEAU, AK 99811-5509

Fax: (907) 465-3374

Toll-free: (800) 232-4762

Understanding the Appeals Process

There are several levels to the Alaska unemployment appeals process.

The first step is to appeal to the Appeals Tribunal. This tribunal is a separate and independent unit of the Department with appeals officers who make decisions.

If you are still denied unemployment compensation, the second level appeal is with the Commissioner of Labor within the Department. Usually, a decision from the Appeals Tribunal must be received before appealing to the Department.

If you are still dissatisfied with the appeal decision, your third and final option is to appeal to the Alaska Superior Court.

The appeal request must be filed within 30 days. Late benefit appeals may be accepted if you can provide a good explanation for not submitting it on time.

After submitting your appeal

Once the Appeal Tribunal receives your appeal, they will promptly arrange a hearing and send a notification to all parties involved. If you do not receive your hearing notice within three weeks of filing the appeal, contact the Appeal Tribunal.

The hearing notice will include details such as:

  • The date, time, and location of the hearing
  • The specific issues that will be addressed at the hearing
  • Instructions on how to participate in the hearing

Be sure to carefully review your hearing notice and ensure that all issues are listed. Also, make sure to follow all instructions provided. If the notice does not list the expected issues or if there is a serious problem with the date, time, or location, it is important to contact the Appeal Tribunal.

The unemployment insurance benefits appeals office is situated in Juneau. If you reside within 55 road miles from the Anchorage claim center or Juneau unemployment office, you may request an in-person hearing, which will be granted at the discretion of the appeals officer.

Telephone Hearings

For telephone hearings, you must call the Appeal Tribunal at (800) 232-4762 after receiving the hearing notice. Provide the telephone numbers where you and your witnesses can be reached during the hearing. Failure to call and provide your phone number may result in an unfavorable decision that denies your benefit payment.

Preparing for the Alaska appeals hearing

Once you’ve filed an appeal, it’s time to start gathering evidence to support your case. It’s important to remember that you won’t get another chance to present evidence after the hearing, so make sure you have everything you need ready. You can make notes to help you remember important facts, but you can’t read them at the hearing.

The first step is to look at the appeal file. This file has all the documents related to your case, including the evidence used by the DETS in making their decision. You’ll receive a copy of the file with the hearing notice. Take a look at it to get an idea of what facts you need to challenge or support the determination. If you don’t understand the DETS determination, you can talk to a representative, but the appeals officer cannot discuss the case with you before the hearing.

If you need an interpreter, just call the Alaska unemployment phone number and the workforce services office will arrange one for you.

Before the hearing, send copies of any documents you want to submit to the Appeal Tribunal. You can send them by mail, email, or fax. Don’t forget to bring your copies with you to the hearing or have them handy if it’s a telephonic hearing.

You can also submit written evidence like records, letters, and documents. The appeals officer will only consider evidence that’s relevant and necessary to make a decision. Examples of written evidence used in unemployment insurance hearings are time cards, payroll records, company rules, medical reports, etc. Always be careful when submitting personal information like your Social Security number, and shred any sensitive documents once you no longer need them.

You have the right to present testimony from witnesses. However, the appeals officer will only allow relevant and non-repetitive evidence. You don’t need to bring multiple witnesses for the same occurrence or fact, one credible witness is enough. But, you may need more than one witness for different occurrences or facts.

Make sure you notify your witnesses about the hearing and provide their phone numbers if it’s a telephonic hearing. If your witness won’t agree to testify, let the appeals officer know immediately. If the witness is important for your case, the appeals officer can issue a subpoena to force them to testify. You’ll need to provide their name, current address, and a short explanation of why they are necessary.

After the appeals hearing

After your hearing, you will receive a decision within two weeks. If you disagree with the decision, you can appeal to the Commissioner of Labor.

Here are some common reasons for losing an appeal:

Filing a late appeal – You have 30 days to appeal a benefits decision after it’s been mailed to you. If you file late but have a good reason for doing so, the deadline might be extended. Just keep in mind that “good cause” means something beyond your control prevented you from filing on time.

Failing to prepare for the hearing – To get ready for your hearing, make sure you thoroughly read all the materials the appeals office has sent you. The appeals office will send you a notice of the hearing, all the documents that have been submitted as evidence, and some important information about the hearing before it takes place. It is your responsibility to read over everything carefully.

FraudFraudulent Alaska unemployment claims will be denied the weekly benefit and may incur additional penalties including criminal prosecution.

Failing to appear on time for the hearing – If you don’t show up for your hearing, the appeals officer might just close your case. But if there’s a valid reason why you couldn’t make it, you can contact the Alaska Department of Appeals and ask for a new hearing. Contact the appeals office within 10 days of your missed hearing and show that something beyond your control stopped you from being there.

If you follow the instructions carefully and take the time to gather proper evidence and documentation, there is a good chance you may be approved for UI benefits.

Want to estimate your unemployment insurance benefit payment? Try the Alaska unemployment benefits calculator.