Illinois Unemployment Rate Shows a Slight Dip

The unemployment rate of Illinois declined slightly to 11.2 percent in April. The Government contributed to the job growth by adding jobs for the temporary Census 2010 positions.

“However, as jobs are created and people re-enter the workforce encouraged about their ability to find a job, the unemployment rate might fluctuate for several months before stabilizing,” Director Maureen O’Donnell of Illinois Department of Employment Security said in a news release about Illinois unemployment situation

About 19,100 jobs were added to the state in April. However the matter of concern is that the unemployment rate of the state is well above that of the nation which is 9.9 percent. In this year, Illinois lost 90,300 jobs.

The government added 4,100 josb where as professional and business services added 3,900 jobs. Trade and transportation utilities put in 3,000 jobs while manufacturing sector contributed 2,600 jobs in April.

Two main sectors saw job losses in April. The financial activities sector shed 1000 jobs while the information sector lost 800 jobs.

If you want to know more about the unemployment claims in the state, then refer to the unemployment benefits guide of Illinois.