Things You Should Do If You’re Unemployed

Times can be tough, even more so when you are unemployed. There are uneven economies around the world that have made it difficult for people to find work. Unemployment could be a challenge irrespective of age, qualification and how unemployment affects the larger population in recent years.

Though you might not be able to control being unemployed, you should know how to react to it. This could be despite several conditions that hinder your growth and stay at a job. If you are still looking out for a job, then you should keep busy with these assignments and stay productive.

How To Stay Productive When Unemployed

Here are 10 ways to stay productive even when you are unemployed and make the most of your time. This way you can learn effective skills and put your time to good use.

1. Keep a Schedule

keep a schedule

You can take a few days off to relax but you shouldn’t be too get comfortable. This means that you need to have a focus and build on a schedule to stay productive and ready to work hard. If you are unemployed, you can continue to start the day early and get more things done effectively. This way, if you are working on day to day tasks, there is a lower chance of you getting inactive and depressed.

2. Work at a Temporary Agency

Work at a Temporary Agency

The best way to bridge the gap between jobs is to find temporary work or work at a temp agency. Here, while you search for a permanent job, you can include your temp agency in the search. Though this is not a permanent solution, you are in a better position financially until you find something more permanent.

3. Work Online

Work Online

Look for work online to make a little money that can cover your expenses. There are several sites that offer ways to make money online and you need to make sure the site is reputable. Check for micro job sites that pay for you for things like taking surveys and making quick solutions to several problems out there. Though these sites may not pay well, it’s a better way to move forward than being stuck in a rut.

4. Get Organized

Get Organized

Spend time by getting organized and ensuring that you are prepped for a job in the offering. You can embark in spring cleaning, get rid of old things and streamline your life to dive ahead into the next chapter. This means that you should feel like you are being a product even when you are unemployed.

5. Exercise


Much like organizing your life, another good way to keep yourself enthusiastic and healthy is to exercise. It doesn’t take much to get slightly more active, and exercise can help you stay positive. Even a walk around the block a few times a week can do a lot for keeping you motivated and determined. If you take care of yourself, you can make the most of this extra time.

6. Volunteer


There are ample opportunities out there if you are looking for chances to get hired and stay strategic about it. Say your an unemployed teacher, you could volunteer as a coach’s assistant. You could provide some of your services as a web designer to a not-for-profit organization and do things pro bono. You need to volunteer somewhere relevant and keep your skills fresh and relevant. The brownie point is that you can add this as experience and that you volunteered on your resume.

7. Improve Your Skills

Improve Your Skills

Build on ways to increase and improve your skills when you are unemployed and move forward. Just look for ways to improve in terms of certifications and training and look for free ones. This means that you should be able to qualify for entry-level positions with the training that you undertake. This can be done in several cities or states that offer these job skills training. All you have to do is refresh your resume, job skills and interview better to make your job hunt easier.

8. Treat yourself

Treat yourself

There’s a point in one’s life where you can find unemployment tiring and tough on you. This is when you need to go out there and treat yourself. Take some time off and recharge your batteries. Let yourself go and rest to maximize productivity to help you search for your job. If you do not have the money for it then you can go for a walk, visit a park and take enough time off before you head back and continue the search.

9. Network


Spend a good amount of time networking and reconnecting with old contacts or making new ones. Based on where you are in your career, you should reconnect with your friends, professors, internship supervisors or old colleagues or bosses.

You should email them, call them or even ask them out for a coffee. What you need to do is tell them about specifics of your job search in terms of industry and location and they will let you know if they can connect you with something. Don’t forget to follow up and go to networking events and where you can get the word out that you are looking for work.

10. Take a course

Take a course

Just like training and certification, you should take a class and be good to yourself and stay sharp. When it comes to being between jobs, it can be easy to forget this option as most courses cost money. Choose among several free educational tools online. Also, keep your brain sharp that you can stay focused and may even help you find a more relevant job with the skills that you develop.

In times when unemployment is high, then you should do things to better yourself and gain new skills and find plenty of free ways to get ahead. Don’t forget to take time for yourself and wonder why it keeps you productive in your job hunt. Though this may seem like a challenge, this gives you the extra time to better yourself and grow to be more qualified for a new job that may interest you.

Register for work

  • You should register with the State Employment Service for work and they will help you find a job.
  • In case the job offers are limited then you can get the assistance of the Employment Service to help you with tests and counseling
  • If there is a reason to believe that you need special needs and consideration then the staff will refer you to institutions that will help you.

Put on a Brave Face

When you’re between jobs, you should also review if you are eligible for benefits. This can be done by using the unemployment tools. The first is to Check Eligibility and see if you can be assessed for unemployment benefits. The second is by using the Benefits Calculator to determine how much you are due in terms of benefits from the state and finally to figure out when this payment starts, you need to connect with the Base Period Calculator to know the base period when you received the highest salary.

The most important thing is time is to stay calm and upskill if necessary. You are in control and you should do whatever it takes to remain positive and never let the current state dishearten you or shatter your confidence. So don’t let this discourage you as you take steps in the right direction. The best thing that you can do is update your resume, wake up early, stay focused on the job search, learn new skills and network. Also, your friends and family will go out of their way to help you if you are looking for a new job. Just stay positive and look out for the silver lining!