The unemployment rate of Washington drops

Washington’s unemployment rate dropped to 9.2 percent in April. The state’s unemployment rate was 9.5 percent in March. About 5,800 jobs were added in Washington. The industries that added jobs in April included leisure and hospitality, construction, retail trade, manufacturing and government. The government jobs increase was mostly due to the hiring of temporary census workers.

“This is further evidence that our economy is starting to turn around and is headed in the right direction,” said Gov. Chris Gregoire. “The job growth is especially welcome news for job seekers.” Washington’s unemployment situation is getting better nevertheless.

The total number of jobs added in this year comes up to 14,800. Leisure and hospitality sector added 1,800; Government added 1,600; construction, up 1,400; retail trade, up 1,300; manufacturing, up 1,200; information, up 500; education and health services, up 300; and wholesale trade, up 100.

“I’m pleased to see growth in the construction and manufacturing sectors, which suffered the biggest losses in the recession,” said Employment Security Commissioner Karen Lee. “We need those good-paying jobs to come back.”

As per the reports, an estimated 306,692 people in Washington were unemployed and looking for work and more than 277,000 people received unemployment benefits from Washington in April.

If you want to understand the unemployment claims of the state better, then refer to the unemployment benefits guide of Washington.