Max Weekly Benefit Amount
Max Weeks of Benefits
Current Jobless Rate

Alabama Unemployment Benefits

Alabama Unemployment

Alabama unemployment compensation helps workers who have lost their jobs due to no fault of their own. These benefits are designed to help people meet their basic needs while they search for new employment opportunities.

The Alabama Department of Labor (ADOL) is responsible for administering unemployment benefits. You may be eligible for unemployment compensation if you are able to work and lost your job through no fault of your own.

Alabama UI Benefits Calculator

The Alabama Unemployment Benefits Calculator helps you estimate your UI weekly benefits amount.

UI Benefits Calculator
Calculate Your Alabama Unemployment Benefits

See our Alabama unemployment calculator to estimate your UI benefit payments.

Alabama Unemployment Calculator


Eligibility Requirements for UI Benefits in Alabama

Alabama UI benefits are only awarded if you satisfy all the eligibility criteria. You must meet certain monetary requirements, job separation requirements, and job search requirements. You are required to certify each week to remain eligible for ongoing unemployment compensation.

Monetary Eligibility

To gain monetary eligibility you must have earnings for a minimum of two quarters for your qualifying base period.

Your base period is the first four quarters of your last five completed quarters from the date of your initial unemployment claim.

You must meet certain qualifications set by the State of Alabama to receive unemployment benefits:

  • Your total base period earnings must be equal or exceed one and one-half times of your highest quarter earnings
  • To receive unemployment benefits if you are working part-time, your gross weekly earnings should be less than your weekly benefit amount
  • The weekly benefits amount in the state of Alabama ranges from $45 to a maximum of $275, which is calculated using your base period amount

You have 14-20 weeks of UI benefits depending on how much you earned in your base period.

Learn about Alabama UI eligibility requirements

Job Separation

The reason for separation from your previous job is vital to determine your eligibility for unemployment benefits. There are certain conditions that you have to meet to be eligible for unemployment benefits in the state of Alabama.

  • You have lost your job for no fault of your own
  • If you voluntarily quit your job, the burden of proof is on you to show that you had a good cause to quit
  • If you are terminated your previous employer must show that you were terminated for a work- connected reason as stated in the Alabama UC law
  • Depending on the circumstances of the act you will be eligible or ineligible for UI. Be it misconduct work rules, policies, endangering the safety of others disregarding orders or instructions and committing a dishonest or criminal act

Eligibility Calculator

Eligibility Calculator

Maintaining Eligibility

After becoming eligible for benefits you must maintain your eligibility by certifying each week. ADL has set certain conditions which have to be maintained throughout the benefit period:

  • File your weekly certification to receive your payment
  • If you decline a job offer from any potential employer your benefits can be canceled immediately
  • You must be unemployed through no fault of your own
  • You must actively search for 3 new jobs each week
  • You must maintain records of the employers you contact, the dates you made the contact and the outcome
  • You must not refuse any suitable work
  • Be a citizen of the United States or have legal authorization to work in the state of Alabama

Learn about job search requirements

How To Apply For UI Benefits in Alabama

You will need the following documents to file claims in the state of Alabama


You can apply for benefits online or over the phone. The fastest way to apply and get UI benefits is to file a claim online.

Online: To apply for benefits in Alabama, log in to the claims portal and follow the prompts.

Telephone: If you do not have access to a working internet connection you can call the Alabama UI Claims Center. Use a touch-tone phone while filing your claim. If access is not available to a touch-tone phone use a designated telephone at any local Alabama Career Center.

You will then be asked a series of questions that require you to answer by pressing certain numbers on your touch-tone telephone keypad. Later you may be transferred to a claims specialist which may require you to give additional information to complete your claim.

Learn how to apply for Alabama unemployment


How To File Weekly Claims

To file your weekly claims, visit the ADOL website or use the unemployment compensation division touch-tone voice process system.

To file your weekly claims you will need your Social Security number and Personal Identification Number (PIN) which you created during the application process.

Weekly claim certifications can be claimed by 12.01 AM Sunday through 5.00 PM on Friday (Central Time). You must file for your weekly claims no later than 5 pm each Friday.

Learn how to file a weekly claim


Things To Know After Filing An Application

You are expected to follow certain guidelines after filing for UI claims. Not adhering to these guidelines can result in a suspension of benefits. You must also register with AlabamaWorks! online or at a local Alabama Career Center.

Overpayments And Fraud

Overpayments occur if you made a mistake while claiming for benefits, or you were not able to work for a particular week of the benefit or the entire period. If you are on trial you might receive overpayment benefits. Alabama has several methods of determining UC overpayment and fraud. If the Alabama state determines that you were overpaid benefits, you will be notified through a Notice of Determination of Overpayment. 

Failure to report any information that affects your eligibility for benefits and falsely reporting any on your claim application may result in consequences. Learn more about Alabama unemployment fraud.

    Benefits Extension

    Alabama unemployment benefit extensions can occur when the unemployment rate is too high or there is an economic downturn. There are also extended benefits during natural disaster. Alabama Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) is a federally-funded program that provides temporary financial assistance to individuals who have lost their jobs due to a disaster. The program is designed to help those who are not eligible for regular state unemployment benefits but have been impacted by a disaster.


    Job Training Assistance

    Alabama’s network offers one-stop career centers that are located throughout the state. Services like job development, occupational and educational training, vocational rehabilitation and Unemployment Insurance information is offered at the center.

    Potential employers work with the centers to find workers with specific skill sets. Many centers are linked electronically with partner agencies. Such as the Alabama department of human resources and department of education.

    Alabama’s Career Centers offer services like:

    • Facilities are provided to help job seekers who do not have access to a working internet connection
    • Employees are urged to connect with potential employers through the internet access provided at these centers
    • Individual career assessment techniques are used by the centers to test the employee’s professional skills and fit the employee to the correct job profile
    • The centers also create job referral templates which employees fill up and are passed on to various people in the center so that, someone could refer a potential candidate
    • All information regarding unemployment insurance eligibility is provided at the centers so that applicants have a clear understanding of what is the process to file for UI
    • Access to a copier, fax, and telephone are all provided at the centers, which makes it easier for candidates to send and receive various documents for their job search
    • The centers also conduct regular workshops on resume building process
    • Research labor market information to find new careers
    • Learn about apprenticeships and on-the-job employee training programs

    Find job training opportunities in AL


    If your unemployment claim is denied

    If you disagree with an ADOL decision, you have the right to file an appeal. Appeals can be made for a variety of reasons, such as a disagreement with the eligibility determination, an issue with the calculation of benefits, or a dispute over the reason for separation from employment. Alabama employers also have the right to appeal.

    Regardless of the reason for the appeal, it is important to follow the established process and provide all necessary information and documentation to support your case. This may include pay stubs, job descriptions, and any correspondence with your employer. If you are considering appealing a denial of Alabama unemployment benefits, you must do so within 15 days of receiving your notification.

    Alabama unemployment contact information

    If you have questions about your claim for Alabama unemployment benefits, call the unemployment claims center.

    If you are looking for help with finding a new job, including resume writing help and training programs, visit your local Alabama Career Center.

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