
We have built a comprehensive website with all the information about unemployment in US.  Now you will be able to learn all about Unemployment here without visiting various websites and contacting government agencies. We even built a nice calculator to estimate unemployment benefits in all states in USA.

This site provides informative blog articles and guides on the following topics

  • How to File for unemployment
  • Unemployment insurance details for each State
  • Unemployment benefits and eligibility criteria for all States
  • State unemployment insurance office contact details
  • How to claim and extend unemployment benefits at the state office and online

We  built this as a hobby site, and operating without ads. We might put some non-intrusive, and non-spammy ads in the future, but the this website will be free to use always. And we want this to be the “go to” website for anything related to unemployment.

Please provide your feedback, so we make this an awesome website with your help!

Our Team
Shayari Bonn


The site is owned and operated by Neoticks, LLC.

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