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Alaska Unemployment Benefits

Alaska Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment Insurance (UI) in Alaska is handled by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (ADLWD). Unemployment benefits in Alaska are only provided to applicants who have lost their job for no fault of their own.

The Division of Employment and Training Services (DETS) provides opportunities such as labor exchange, training and employment services, and unemployment insurance for job seekers in the state. The DETS also provides a system that connects job-seekers to potential employers.

Alaska UI Benefits Calculator

The Alaska Unemployment Benefits Calculator helps you estimate your UI weekly benefits amount.

UI Benefits Calculator
Calculate Your Alaska Unemployment Benefits

See our Alaska unemployment calculator to estimate your UI benefit payments.

Alaska Unemployment Calculator

Get a better understanding of the services provided by the ADLWD such as eligibility requirements, documents required to file for benefits, benefit extensions and others.

Eligibility To Apply For UI Benefits in Alaska

To receive unemployment benefits in Alaska unemployed workers must satisfy certain requirements set by the ADLWD such as monetary eligibility, job separation requirements, and job search requirements to be eligible for UI.

Monetary Eligibility

To be eligible for Unemployment Insurance in Alaska, you must meet certain monetary eligibility requirements like you should have earned a minimum wage during the base period. Unemployment claims are based on your first four of the last five completed calendar quarters from the time you file your claim.

Your base period is a time frame of 18 months which is used to define your monetary eligibility. Your weekly unemployment benefits range from 16 to 26 weeks depending on your amount and distribution of wages paid in your base period.

To qualify for Alaska UI in the state you have to meet the following requirements:

  • You should have earned wages from covered employment during your base period
  • You must have a total gross income of 2,500 earned over two calendar quarters of your base period
  • Your weekly benefits should amount to a maximum of $370 and a minimum of $56

Allowance For Dependents

A dependent is your child, stepchild, (by marriage) legally adopted child or court-appointed legal ward. You may receive an additional allowance of $24 per week, per child for up to three children. If your dependent is unmarried and under the age of 18 and has a permanent disability, you may need to provide some documentation for dependent allowance eligibility.

The dependents must live with you or you must confirm that you contributed to more than 50 percent of the dependent’s support. Over the period of the last 12 months or since the loss of custody. At any point in time, you can add a dependent to your claim anytime during your benefit year, before exhausting your regular benefits.

If you live in another state but have worked in Alaska, you can file a claim in Alaska. To file an interstate claim call 1-888-252-2557. If you worked in more than one state in the last two years, you can qualify for a Combined Wage Claim. Eligibility is based on combining all the wage credits for each state.

Find out more about eligibility requirements

Job Separation

Once your monetary benefits are established, the second step for qualification will be to make sure that you lost their job for no fault of your own. You must meet certain criteria to be eligible for unemployment benefits in Alaska.

If it is determined that you voluntarily quit your job, or were fired for misconduct, there will be a six week disqualification period. The disqualification begins in the first week you were unemployed and continues through for the following five weeks. There will also be a three-week reduction of payments in addition to the disqualification. You will also not be eligible for extended benefits.

  • You did not lose your job for any fault of yours
  • You will be eligible for UI if you had no choice but were forced to leave by your employer
  • If you were laid off by an employer due to lack of work  you will be eligible for Alaska Unemployment Insurance
  • If you have neglected work and disregard your employer you will not be eligible for unemployment benefits in the state of Alaska
  • If you failed to comply with the terms and conditions or any law and contract of your previous employer you will not be eligible for Unemployment Insurance in Alaska

All unemployed applicants will not be eligible for unemployment insurance in Alaska. Only those applicants who meet the eligibility criteria set by the ADLWD will be eligible for UI in Alaska.

Maintaining Eligibility

Once you meet monetary eligibility and job search requirements, you must maintain their eligibility weekly to qualify for Alaska unemployment benefits. Failure to maintain eligibility will lead to a disruption in your weekly benefits. You should also note the following points to maintain your eligibility during the benefits week.

  • You should be physically fit and should seek and accept suitable full-time work
  • You are expected to be flexible in their work search and accept suitable work even if the pay is less than you earned in your previous job
  • Two work search contacts should be reported when the worker lives in Alaska and is within 55 miles of an unemployment office, or lives in other states
  • One work search contact should be reported when the worker lives more than 55 miles from the nearest job center in rural Alaska
  • You should contact an employer who has the authority to hire and have suitable job openings in the applicant’s skillset

Every work search report should include:

  • The date the worker contacted the employer(s)
  • Name of the employer
  • Method to contact the Alaska employers
  • Employer’s phone number, mailing address, website or email address

You must certify for benefits each week by providing a certificate while applying for benefits. The information on the certificate will show if you have met with all the eligibility criteria during the week.

Learn about Alaska UI job search requirements

 How To Apply for UI Benefits in Alaska?

You must have the following documents in order to file for Unemployment Insurance in Alaska. Be extremely careful about giving out your Social Security number over the phone.


Applying for unemployment benefits online is a quick and easy way to file your benefits. Log on to and select Unemployment Insurance benefits. You can file for UI in Alaska 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week.

Additional information may be required. If you are asked to provide additional information contact the claim center page, you should do so or your benefits may be denied.


You can also file for unemployment benefits in Alaska through a phone call. The state of Alaska has an automated filing system called VICTOR.

VICTOR has limited working hours. Residents living more than 55 road miles away from an Alaska job center may file their benefits from Wednesday to Saturday 6 a.m-7 p.m. Alaska Standard Time.

Apply for Alaska unemployment benefits


How To File Weekly Claims?

In the state of Alaska, you have to file biweekly claims in order to receive your unemployment compensation. Once your claim is opened or you reopen an existing claim you will be provided with dates when to file your biweekly claims. You must file your claims every two weeks to receive benefits.

File your biweekly claim within seven days after the last Saturday of your two week claim period. If you file your claims late they may be disqualified.

Learn how to claim weekly benefits

Things To Know After Filing An Application

Once you have filed for Unemployment Insurance, you will start receiving weekly benefits. You should be aware of the rules and regulations imposed throughout the benefit period. You must also know about the various services provided to job-seekers by the DETS.

The Benefit Control (BPC) is federally mandated to protect the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund. The BPC prevents, discourages, detects, investigates, and recovers unemployment Insurance benefit overpayments.

Overpayments And Fraud

Overpayments occur when you receive extra UI benefits than you are eligible to receive. The common causes of overpayments arise due to decisions taken by claim representatives or claim auditors which regard an existing UI claim. Such as elimination of dependency allowance, revised deductible income, a monetary decision from wage corrections and appeal decisions.

If an overpayment is discovered or redetermined, the system automatically creates a dated description of the overpayment summary and mails you. You must review the document and contact the Audit and Recovery at 1-888-810-6789 If you have any questions. You have 30 days from the date of mailing to appeal to the notice of liability.

Alaska unemployment fraud takes place when you make a false statement, misrepresent, or withhold information in order to increase unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits received during the weeks in which fraudulent information was submitted has to be repaid with a penalty which equals 50% of overpayment.

If you are found committing fraud you will be disqualified from receiving future benefits for up to 52 weeks. Penalties can include imprisonment and fines, administrative penalties, and disqualification penalties


If you are denied unemployment benefits in Alaska, you have the right to file an appeal. Your denial letter will include instructions for protesting the decision. You have 30 days to appeal from the date of the denial letter. Learn more about the Alaska unemployment appeal process.

Benefits Extension

The maximum time period for unemployment benefits in Alaska is 26 weeks. Extended benefits are only available in the United States when the unemployment rate is high, typically caused by a severe economic recession, pandemic, or natural disaster. Temporary extension during the pandemic, such as Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, are no longer available. Learn more about Alaska unemployment extended benefits.

Job Training Assistance

The DETS provides many training programs for potential employees to qualify and receive high demand jobs that lead to financial self-sufficiency. Training programs are available to all unemployed applicants, youth, adults, and dislocated workers throughout the state of Alaska.

Alaska job centers are located throughout the state to help potential employees gain employment. In addition to this, the DETS also provides an array of services to employees such as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, State Training Employment Program, and the Trade Adjustment Assistance program.

Learn more about job training opportunities in Alaska

Alaska unemployment contact information

If you have questions about your claim for Alaska unemployment benefits, or require assistance with filing, you can call the unemployment claims center.

If you are looking for help with finding a new job, including resume writing help and training programs, visit your local American Jobs Center.

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